


John Wick: Chapter 2
It Follows

The one thing that is creepy to me is that, you can see "it" coming from afar so slowly but surely and knowing that no matter where u go "it" will find you. As the saying goes, "you can run but you can't hide".

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The X-Files: 1x09 Space

It was funny how Michelle was leading Scully and Mulder with her car and it was raining heavily but after she crashed, BAM, rain gone! XD

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Remember don't take the blue mints and never drink lemonade from the toilet~!! Boovs are pretty hip, they're speakin net language and even up it a level. XD On a serious note, this animation carries quite a valuable message, it tells of how friendship could overcome the differences in anything.. it made me realise how we could be friendly to animals and yet we could mistreat our fellow human friends. I also like that quote from Tippy, "You know, my Mum says your mistakes are what makes you human." I mean yea we all knew that but the important thing is to really learn from our mistakes and not count them. Lastly, running away from problems would just lead you into a life of infinite loose-ends, resolving is the only way you can find peace in yourself. Boov-yah~~

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Girl in the Picture

It is sad that hearing all the different side of everyone's story, you could tell Suzanne didn't even know she was living in hell because she was raised that way and probably thought that was normal and that everyone else was raised the same way too. She was naive all the way and it's sad she lived such a short life the way she did. The only lucky part was how she had people like the police officers, the book author who helped and relentlessly followed up with her case even though it happened so long ago. Technology of course played a big part and helped her out too. I wouldn't comment about who did too little or who didn't speak up but I am just glad that at the end of the day, at least they found out her real identity, set her up with a proper tombstone and it did somehow reunited her birth family. May she RIP and may lord watch over her family and those who tried to help one way or another =]

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The movie was kinda slow, but i was still interested to know what's gonna happen to her and how her dad's gonna handle the situation. Held on to the end of the show and it's pretty okiez for me.

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Maid: 1x06 M

The moment i heard she was inviting her mom and Sean over, i already knew what was gonna happen. If my mom was the way her mom was, half a screw loose, i'd never invite her to the party. Her mom never listens to her which means she won't be able to control the situation when it all goes south and even though Sean screwed it up for her, technically, her mom was the one who asked for booze causing the whole kiddish party to turn into an adult kinda party. All i can say is, it's bad judgment on her part and i don't feel sorry for her. Especially, when she went through so much trouble to finally find a place who would accomodate her needs, i would be very careful who i invite for that party or just outright reject the idea of holding it at their place and be firm bout it. As much as i want something nice for my kids, i need to think farther and not risk being homeless AGAIN. Something bout her annoys me sometimes :/

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Don't Hang Up

I actually enjoy seeing Brady and Sam being punished (Not that I'm a psycho LOL) . It's quite relatable to the new gen nowadays, lotsa people pranking people (strangers or friends), but not knowing where the boundaries are. Lots of them do it just for likes (obviously), and people are expected to be able to take a joke even when it's gone too far. In a place like US, where you are allowed to carry guns, sometimes I do wonder what will happen if a prank went horribly wrong. Oh well I digress, as for this movie, I do enjoy the plot of how they had a taste of their own medicine. Overall, it's not too bad~~

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The lil girl was definitely playing a very annoying role... She's mainly in this show for the screaming sound effects (and some other supposedly sweet moments) which clearly didn't play out well. The plot could have been better if they actually show us why rule no. 2 was important. I was more interested in them turning into the infected bunch BUT being able to control it as long as they stay calm. Unfortunately, that part was not presented any more than it should be, which I found it kinda wasted. Overall, I'd say it's not too bad but had they focus on the correct plot to their story, this movie would've been better than this.

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47 Meters Down

Honestly, i thought it's gonna be some budget movie that's gonna be really predictable but this show really has it's twist and spooks. I wouldn't say it's an excellent movie but it's not too bad either. It worked out for me :)

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The Sea Beast

Am i the only one who thinks the beast resembles Toothless from "How to train your dragon"? Just wanted to get that out lol not that it matters. It's a good heartwarming show with a somewhat good storyline imo. Would recommend watching it even as an adult.

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The Sadness

Looks promising at the start but then it turned into somethin that feels more like the "virus" plot is being forced on to us. The sex scenes felt very unnecessary or something they had to add on to one up other plague/zombie movies so that they would be different. Other than that, the plot is very predictable, kinda knew what was gonna happen to the male and female lead. The gore was overdone for me, it was alright at first until the train part where the fat dude was stabbed and blood spewed out from him like a fountain, i know that guy's big sized but i don't think blood's gonna spew out like that even if he was stabbed at the right spot. Overall, the show wasn't too great to me but it wasn't that bad either.

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The Whole Truth

Nothing scary if you're hoping for a horror show. It is kinda predictable but in the end it seems like they are trying so hard not to be predictable that they had to keep one upping their game so they had to do twists after twists which at one point you'd think "alright, i get that this family has some messed up background but is it gonna get any worse than that?" Overall, i'd give it a fair for trying with the muuuultiple twists they threw in the end but i wouldn't say it's a good show.

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Marry Me

It's a predicatable love story but i enjoy watching it. Jlo definitely shines bright here, everyone knew she can dance and sing well AND how she doesn't age. As a girl/woman, there's only a handful of female celebs that are really beautiful (in terms of looks) in my eyes and she's one of them. The songs in the show are amazing too, absolutely love "after love".

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Pitch Perfect 2

Acapella is my this movie totally nailed it for me. All the singing parts are juz fantastic..!!! Love it!!

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Bones: 10x19 The Murder in the Middle East

Bones already dropped such a huge hint bout baseball and he lied right in her face... Knowin Bone's personality, he should've come clean... i thought he oughta learn his lesson.

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Unfinished Business

Flügelschlagen LOL quite a funny show and Dave Franco's kinda cute portraying a super innocent guy XD The wheelbarrow moment is hilarious. A fairly good show imo :)

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Grimm: 4x20 You Don't Know Jack

I'm totally agreeing with ds1's comment. I was already annoyed with Adalind during the beginning seasons and now Juliette too? A lil melodramatic for me, but anyways this season is ending soon and if their plot doesn't intrigue me for a season 5, i'mma consider dropping it.

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Howling Village

It was not too bad in the beginning but up to the point where Kanae was bout to dig deeper everything just went downhill for me. the show went from ghosts then to weredogs and the ghost that supposedly was helping Kanae suddenly became human or something. It was funny how Maya was about to transform and she had to flip her hair so that the camera could catch her face 'transforming' with the eyes and fangs showing. XD Then the part where they were supposed to run out of the tunnel, stood there long enough to watch Maya do a full "transformation" {which looked horrible, not much difference from her human form} and Yuma and Kenji kept asking Kanae to "go go go" and everything but nope, just gonna keep watching and not run. Sadly, with that ending, i felt like i wasted 2 hrs watching this show, i'd definitely not recommend it.

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The Ledge

Pretty good movie the only part that gets me questioning is how the cctv didn't capture him in the first place when he showed up and caused her to fall off the balcony, he isn't a ghost, no reason why he shouldn't show up on camera and he did move that book case or whatever it was to block the door. So why did they make her look like she's acting crazy but it ended up he was real? Other than that, i liked this and would recommend it~

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Maid: 1x07 String Cheese

i hope i'm wrong but Sean does seem to be doing better and is still trying to better himself, so i don't see why she can't be with him again. I mean i do understand Nate would be a better choice but I also understand why Alex didn't wanna be with him because of all the problems she has and not wanting to ruin a good man's life. She does seem to make a lot of poor choices from what i've seen. Paula on the other hand though, she's like a mental case and i feel she's the biggest baggage Alex has and she would've been better off without her mom. Now with her being in the hospital, all i can hear is cha ching cha ching....

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Shut In

A decent show, has it's suspense yet kinda predictable but unfolded in a good way.

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They Live in the Grey
The Flight Attendant: 1x07 Hitchcock Double

Well, just like everyone else, I'm also interested to see why Megan did what she did after so long. I mean yea maybe it's greed, they seem to be showing that flight attendants makes alot of money (since they party alot) and have no financial issues. So biggest possibility is the greed for money and if it is, then the whole build up is kinda mehhhh.. I just wanna get this show over with already.

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The Flight Attendant: 1x03 Funeralia

She was funny and kinda cute at first but at this point she's really annoying. Like she's acting innocent and clumsy, being kind of a b**** sometimes. I'm actually starting to dislike her and the fact that everyone seems to revolve/cling on to her so much like she's some sort of important person, when she's clearly not kinda baffles me =/ I hope the storyline isn't gonna get worse from here.

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The Curse of La Llorona

I have had it with stupid girls and their damn dolls!!! (Just have to get that out of the system) I've watched quite a few movies recently that have girls causing problems coz of their stupid dolls, I mean yea they are kids but my godddd it just eats me up with they would just want their dolls so bad they don't care bout their own/family's lives (I really wished that girl would've drowned at some point, very evil of me, I know~~) This movie isn't too bad but yea like most people who commented bout it, the jumpscares are pretty typical that you know it's gon happen and some of the effects aren't too bad. But other than that, this show is just an average for me. I thought the part where Rafael said the girl is responding to Llorona's calls would be interesting but it just happened once and then it stopped working. The girl just kept running away FROM Llorona when she was chasing them so errr... bad call signal so it didn't work? LOL Oh well, this show would've had potential if done right but yea, it's mediocre at best

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Pan's Labyrinth
Now and Then

This was one of my childhood all-time favourite, i have definitely watched it more than 20 times, it feels good to re-watch this again today.

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