


Money Heist: 2x12 Pasodoble

One thing i dont understand is why they never threw Arturito out knowing good and well he created lotsa mess in the previous heist. Yea, he jumped in, but they could easily blindfold him and kick him out, they had no reason to risk him messing with the hostages minds and create havoc amongst themselves as if they aren't messed up internally already.

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Money Heist
Hotel Del Luna: 1x05 Dead Bride's Wish

Wth did she hafta kiss him when she could have just get him outta there? She has powers for crying out loud, ridiculous. AND THEN she has that smug look on her face again as if rolleyes

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Hotel Del Luna: 1x04 Room 13
Bulgasal: Immortal Souls: 1x07 Episode 7

After watching so many eps, it seems more like Sang un's twin sis was the bulgasal and she passed it on to Eul tae. There was one part Hwal mentioned the monster was pretending to be a lil girl or something. Coz the only reason why Eul tae is connected to Sang un's pain is coz the bulgasal was transferred to him when he killed the sister. Just like how they always say twins are connected in some ways, that would explain the pain he's going through.

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The Uncanny Counter: 1x03 Episode 3

Just had to voice this out. A rock/pillar is pushed over to flatten a girl, the strongest counter came to stop it from falling over then Hana came to help too but guess what? She came to stop the rock? Isnt the quickest way supposed to be move the girl and not the rock? Lol and they say 2 brains is better than 1 but in this situation brain is better than brawn

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A Korean Odyssey

The bad computer graphics ruins the show because it makes the characters look arrogant when half the time the fighting effect isn't there. Son o gong should be a really powerful character but some scenes of him fighting the spirits just makes him look lame and Seung gi still had to give that character the stand offish/cocky vibe. It actually makes me dislike O gong lol As much as the good reviews for this show, it somehow seems to lack something that captures my attention. It doesn't pull me in and i actually don't care much bout it. Sam jang is kinda boring looking and so is her character, O gong looks lame and the only one that makes me laugh is the demon king. The rest of the characters don't leave any strong impression as well. I'm 9 episodes in and it feels like I've watched the show for a month lol i might try to push through for the last 11 eps but i know it's not a good show to me because even I caught myself dreading the fact that there's 11 more eps to go.

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Happiness: 1x12 Happiness Is With You

Up till the end, the craziest and most evil ones are being kept alive when they shouldn't be. Then there's the stupid moment when I thought Sae bom finally redeemed herself by shooting herself to make Andrew change, only followed up by another stupid moment to not shoot him (while his changing) or even charging at her.

Honestly, this show has a good plot, it's not just mindless zombies charging at you, the zombies turn back to humans which makes it more difficult to kill them without thinking. Then there's the part of how Next could bring back the dead which could have also been used in many clever ways to revive people but didn't happen at all. How the entire show was executed just didn't give that plot any justice. Some other producers need to take this plot and make a better show out of it. I am happy with how it ended but it just felt like it didn't give me the sense of satisfaction that i wanted after sitting through 12 eps. So yea, it's just an ehhh for me

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Happiness: 1x07 The Intruder

Literally right before she gave him the keys to the cuffs, she asked if he was thirsty. The moment he came out he ran for water. Then she just stood there watchin, askin if he's ok? Help him with his drink would you? SMH

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Happiness: 1x03 Locked In

So, Sae bom is trapped with Min ju in the bathroom and she thinks the right thing to do was to open the bathroom door, set Min ju free so she can escape and Min ju can potentially infect the entire building? Makes so much sense:unamused: Sae bom is alright sometimes but it's like they wanna give her this hint of cuteness that makes me shake my head. Selfishly asked Yi hyun to marry her because she wants her own apartment like whattttt?

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Oh! Youngsim
Panda and Hedgehog

I would love to give this a good score but the overall plot wasn't too good. Miss panda tries to be cute too much with the way she talks it eventually annoys me a lil. Not only that, how unreasonable she would act based on her own assumptions kills her character for me. I get that it's a comedy and all but it gets a lil too cheesy sometimes. The fighting scenes are cringey too XD Overall, it's not too bad since it's a short series and there's pretty boy donghae (which is the main reason I'm givin this a shot) in it but if it weren't for him, I'd probably stop watchin half way through.

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Sound of Silence

This is basically lights out but it's sound instead of lights and limited to only that particular house. I can't stand it how they would keep turnin the speakers on and off knowing good and well something wasn't right. I mean i get curiosity but are they daft or something? When the ghosts made it clear they are gonna kill or harm you, get out of that house. Don't start playing with the sounds as if you still can't believe it's real. That girl could've left the house but nooooo, gotta go mess with all the speakers and get herself in trouble. Not to mention that bad acting XD. I wouldn't recommend watching this at all. I wasted my time, don't waste yours.

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Come Play

Sorry, i am kinda pissed after watching it. Lol i get that the kid is autistic but after all the creepy experiences he went through with his friends and all that running away and he just stupidly try to hold his hand after that just pisses me off. I thought he finally spoke a few words that he would actually yell 'NOOOO!' and that would make Larry leave since he was rejected by the kid himself but they had to make his mom join the other side. Overall, i guess it wasn't that bad of an ending but i wished he didn't lose his mom.

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Terrifier 2

Reminds me of the game "control" even though it's a totally different storyline based on telekinesis too. Gets a lil boring half way through the show so i sped it up by watching it in 1.5x speed. Overall, it's just alright. Nothing great bout it except that the CGI effects were pretty good.

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Ran out of good shows to watch and like many others who commented, i didn't know this show had Predator in it. Honestly, after watching so many bad, low budget movies, when you finally come across something like this, I really don't have much to complain about XD I just jumped in to the show and enjoyed every moment of it even when many scenes would've made the logical side of me start bitching at it. But really, watch enough crappy shows and this one would seem so good you just switch off that logic mode. Love the action and gore (and of course Sarii) for sure!

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i like the concept of it all. It's very relatable to our lives like when things go wrong and we blame it on our luck. We probably feel down and everything but hey, you just need to see past that and understand that sometimes bad luck isn't ALL that bad.

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The Witch: Part 2. The Other One
The Witch: Part 1. The Subversion

Pretty good for a korean show and i usually don't watch any korean drama or movies. I like the plot and thkfully the cgi wasn't badly done. Asia's cgi graphics are always so bad i would laugh so hard at how bad it is compared to the US and UK. But this one was pretty decent and it's not overdone. Watching part 2 next~

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The Black Phone

I like the story line and the supernatural stuff involved in it. Had some decent jumpscares and as many mentioned, the kids are likeable. Madeleine Mcgraw definitely put on an awesome performance in this one. It's a very simple horror movie and for some reason, that made it so easy to like, for me at least. Would recommend it~

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Where the Scary Things Are

It was an alright movie, unfortunately the characters that they portrayed aren't very likeable. Very relatable to this day of age though, bad parenting, kids are obsessed with social media and trying to get likes and views for their "content". The scary monster wasn't THAT scary, no backstory to how it came to be except that last part where it seems to be telling us it's a failed experiment or something like that. Only reason i gave it a fair was because they got what they deserved in the end for being how they are. Not great a great movie but not too bad either.

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The Eden Theory

Very slow moving and they tried to builld suspense but just failed to do anything by the time the show ends. I'm glad i watched it at 2x speed and saved me an hour's time XD Acting wasn't good, didn't get to see ANY aliens/bots and the storyline was just ehhhh. I watched it with very lil expectations so i was not surprised by how bad it was. Wouldn't recommend.

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The Bubble

I don't know bout the others but i'm someone with a very low level of humor so i laugh at almost anything but this was painful to watch. They tried so hard to be funny that it wasn't funny at all but just pure cringey-ness. Sure, there were some funny moments but like i said, they tried too hard. If i was an actress and i see a script like this i probably would feel this is a fun role to take on because you don't get to do crazy cringey roles like this but after or while filming it i'd probably regret and think to myself, 'what have i gotten myself into?' LOL I'm sorry to say but this was definitely a waste of time and not worth watching at least not for me.

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Feels very slow to the point i got a lil sick of her longggg face LOL. I mean she did a good job in portraying the character but it feels like there's so much more that could be done to make it more interesting. If i knew it was that slow moving i would've watched it at 1.5x OR 1.25x speed.

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Obsessed to Death

It's not too bad plot wise but there was definitely plenty of loopholes that didn't make sense else the show would've ended really early. Stella was attacked and there was zero follow up. Then she disappeared too and zero follow up from the cops. No cctv footages were requested or nothing to help search for Stella. They just showed the part they were sad she was gone, could be the bf and like that's it? WOW, talk bout them being all concerned and then didn't gave a s**t when she disappeared, some friends huh? XD Then they showed how the "death by fashion" shopkeeper seems to have noticed how she's just shoplifting and nothing was done? Stella caught Cassie smiling when Gage collapsed but kept quiet. The whole show basically just showed how Cassie was enabled ALL the way, even when she's just gettin her hair done without paying, like it's totally easy to do that irl. LOL Overall, it's not too bad i guess.

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Would've been an interestin storyline but it was executed poorly. The entire show was just mainly Sal putting Angie down for being a stripper and kept preaching bout God while Angie snaps at her, trying to be the tough girl who isn't ashamed of being a stripper because she had her reasons for becomin one. Very typical plot but it gets old when they kept going back and forth with that and Sal would act like a friend to Angie and suddenly goes back to preaching and condemning Angie for her stripper ways. Their dialogues were also pretty cringey from time to time. Definitely something i wouldn't care about even if i missed it.

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Girl in the Picture

It is sad that hearing all the different side of everyone's story, you could tell Suzanne didn't even know she was living in hell because she was raised that way and probably thought that was normal and that everyone else was raised the same way too. She was naive all the way and it's sad she lived such a short life the way she did. The only lucky part was how she had people like the police officers, the book author who helped and relentlessly followed up with her case even though it happened so long ago. Technology of course played a big part and helped her out too. I wouldn't comment about who did too little or who didn't speak up but I am just glad that at the end of the day, at least they found out her real identity, set her up with a proper tombstone and it did somehow reunited her birth family. May she RIP and may lord watch over her family and those who tried to help one way or another =]

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