


Burden of Proof

Reply by NatexSxS

Wow. I just watched this series. If you're into documentaries that have twists and turns, this is for you. Without giving anything away, it's astonishing what the filmmakers are able to capture on camera. This is one of the few that actually provide somewhat of a resolution of the case. Though some things remain up in the air, by the end, you have a pretty clear idea of what happened. Most of the questions posed are answered. I thoroughly enjoyed it and will be recommending it to friends and family.

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This is one of those ones that will have lasting effects on me, I look at blame and guilt differently now.

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The Haunting Lodge

Reply by NatexSxS

Some of the parts were actually kind of creepy but the acting just was not that good. I was kind of glad for the shorter run time as it was probably the right amount of time.

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I agree shorter runtime was the right move. It was about as expected.

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Money Shot: The Pornhub Story
The Last of Us: 1x09 Look for the Light

Reply by NatexSxS

Did they just copy Blade's origin.

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@stoned102 No Worries, I’m just not a blade expert. I have only ever seen the films, that was a while ago & I had memory loss. So I didn’t recall. Seem like a fair criticism based upon the information you shared. Thanks for the clarification.

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The Last of Us

Reply by NatexSxS

Now I understand why this shitty show is appreciated by so much people. It's just a videogame, from the first to the last episode. Just a killing after a killing, from the first to the last episode. I hope it will never occur to anyone again to make a fucking video game of fucking zombies and survivalists into a TV series.

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@IronRinn I feel you the steaming wars are getting ridiculous with originals stuck behind their own paywall. At this point cable might be cheaper, the whole reason I left cable was streaming was cheaper. I enjoyed TLOU and I Loved the Halo video games, be hesitant to watch the show didn’t want them to mess up the games for me. If you saying it trumps TLOU I’m going to have to check it out.

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The Last of Us: 1x09 Look for the Light

Reply by NatexSxS

Did they just copy Blade's origin.

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@stoned102 I’m interested would you mind elaborating ?

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The Last of Us

Now I understand why this shitty show is appreciated by so much people. It's just a videogame, from the first to the last episode. Just a killing after a killing, from the first to the last episode. I hope it will never occur to anyone again to make a fucking video game of fucking zombies and survivalists into a TV series.

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@ironrinn I wouldn’t get my hopes up to high on that. There are so many video game adaptations and multiple adaptations of zombie video games Resident Evil movie franchise and recent TV adaptation, Silent Hill Movies, House Of The Dead movies, Alone In The Dark movies to name a few. Plenty on the horizon as well like another Silent Hill movie & Days Gone movie.

While you did not like The Last Of Us a lot of people did, it was wildly popular beating out HBO’s House Of The Dragon(Game Of Thrones) and even Netflix’s Wednesday. If anything the popularity of The Last Of Us will increase zombie video game adaptation.

Good news though we only have to watch the ones we choose to.

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The Last of Us

Reply by NatexSxS
BlockedParent2023-03-13T04:14:23Z— updated 2023-03-14T20:36:23Z

Walking dead all over again but this time they can run!

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Thier actually pretty different. It might seem like they are similar based off trailers or on a surface level, but that’s not actually the case.

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The Last of Us

Reply by NatexSxS

Boring and short. We won't be watching s2

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You duplicate posted this, thought you might like to know so you can delete one.

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The Last of Us

Another "Horror" in the mainstream...
Welcome to the "Horror" of Post-Great Recession & Post-Truth era.

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It’s actually a post apocalyptic; dramas, thriller. Sure it has horror and action elements but it’s mostly a drama. Thought you might like to know in case you wanted to reset your expectations and try it again. Either way good luck.

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The Last of Us

It's the worst show I've ever watched. After one episode I can say that it is not suitable for watching. The series was filmed to scare, upset and bring a lot of negative emotions into life. Completely different than, for example, The Walking Dead. It introduces anxiety, elements that were during the last war - a scene with a boy with a child admitted to quarantine. Then thrown on the pile. Probably a series for subliminal coding of negative emotions. Don't watch it. The whole thing is probably filmed according to the current pandemic narrative.

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I’m confused it says you didn’t watch it ? Anyways it’s based on a video game with the same name’s story that came out in 2013. So you shouldn’t rule it out as covid propaganda your should give it another chance and keep that in mind.

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Chris Rock: Selective Outrage

Reply by NatexSxS

Woke has killed modern comedy.

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I’d say politics. Everything has to be political, like we’re not getting enough of that as it is.

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The Last of Us: 1x08 When We Are in Need

Reply by NatexSxS

This was the first bad episode I saw. And it was not just a little bad but very bad, as laughable and bad as an SNL skit. The story is probably good but very badly executed. Everything was so unbelievable. I saw that the director has also directed the next episode, I'm expecting the worst for the finale. Very disappointed.

Ellie discovering the human parts was so bad. The "jail" is right in front of where they make food and chop people? Also they have "accidentally" left a huge human part behind, and not just any part, an ear so it is recognizable? Give me a break.

Ellie instead of waiting to get out and show her true intentions, hurts the bad guy while she is still locked up?!

Nobody knows that they eat people, yet they put the dead bodies some place where it is easily accessible and people can find them?

The way Ellie treated the people the first time she saw them also illogical. And so many other stuff.

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@nxsxs There was also the way the cult leader talked to her and revealed everything. He doesn't know her. Why give out that much information. Oh you are special, you are like me and all that stuff. I just didn't buy it.

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@Atlantis14 yeah pretty villain cliche, all your points are fair. I don’t think it was the best episode of the series but I also didn’t think it was bad. To each their own

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The Last of Us: 1x08 When We Are in Need

Character A is incapacitated. Character B revives Character A just in time to save Character B from imprisonment. Yawn. Such amateur writing no wonder every episode gets reddit gold. This weeks mega villain eats meat. So he must die.

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@6Eyes not disagreeing with you but to be fair most of the cult, didn’t know they were cannibals.

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The Last of Us: 1x08 When We Are in Need

It’s ok not to make a show on zombies that it’s fulfilled just by zombie scenes. But we got like 20 minutes in 8 episodes: I think this isn’t enough, at all. Then tell me you are making a show about the relationship between a father that has lost his daughter and a girl that has never had a father. I would start watching it with a different idea. This is not ok.

However, this episode was pretty good and Bella Ramsey did her best interpretation so far.

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@giacalabrese I think most zombie movies/shows are really more about the human element, I’ll give you that there haven’t been many infected so far.

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The Last of Us: 1x08 When We Are in Need

Filler episode that added nothing to the story long-term. Meh.

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Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion, it just confuses me that with a long journey people would think they wouldn’t run into obstacles especially in a post apocalyptic dystopian world. Makes me wonder why Peter Jackson spent 11+ hours on 3 films to tell the lord of the rings(we’re not going to talk about the hobbit)when he could have much more easily spent 30-45 minutes having Frodo walk to mount doom throw in a ring and go home.

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The Last of Us: 1x08 When We Are in Need

This was the first bad episode I saw. And it was not just a little bad but very bad, as laughable and bad as an SNL skit. The story is probably good but very badly executed. Everything was so unbelievable. I saw that the director has also directed the next episode, I'm expecting the worst for the finale. Very disappointed.

Ellie discovering the human parts was so bad. The "jail" is right in front of where they make food and chop people? Also they have "accidentally" left a huge human part behind, and not just any part, an ear so it is recognizable? Give me a break.

Ellie instead of waiting to get out and show her true intentions, hurts the bad guy while she is still locked up?!

Nobody knows that they eat people, yet they put the dead bodies some place where it is easily accessible and people can find them?

The way Ellie treated the people the first time she saw them also illogical. And so many other stuff.

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@Atlantis14 not saying your wrong about anything. But I have perceived some of this differently so I’m going to share/discuss my thoughts.

Ellie discovering the ear didn’t seem as far fetched to me as I was assuming it was left by mistake , being as they are cannibalizing I would assume they wouldn’t allow anyone in the kitchen that didn’t know, that everyone in the kitchen knew because of that they wouldn’t have been overly concerned about cleaning. In most commercial kitchens sometimes things get missed. To me it seems likely that if anything was going to get left behind it would be a ear or maybe a nose as it’s unlikely they would eat the cartilage. I thought about the jail at first, then I theorized that they may be cannibalizing more than the dead and would need somewhere to detain them.

I agree for most people hurting someone while in prisoned it would be stupid rather than waiting for a a more tactical moment to attack. But I think form what we seen Ellie has a problem controlling her anger, I think this is also displayed by what I thought was clearly overkill of David.

I agree, that storing the bodies in the community would be dumb, but the way Joel found them, the way David didn’t seem concerned about the building being on fire and only in Ellie escaping seemed as though he was not very concerned about drawing attention as much as what she’d do if she got out and then when Ellie did escaped Joel was right there and there were no towns people around and they did not seemed to be in a rush to leave. I’m thinking the “deer” shed Joel discovered the corpses at, the the kitchen might have been a slaughterhouse and both might have been off property.

Not sure what you mean as to the way Ellie treated people the first time she saw them, but if your referring her pulling a gun on them. I think with what we have seen them go through seems understandable, especially now that she’s alone.

That’s just my perception and depending on the combination of things I am wrong about, if I am wrong. I’d agree it’d be ridiculous, maybe I am just trying to over rationalize it. Either way that’s just my opinion. I did find you take interesting as well.

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The Last of Us

Episode 07
Another Woke ideological crap with a very very poor history .
What a shame.

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@technigeneric it was no trouble to do so, It’s far from a doctoral thesis. lol This is the digital age with devices at our finger tips, I was most likely multitasking on the web already, or playing on my phone while watching tv, heck I could have been taking a dump.

Are you saying you want the story to be the same as the game ? If so, I feel like it would be point less to watch it then.

I think video game’s structure is different than a televisions show’s structure. As in video games they are structured to give the player something to do while telling a story.

I feel television shows are just focused on the story. If they just focused on the story from the game it’d likely be a mini series as the story would be much shorter, unless they included all the infected encounters and I feel like that’d get repetitive and old real quick. I feel it’d still unlikely they would have enough to create a series out of.

Being as it’s a series they are also going to run out elements from the original story eventually anyways. I’d rather they sprinkle in new stuff in now so they can stretch out the elements from the original story long enough to build the world and characters so that they can survive outside of the confines of the original story.

I can see your points about episode 3. Especially when looking at it from a video game lens, it could have easily be a side quest/story or optional DLC. I had issues with episode 3 as well. Not because of the content but because Joel just lost Tess and now he lost two friend’s. I feel for him and the viewer it made all of their death less meaningful and impactful.

I wish they could have put it later in the season, but I guess since they were looking for a battery and they had one it had to go there.

I did point out they have watched other shows with gay themes, I was not trying to call them a bigot. I’m sorry if you, they or anyone else took it that way. I was trying to convey that I’m confused as to why they would write off a show for having those “woke” themes now when they hadn’t then.

They also said it had very poor history which is I do believe is a valid opinion with more substance. I was trying to share my opposing opinion. Being as it was a flash back episode I feel it’s all history ?

I absolutely agree not all those points are integral to the story. I feel that doesn’t mean they aren’t without value. For example Ellie getting bite, we already knew she was bitten. I and I think other people enjoyed seeing it, the circumstances surrounding it.

Riley getting bite is also likely Ellie’s first experience with loss, which I think totally plays into Ellie and Joel’s story. While not the original basis for their relationship it has since morphed into them connecting over loss. Joel the lost of his daughter and Ellie the loss of what was likely the only person she ever care about and may have even considered family

I fully agree that bad storytelling is bad storytelling, gay or not, I also feel it’s a matter of opinion whether it’s bad storytelling or not.

I didn’t consider looking at a users profile as stalking since all that information is public and it wouldn’t have bother me. I feel I have nothing to hide if someone wanted to look at my profile to try to understand my opinion. I understand your point though, trakt should make settings for those that don’t want to share that information with others.

I was trying to ask for clarification on what the difference is. I was not trying to call someone a hypocrite. I apologize if it came off that way. I never viewed this as an argument but rather a discussion. While some of it was aggressive I didn’t feel I was attacking them personally and I apologize if you, they or anyone feels that was the case.

Some of what I said was aggressive and I own that and apologize for that. I got annoyed at the “woke” comment. And that it seems everything has to be made political.

While I do think things could be “woke” I feel it’s so overused and on ridiculously unimportant things, that it has be come meaningless and a parody of itself now. Being used to just label anything someone disagrees with as “woke”. I am not of either political party I agree and disagree with things on both sides so I get irritated by everything needing to being political. That maybe my perception and was so in this case and may have been unfair, I apologize.

Some of what might have been perceived aggression was actually perplexion and it’s fair you came to that conclusion. Being there was some aggression it could all be perceived as aggression. Some of my word choices could have been better. That’s also on me and I apologize for that as well. It doesn’t help that text lacks tone and inflection.

So while I agree some of your assertions are fair I also think some may be misconceptions. Thank you for pointing it out and how it came of so I can do a better job in the future of not letting things irritate me and paying better attention to how I am coming off, as I have tried in this case, using I think, I feel, I’d rather, ect.

Thank for your opinions and taking the time to read mine.

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The Last of Us: 1x07 Left Behind
The Last of Us: 1x07 Left Behind

Basically just a boring filler episode. There was only ~3 minutes of content actually worth watching, and it was all at the end.

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@Elicx Yes, we knew she had been bite that is a call back. You get to see her get bitten and how. Plus
1. We get to see Ellie’s training to be a fedra officer in the fedra military school call back to ep 1 when Marlene said she put her there.
2. We meet Riley callback to ep 1 when Ellie calls Marlene a terrorist and Marlene asks if Riley was a terrorist.
3. We learn where Ellie got her book of puns call back to ep 4(I think)where she’s been sharing it with Joel and now we know why it’s important enough for her to keep.
4. We learn more about Ellie’s lack of family (mentioned episode 1).
5. We see her fight and kill her first infected with a pocket knife callback to when she also try to attack Joel much the same way in ep 1.
6. We see Ellie think she’s going to die. Call back to ep 1 when her and Marlene discuss weather she’s going to turn.
7. We see that Riley got bitten as well which is likely her first experience with loss (the one she is relating to with Joel over the loss of his daughter Sarah in episode 6)

Those don’t include the character development or world building.

Just to make sure we are on the same page we are talking about ep 7 right ?

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The Last of Us

Disclaimer: I didn't play the game, so I can't comment on how well it was ported to a TV screenplay. Asides from that I really have to say that the show caught me off-guard in multiple episodes. Going in, expecting another bland post-apocalypse setting with people fleeing zombie hordes à la TWD, it soon became apparent that this will be an emotional and protagonists-centered series. And boy do they deliver. Despite essentially being a rebrand of the Mandalorian "deliver the child" plotline TLOU really shines from stellar performances of Ramsey and Pascal. Given the extensive acting career of Pascal, it's really Bella Ramsey who deserves all the praise for portraying genuine emotions all through-out the 7 episodes I've seen thus far. She really lives up to her earlier GoT appraisal.

One particular point I want to stress is how well the story deals with the LGBT topic. Even as a left-leaning millenial, I do support the conservative notion that this often feels forced into the script in recent (streaming) productions. Don't get me wrong. The exposure should be there for people of the community to identify with but not feel tokenized. TLOU really handled that gracefully and organically in Episode 3 and most recently 7 with Ellie's sad backstory. Episode 3 alone could've been a full-length feature film thanks to memorable performances of Offerman & Bartlett. People commented that the episode made them depressed but I honestly felt happy for a grumpy character (classic Offerman) who found true love after most of the world was already in shambles.

Having said that, I'm really looking forward to how the story plays out and hope that the chemistry between Joel & Ellie keeps on giving.

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@iophobia I think your post is spot on especially that the LGBT elements in this case are not forced and should not be labeled woke.

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The Last of Us: 1x07 Left Behind

Reply by NatexSxS
BlockedParent2023-02-28T17:59:37Z— updated 2023-03-02T09:56:36Z

Jeez, the snowflaky reactions of straight white men because not every single episode and narrative centres them - anything deviating from that priority is apparently "woke". Get over yourselves, you egomaniacal bigots.

Anyway, another great episode that nicely expanded Ellie's backstory - bonus points for the Mortal Kombat II appreciation, too :nerd:

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Tess, Joel, Mr. Adler, Mrs. Adler, Marlon, Florence, Tommy, Maria were all straight not to mention nameless faceless characters we have seen along the way. I mean children don’t appear out of no where.

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The Last of Us: 1x07 Left Behind

Reply by NatexSxS

Basically just a boring filler episode. There was only ~3 minutes of content actually worth watching, and it was all at the end.

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@Elicx what about all the callbacks expanding information for things that happened in previous episodes.

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The Last of Us: 1x07 Left Behind

Unfortunately this episode is boring as hell and not only that, it doesn't contribute to the story or characters we knew before it in any other way. It's shame because other than this one the show has been great, I hope the next episode makes up for this garbage.

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@ONDRA5 there were a lot of callbacks expanding information about things that happened in prior episodes.

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The Last of Us: 1x07 Left Behind

I can buy into a mushroom zombie epidemic but if you think for one second I'm going to buy into the structural integrity of the glass display cases at the Spirit Halloween to withstand dancing teenagers...

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@mattcoady I thought the same thing and then for her to smash them so easily later.

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The Last of Us