

Omicron Persei 8


This was so well acted and the setting was captured lovingly. No grim sad grey council estates here. Each character was a film of their own, interesting and full of personality.

A bit of suspense is built up here which keep the films engaging. The core is friendship, loyalty, fun and love.

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Land of Bad
Hunt for the Wilderpeople

Great acting, believable relationships, proper atmosphere and some thrilling aspects. A bit too long but that didn't bother me as I enjoyed spending time with our main characters and unravelling the mystery with them.

A bit confusing in terms of time period to start with due to some video processing effects giving an interesting 90s feel, but mobiles and cars place us firmly in 2022.

For me the story wasn't that original, but the insight into the personal and career workings of our main character give this a very fresh feel for me; especially the relationship with his wife.

I can see how other people would get frustrated by the 2hr15 running time, but I was never bored. If anything the drama/tension was drawn out a little too long.

Worth watching. High quality performances here

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They played zombie nation! For that scene alone in the quidditch style air game, a gazillion out of 10 from me.

In some ways this film is more connected with reality than most of the other pixar movies. The fears and realities of being a minority are so well captured here. The world envisioned here where authorities work towards making the world inclusive and welcoming, slowly but surely is a message of hope for all kids. I loved the two main characters - the girl with her emotions locked up behind anger and the boy who could unlock others by being in touch with himself. The tensions of growing up to be different from the rest of your family/cultural group. And the power of love and a soul mate to make the world brighter and bearable.

Gorgeous. The animation was lovely, particularly the fire animation of ember and the tree scene. I cried.

This is a growing up and love story. A really lovely well told story. Recommend

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The Fountain
Asterix & Obelix: The Middle Kingdom

This really surprised me. Old style silly humour which brits will be very familiar with (like the old black adder,, mobty python stuff). Great production and the time flew by for me. Great actors, funny script and a big adventure story. This was lots of fun and scratched a itch I didn't realise I had - the nostalgic craving for silly humour that isn't disgusting /all about sex.

I loved the friendships between asterix and obelix. The other characters aren't side lines though - proper development and stories of their own. Everything looks beautiful too - in France, in China and in between.

I really this adventure movie with great characters - recommend it.

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Avatar: The Way of Water

Engaging escapism with a heart

Completely engaging from the start. A proper fantasy with a whole sprawling world and an epic journey which builds kinship and self belief.

The acting and storyline are great. Real character development and people you care about.

Cgi effects for the landscapes are on the whole fantastic. Occasionally on the faces the Cgi flopped for me but the target audience here is families and children /young adults. I think the whole production comes together to give engaging escapism so little flaws here and there can be forgiven.

The films crescendoes to some final thrilling scenes which are satisfying to watch. Recommend

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Good Luck to You, Leo Grande

Two of my favourite actors and an intelligent script make this a 6.5 for me. Emma Thompson does complex emotions and witty dialogue as brilliantly always. Daryl Mccormack does depth, vulnerability masked by charm, and emotional connection very well.

The script allows for some exploration of themes like the weight of social expectations, holding yourself back, and accepting the uniqueness of individuals and what they desire.

The type of relationship the main characters they have and the boundaries within that mean the themes dont go deep and that means things can feel rushed on occasion.

Lots of things get explored and some even bigger almost socially taboo themes get fully opened up like the desirability of older women, the ability of younger men to have preferences beyond what's socially accepted, and living in the world being open about who you are.

Some brilliant things in this film and very watchable because of our two charming leads and the interesting script make the time pass quickly.

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Three Thousand Years of Longing
A Man Called Otto

Excellent acting, script and directing in this touching and heartfelt film. It never shies away from the dark aspects of life and the world. Otto's repeated despairing of and irritation with aspects of modern society are super relatable but darkly funny too. Those bits are my favourite bits of the movie that make it unique.

The other parts of the movie are about a love/life story looked back on - and a quirky community pulling together to look after one another. all the acting is great - but perhaps a bit larger than life - so it never really feels realistic. that's fine though - it's a good bit of feel good escapism.

the aesthetic is interesting and at times I felt like there were conscious decisions to hark back to the scandi origins of the story.

I liked the overall effect of the movie and the messages it's getting across about the strength of communities.not groundbreaking but some original moments. worth a watch.

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Strange script. Some bad action scenes. And some stiff acting. Liams acting is good but doesn't redeem the poor plot, bad editing and terrible script.

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The Wonder

Slow but well acted. Lots of familiar faces here for lovers of British TV. Found this a bit predictable personally - the mystery wasn't hammed up enough I thought. More misdirection could have been used if that was the intention (judging by the trailer).

There were some aspects I didn't personally enjoy. The dreary rainy misty vibe felt a little bit too miserable Great Britain than atmospheric. The 4th wall stuff was really not good for me. I watched scenes thereafter imagining them in studios. Maybe the point is about them 'telling stories' as is talked about in the film - but it just took me out the moment. Worth watching though.

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Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio

Just wonderful. Hit me in the feels out of nowhere. Brilliant voice acting and wonderful animation that'll take you through a whole gamut of emotions. A brilliant reimagining of the original Pinocchio story with a lot of heart injected in. Some beautiful moments, some dark ones. A film older children and adults can share. Some big emotions for really young ones though.

I'm so glad that films like this are still being made. The collaboration between the Jim Henson company and Guillermo del toro had me glued to the screen from the first moments. It felt like some of the brilliant movies made for children and young adults in the 80s and 90s.

Songs aren't that memorable but for me this isn't a big deal. I thought they mostly added and never felt they should have been left out. Bearing in mind the target audience here, the songs and humour were well enjoyed in our family.

A film about imperfection, naivety, the darkness of the world, love, and friendship.

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All Quiet on the Western Front

This is one of our favourite movies - a stunning way to spend a couple of hours. The scale of the vision here is breath-taking and you feel as if you've been all over the universe by the end. The visuals and music are spot on. But for us this films best moments are the most human moments, around love, duty, regret and redemption. HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend

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