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Omicron Persei 8

Ready Player One

A fun and unique watch but not good enough to watch again.

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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Characters not developed - would not watch again.

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Rebel in the Rye

Story of JD Salinger's troubled life, especially his relationship with his mentor at university and his PTSD from WWII. Hoult is wonderful and makes this film what it is - he truly draws the viewer in. I would watch again one day. Be warned: Kevin Spacey is in this (I didn't know til well in).

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The Dig

Slow-paced yet compelling film about discovery of Sutton Hoo burial. A quiet world one wants to inhabit. I would watch again.

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Dead to Me

Some parts are compelling but there are several episodes I lost interest in. I would not watch again.

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Last Christmas

Good for one Christmas viewing. I don't think I'd watch again though.

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The Whole Wide World

Poignant love story based on the memoir of the heroine who fell for the tortured pulp writer Robert E Howard (re Conan the Barbarian). With a bigger budget, this film could have been better. Zellwegger is excellent. I enjoyed the film but would not watch again.

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The Walking Dead

I really enjoyed the first season and stuck with it through the second, despite it feeling repetitive. I gave up in the third because it was too samey and the interpersonal dynamics I enjoyed in the first season were lost. I would recommend first season and maybe second but no more.

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Little Women

Little Women is an immensely cheesy book aimed at children and young teenagers. The 90s film is too cheesy to watch. Greta Gerwig has done an incredible job at finding the realness in this story and making the cheesy elements feel believable. The chemistry between the sisters is joyous and electric. Jo is everything we want her to be while Amy's ambition is to be admired - kudos to the actresses. The cinematography highlights the boldness of our character's choices. The shots, lighting, filtering, and overall feel of the film is perfect. Yes, I cried. I would absolutely watch again and recommend to anyone who likes period pieces and tearjerkers.

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Field of Dreams

In this homage to baseball and dreams, our protagonist is having a mid life crisis and is driven to strange actions - but he doesn't know why. He builds a baseball field and searches out an aging writer and activist who ruled the 60s. Ironically, the purpose without clear purpose creates a sense of aimlessness which made me lose interest until the end. I also didn't care for the ho hum acceptance of magic. There are some sweet elements to this film - plus ray Liotta's smiling eyes - but all in all It's not super memorable and I wouldn't recommend it. I probably wouldn't watch it again.

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A River Runs Through It

A beautifully shot film from Robert Redford that benefits from all the wilderness and nostalgia of its 1920s Montana setting. The rich relationship between the two brothers, as well as between the father and his sons, is at the heart of this film which is, in its own way, also a coming-of-age story. It's not quite as good as Legends of the Fall - to which is often compared - but definitely not to be missed. To convincingly pull off this level of sentiment is no small feat. Shout out to the scores composer for maximal heartstring tugging. I've seen it before and will certainly watch again. Highly recommend.

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Refreshing. Great acting. Would watch again.

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October Sky

Based on a true story about four boys hoping to escape a life working the mines by winning a science fair and thus a scholarship. The relationship between father and son is ppwerful. The film has some slow and some predictable bits but it tugged at the heartstrings enough that I might rewatch it one day.

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Powerful biopic which of course takes a bit of license. Hard to watch at times for obvious reasons. It's a bit lacking somehow though. I'd maybe watch it again one day for historical education reasons though.

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The Secret Garden

It was okay. Slow-paced. I think I prefer the older version. I wouldn't watch it again.

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Legends of the Fall

I love this film. It's beautifully shot, scored, and paced, producing a mesmerising effect. There is real love and depth in the story. I would highly recommend and will watch it every few years I'm sure. It's a perfect film for when you want to drawn into an emotional journey.

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Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile

Too slow-paced to be entertaining. The bones were there but the editing choices were poor. Would not recommend or watch again.

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Well worth watching for fans of musical theatre, but others too. Excellent drama about the toxic relationship between 2 of Broadway's greatest legends and the stories behind the curtain of Sweet Charity, Damn Yankees, Cabaret, Chicago etc.. Michelle Williams is superb - what a transformation! I'd even give it a second watch one day.

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13 Reasons Why

The first and fourth (final) seasons of this are superb, especially the first. The subject matter is dark which did trigger low moods sometimes - but I also found that cathartic. I would definitely watch again, after some time has passed though I'd probably skip some of the second and third season on rewatching. Overall, excellent.

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Touching the Void

One of the best documentaries I've ever seen. absolutely gripping. I highly recommend and will watch again. I did find some scenes hard to watch.

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Good Omens

Actually better than the book, especially the end. The chemistry between the leads couldn't be better. I would watch again (once I've sort of forgotten enough of it to make it worth re-watching).

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Compelling Western. Absolutely worth watching again.

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Superb take on a Western. Women must take charge and defend themselves in a mining town when all the men die in a blast. Gender and alternative lifestyles get airtime while Jeff Bridges acts his heart out as a haunted villain in a classic but complex outrider tale. 10/10. Highly highly recommend.

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Self Made: Inspired by the Life of Madam C.J. Walker

4 Part Miniseries . Excellent story, themes, music, costumes. important gender and race history explored.. Will watch again.

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Begin Again

A light and fluffy Rom-Com that delivers what you expect. The music is pretty good - especially the lyrics within the context of the story. There's nothing spectacular here but it does the job. I watched on a rainy day when I was feeling low and wanted something simple and feel-good and I would watch again if in this mood.

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The Affair

1st 2 seasons are some of the best television out there, show has tension and dialogue and relationships have depth. Penultimate season also excellent. Oher seasons okay to pretty good but not necessarily worth rewatching.

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There was nothing on TV like it at the time. I wouldn't want to see episodes to often but I think years from now when I've forgotten a lot of it? I'd like to watch again. efficient the first 2 seasons. Allison Williams and Adam Driver are amazing in it but the show really suffers for a lack of POC - I know Shoshana and Hannah/Lena and Jewish (and Lena is from a well-off family and writing from that POV), but they still live in NYC FFS!

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Catherine the Great

Highly recommend for anyone who loves history and/or period dramas. Sumptious, well-paced and balances look at the Russians Expresses years in power, including her beautiful love affair with Potemkin. Would definitely watch again.

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The Prestige

Great acting, character development, and puzzles to solve. Would like to watch again years from now, knowing how each man's trick worked, and keeping that in mind as I watched.

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Black Panther

Like all super hero movies, there was nob real character development despite everyone saying this was the best film of the bunch. costumes were great and please to see all black cast but would not watch again.

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