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Hyderabad, Sindh

John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum

Drawn inspiration from every action sub-genre, John Wick 3 Parabellum provides seemingly endless amount of guns and gore, great scenes great lighting great locations, old friends... all perfectly right and satisfying. the only problem is that, and as a fan it bothers me to have to point it out: Thats the same complements we gave to john wick 1 & 2.

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@omegancq You mean there's no innovation?

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The Invisible Guest

The best 2017 thriller, by far.....! The rest are either horror movies or boring Hollywood movies. There is such a scarcity of such a movies. Any other recommendation (for Elevetated IQ people).

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@1977hk Not a thriller but I really loved Tigers Are Not Afraid. It's a spanish movie as well

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There Will Be Blood

It's more a piece of art than a movie. Daniel Day Lewis is on Point. You love him, you hate him.

But for me personaly the movie is a little bit to boring. But it's not bad. I did not check my watch every now and then, but the movie hadn't a fast pacing ether.

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@the_guy_with_the_hat so it's a slow-burner and that's not a bad thing in and of itself.

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Lady Bird

Normally I wouldn't recommend to watch a movie this terrible, but this a different kind of terrible. If you're a filmmaker you should definetly watch it, because you can easily understand what went wrong with it, and learn from its mistakes. I dind't like anything, from the acting, to the camera movement, the colour grading, the cinematography, the plot, the character arc, not to mention the ending. A regular watcher can't tell what this film is about once it's finished, it's just a normal story. Which is totally fine, not every movie should carry a deeper meaning in it. And a story as such should aim to engage with the audience in an emotional way. Which is the worst part about this movie. It's uncomfortable half of the time, and i wouldn't want to be in it. The pacing was the only thing that was okay and that sustained my attention, other than my interest in understanding why it was so terrible watching it.

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@reborn12008 I didn't understand anything the first time around either. Will be giving it a second watch, today

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@fahmi-bassem she tried. XD

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Im sorry to see Logan leave. But if he has to go the writters certainly sent him packing in style. the Death of logan could not happen based on so many things in this story. what was piosioning him? his body regenerates quickly, even if pioson was inside him wouldnt he heal faster than the internal pioson?

Secondly if loganhas to die, what better villian to take his life than Logan himself? overall this was an ok watch. but still bugged about the ending

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@lordmillion did you try searching for an answer online?

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I tried so hard not to cry at the end, but couldn't hold myself. Saying goodbye to someone you just started to appreciate hurts a lot. Overall it was a great movie, full of emotion and raw action.

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@ladyzee it was...and it was beautiful.

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I had never watched an X-Men movie before this one. Odd, I know, especially given that I watch everything else superhero related, guess I never started with X-Men (always wanted to, though).

Perhaps it was weird to start with this one. But, my feelings leaving the theater? This is not only one of the best superhero movies I have watched, it is actually one of the best movies I have watched, period. I loved it.

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@reveriecode so did you continue on down the X-Men films route?

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This is the Unforgiven of superhero movies, a brutal yet tender portrayal of former heroes growing old. Logan is tired and world weary, waiting for death to take away his pain. Charles is 90, riddled with drugs to mute his mind, his "super weapon." Despite their friendship their relationship is fractured. Into their lives comes a new mutant and a road trip begins.

I don't want to say much more, having given away a little of the premise already explored in the films trailers. This is a tough, violent and sad film with few moments of humour. There is action but not of the blockbuster kind, one key car chase is like something from a 70's thriller.

This is the swan song of Logan and Charles, both actors giving it their all in their final performances as these characters. To bring them back after this film would undermine their work and the story here.

The film is brilliant and I can't recommend it enough - don't expect a traditional X-Men movie and you will be blown away. If the film itself were a mutant I would say its genes had been spliced with Mad Max and Shane, with a little bit of Children of the Corn (and I mean that in a good way). Excelsior!

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@genesisx Deadpool 2 had a bit of post-apocalyptic future in it

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No Time to Die

it was ok but like every James Bond movie baddy is insane and then .... you know the rest.
Ana de Armas as a cuban spy was amazing :D

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@nforcer2000ro I'm excited to watch it ^-^

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No Time to Die

After the last few Bond films have got predictable I was prepared for this just to be something on in the background while doing other things. I was pleasantly surprised. Yes it's Bond saves the world plot was there, but there was more of a sub plot with a storyline.
It was good to see some of the Aston Martins have the cobwebs blown off them, Bond isn't Bod without the Astons. The finale was a fitting tribute to Daniel Craigs portrayal of the character and when you leave a franchise like this you want to go out with a bang.

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@macca1411 I haven't seen any Bond movie before, should I watch this one?

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No Time to Die

"You have all the time in the world."

I am glad that Daniel Craig is ending his run as James Bond with this movie instead of Spectre. There were many moments that tie the other movies with this one and the first half is filled with good action sequences, and the cinematography was beautiful. Rami did well with what he had, but will not be a memorable villain for me.

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@narate why do u think that Tami's villain lacked? Haven't seen the movie

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Venom: Let There Be Carnage

I always think: 'Don't let a CAM spoil your opinion of a movie.'
"Cowboys and Aliens," seemed ridiculous, but I've learned it's just harder to invest myself emotionally when it's not DVD quality.

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@vwfringe I agree, pirates must be patient

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Venom: Let There Be Carnage

They tried to make something more meaningful to develop Eddie's and Venom's character and connection, but it's not like Spider-Man 2 or 3 type of thing. Just don't expect a masterpiece, but it was an okay movie. I like Venom, so I liked the movie anyway.

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@victordamasceno Was it better than the first one?

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Dear Evan Hansen

Ben Platt is just amazing. I would die to see this on stage. He has such raw emotion, I've seen an interview with Stephen Colbert where he said that Ben's performance made him cry for the entire 2 hours. He really makes you feel. Even his music videos can do that. I've never seen anyone sing so emotionally.... It's beautiful. People who dislike this film clearly dont like it, dont understand it, and aren't the target audience. More the type of people to talk during a live show and ruin it for everyone else

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@chocoloctopus Damn u sold me

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Dear Evan Hansen

I've waited so long for this.. it was just amazing

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@devilsb4stard it seems very polarising

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Dear Evan Hansen

This is beyond bad OMG!

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@just-david care to elaborate?

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Cowboy Bebop: The Movie

Some really fantastic visuals, with its flashy style and satisfying action, it's one of the more impressive anime films. The world it's in feels very authentic and lived-in, like the best sci-fi tends to do. Really cool.

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@jekyl6669 great review man, I'm excited to watch this

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Lucifer: 1x01 Pilot

Now that was just hella good! I'm sure looking forward to watch the whole season as soon as it comes out! Really charming, full of charisma, specially between Lucifer and Chloe, but with a nice bonus coming from Beatrice and (not that much and in a different way but even) Amenadiel.

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@leco that sounds good! I'll be watching the first episode today!

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Lucifer: 1x01 Pilot

A really strong pilot, very funny and Lucifer instantly is a stand out lead character. Just literally watched Lauren Graham's last episode of Chicago Fire yesterday, didn't know she was in this show so was nice to see that I won't have time to miss her in Chicago Fire because she is clearly going to be Lucifer's partner. Tom Ellis is a favourite of mine anyway from Miranda here in the UK but it's great to see him finding a role he can get his teeth into in the US, especially after his Robin Hood in OUAT didn't work out and Sean Maguire took over.

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@lillyalaine excited to watch it for the first time! good pilots are rare

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This is my favorite Disney live action. In my opinion, it was the only one that remained true to the animation movie, while adapting some outdated things that no longer fit our generation, without losing the magic and enchantment of fairy tales. The chemistry of the protagonists is amazing, and they convey to be a perfect fit. The story is well adapted for today's audience, without getting lost in other stereotypes in the name of a shallow “deconstruction”. The costumes are a work of art, the cast is beautiful, the stepmother's steals the show near the end of the movie. Only the original songs were missing, but for me, it was a single remake to be as perfect as it could be with all the quality and magic of Disney. Amazing movie!!

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@milabox Great review! I'm looking forward to watching it

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For me, Helena Bonham Carter was the star of this movie; even though her character didn't get that much screen time, she made an unconventional fairy godmother. Other than that, the movie seemed rather bland to me. The music was pretty good and the scenery was breathtaking at times, but it was nothing more than just an adaptation of the well known animated movie. I wish we got to see more of Cate Blanchett's stepmother, explore her past and see why she became the way she was. In overall, I guess I liked 'Maleficent' much better.

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@lesamis I'm really excited to watch it for the first time! i also really liked Maleficent

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The Good Place: 1x01 Everything Is Fine

As high-concept ideas for television shows go, The Good Place seems like it's on to a winner: Eleanor Shellstrop finds herself waking up in 'The Good Place', roughly analogous to heaven, only to realise that she has seemingly been placed there by mistake. There are all sorts of places the writers can take the concept, particularly in a light-hearted way, and there's a deft touch throughout with the humour. It never felt too much, and I liked the approach to integrating philosophical concepts. The characters all seem affable enough, and there's clearly been fun had in placing them into difficult situations from the off. Avoiding predictability shouldn't be an issue here. The rest of the cast do a good job and the comic timing is good—Manny Jacinto's silent monk was a nice touch.

What will be interesting will be how easily the concept is stretched and taken onwards; the problem with these sort of concepts is that they can quickly run out of steam if enough care isn't taken. Anchoring the show around Eleanor seems a smart idea, and whether she's able to become a 'good' person is as good a reason as any to keep watching, but the strong aesthetic and intriguing set-up bolsters it nicely.

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@eoghannmacleoid-deleted-1574895005 really excited to watch the first episode!

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The Sopranos: 1x01 The Sopranos

Great pilot. All those movie references flew over my head as a teenager. Also all the talk about men and mental health feels very relevant in 2021.

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@the_argentinian I'm gonna be rewatching this pilot. When i tried to watch this show as a teenager, i iidn't get a thing about it and didn't continue with the series xD

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Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Sure it was amazing for its time, but when I watch it now it sounds like Roger Rabbit is voiced by Michael Jackson! Aaargh.... I keep on expecting roger to say "They're ignorant" the whole time!!!

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@witwolfy That's your whole fault with this movie?

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Never seen this movie since recently. Can't believe I never heard about it until recently!!

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@jim222001 Are yo excited for the upcoming tv show?

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Trakt tells me I need to comment in English, but this German quote speaks for itself, at least to whome ever recognizes it.

Schau dich doch mal um, zeig mir einen dem es besser geht als mir!

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@pamerlaedschn Can u translate it for me?

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She is with any doubt an amazing actress but the movie is too slow for me, the story is depressing (I know a lot of people live like this) and it’s a little bit too long. Not for an Oscar!

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@lagas maybe just not for you?

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People stories. A person’s story told slowly. There is a beautiful melancholy in this production. The characters have authenticity. Francis MacDormand’s face alone deserves an Academy award. Every micro expression tells the story. Beautiful cinematography. A truly masterful movie. I give this film a 10 (minimalistic vastness) out of 10. [Drama]

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@nancy-l-draper so excited to watch this

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No Time to Die

Terrible, like all Craig Bond movies. Sorry. I forced myself through all of his Bond movies and now erasing them from my mind.

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@nescobar-a-lop-lop Why did u kept watching after the first one xD

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