


The Uncanny Counter: 2x05 Episode 5

One thing that makes me wonder, counters usually erase memories of civilians so they don't know bout all these powers, so with the villains now running rampant, how is it that it isnt on the news yet? There's already plenty of people witnessing the powers but yet no one is talkin bout it? Kinda impossible and unrealistic on that part

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The Uncanny Counter: 2x03 Episode 3

Just wonderin why Jeok bong's hair looks like a dust bunny/ball. It looks so awful lol

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Between Him and Her: 1x04 Between Love and Friendship

Disliking Kim hye ryeon, the fact that she 'uses' pig like he's her tool is annoying me. >_<

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The Golden Spoon: 1x12 Episode 12

This ep gave me goosebumps when the real tae yeon said what he said to Seung cheon when he was asked to use the spoon. That was awesomeeee!! And the way it ended, oooo just makes you wonder, im glad i could binge watch this or else having to wait for the next ep would've drove me crazy

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Skip Beat!: 1x15 Round 15
Skip Beat!: 1x09 Round 9

Deeper in the season now, lead actress is more bearable but still trying too hard to be cute. Wish they would cut all that over dramatic crap more.

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Skip Beat!: 1x01 Round 1

Shout by Jess

Leading actress's acting is over exaggerated that it gets so cringey to watch. Trying to be cute so hard, the cgi was bad, Siwon is like the best actor in the show (altho he kept making that face/stern eye thingy)and even dong hae was alright for his acting skills. Most of the taiwanese cast were bad lol

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It sure does creep me out, i have diokophobia and the sister stomping around scared the shit outta me. Honestly, if i wanna be logical there were a few questions that popped up when i watched this.

1. Why would they move there if they knew the sister was there or even move away
2. Why did Ms Devine not call the cops after receiving that call for help from Peter
3. Why does the sister look like that? How does she survive with nothing to eat and being purely locked away?
4. Why does the ending made it sound more like it was all in Peter's head and not real?

Too many logical questions to kinda ruin the entire show and no, i cannot just watch a horror show just for the horror, i need answers and good reasoning behind all of it!! Lol

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The Super Mario Bros. Movie
The Idea of You

Anne hathaway looks so young, she doesn't look like the mother for sure. Although the plot is kinda predicatable, i still wanted to see how it ends and i am happy with the ending. ^^

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The Boogeyman

I understand that horror movies = low lighting or minimal lighting but how stupid is it when you have been seeing things in the dark and being afraid of the dark, would you KEEEEEP staying in the dark? If i was scared of the dark at her age i would always have the lights on everywhere i go, i wouldn't care what the adults are gonna tell me, whether it was just my imagination or not, until i grow out of that fear or i will keep the lights on no matter what people say. Can't stand them just constantly being around the house in the dark like, it's not even realistic to begin with, they have been seeing things but hey? let's stay in the dark. SMH only worth a one time watch

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Pretty good show, there's really nothing i can complain about. Few stupid moments here and there with the screaming at first but she wisened up and stopped so yea, definitely recommend it!!

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Scream VI

Felt like i just rewatched the first show but just with a new cast. The gore was not bad but it was too much for me coz i just can't stomach the slightest gore. some parts just doesn't make sense to me, some die with a few stabs and then those who got stabbed a million times made it (for e.g Chad) Kinda didn't make sense to me, feels like the writer is showing favoritism to some characters OR he doesn't know who he wants dead or alive.

It's not bad i guess but plot wise it's not that great

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Crime Scene: The Texas Killing Fields: 1x02 Culture of Suspicion
Worst Roommate Ever: 1x05 Roommate Wanted (2)
Worst Roommate Ever: 1x01 Call Me Grandma

Why would that officer let Dorothy have a cup of coffee when human bones have been found? Does he not realize the severity of that? I mean yea, they have no proof of her killing or burying them but, it IS her house afterall. He should've insisted that she needs to be around while all these unfold because it's on her property. Thankfully that informant managed to notice her and she didn't get to enjoy much of her freedom anymore. It was really stupid on the officer's part though.

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Life on Our Planet: 1x08 Chapter 8: Age of Ice and Fire

Sadly, watching documentaries always makes me think twice about humans. As much as they wanna praise the human race, yea our intelligence might have made the world a better place but it's also harming our world. Until the day when we could do something to salvage it more than draining the world off it's natural resources, we will eventually drive ourselves to extinction. When that day comes, not only is it pathetic but we really had it coming. I can only wish i won't live to see that day happening.

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Voice: 4x05 Running Away From Danger

That scene where they were chasing the foreigner and he took over a forklift driving in circles was just so bad. The fact that Joong ki was aiming and kept putting his gun back down was just hilarious. Forklift isn't that fast and driving it in circles don't make it deadly to intercept. It made them look like they wanted some action so bad they had to make Derek get a car for the forklift to crash into. This show had some good plots but there are times you just wanna strangle the writer/directors for making the characters so stupid. It's like bullets cost to much so they didn't want too many gunshots fired in the entire show either (all seasons)

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Tomorrow: 1x14 Wind Flower

Maybe i have a heart of stone but why do i find the reason for her killing herself very stupid? She knew good and well she has never done anything wrong yet she chose to kill herself. It's very selfish to me since Joong gil has been really nice to her bout it. Wish they had a better plot than that. They had plots that made me cry but this one wasn't it.

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Through the Darkness: 1x07 A Scary Wolf Inside the Rabbit Burrow

How is it that none of them carries a gun? A murder suspect escapes and no one has a gun? The BAT doesn't have one i get it but the lady cop should have one no?

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The Tinder Swindler

Sadly, after all that is said and done, he is still living a better life than the victims even though he was arrested and did time (minimal time) He is back on track to how he used to be so it seems like that 5 months was nothin to him. It's basically a small setback just so he could clear his wanted name and then live freely again. Is that really punishment? Maybe, but u can clearly tell it has not affected him one bit. The victims were affected in life changing ways than his, so did the victims really won?

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The Rope Curse 2

This one was kinda bad too. The acting was worse than the 1st one except the aunt. I've never seen a character so gullible (or plainly, stupid) Jia-min would always think the aunt is better or fine like possession is nothing to her coz it's an everyday thing or something. The aunt acts exaggeratingly weird but Jia min would think her aunt is fine like wth? Happened so many times it just wows me lol As for the ending, sadly as powerful as they made the Thai demon out to be, it was destroyed rather easily and anticlimactic-ly it just didn't have any big impact to me. The overuse of bad cgi doesn't help either. Overall, it's an ehhh for me, there's a part 3 coming so imma still give it a shot to see if they've improved XD

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The Rope Curse

Storyline is very predictable. Acting wasn't too bad but the ending did get a lil stupid. Male lead was repeatedly told to burn the damn rope but all he does was stand there, stare at his gf and kept calling her name (as if that helps at all) i can't stand storylines like this. If u wanna help, help, don't make the character an idiot standing there watchin it all unfold and he's just calling her name. overall, it was juz ehhh. Taiwan horror stories have never been good but I'm a sucker for horror shows so i couldn't just not watch it.

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The Devil Judge: 1x13 To Kill or To Be Killed

Uhhh, why did she have to go looking for Ga-on coz he got hit by a ROCK? It's not like a boulder fell on him so what's the big deal? Is he made of paper? Jesus, the writers are really bad sometimes, the exaggeration of certain incidents are just too much. I know i know, they need a reason to kill her off but not like that rolleyes

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The Devil Judge: 1x06 Suspicion Against Yo Han

Kim min jung plays a psychotic role really well. Mannn i can't stand her, she annoys me XD

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The Devil Judge: 1x01 A Monster Emerges in Turbulent Times

Shout by Jess

Funny how that guy who saved the kid from the bus had ALL the time to just carry her to safety but instead he turned into a rock and tried to 'shield' her from the bus. If the bus had just kept coming he should know good and well both of them gon be creamed rite? So what was his point in shielding her in the first place? If i was that devil judge i would've pointed that out to him and be like, u need to make better judgments if u wanna be in my team XD K-dramas just love these sorta cringy no common sense heroic moments XD

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Money Heist: 2x12 Pasodoble

One thing i dont understand is why they never threw Arturito out knowing good and well he created lotsa mess in the previous heist. Yea, he jumped in, but they could easily blindfold him and kick him out, they had no reason to risk him messing with the hostages minds and create havoc amongst themselves as if they aren't messed up internally already.

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Money Heist
Hotel Del Luna: 1x05 Dead Bride's Wish

Wth did she hafta kiss him when she could have just get him outta there? She has powers for crying out loud, ridiculous. AND THEN she has that smug look on her face again as if rolleyes

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