

Where I'm supposed to be

American Horror Story: Season 6

I love AHS but this season is just not clicking with me.
First 5 episodes were kind of interesting but after that it's been one long ass terrible slasher movie.

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The Big Bang Theory: 11x03 The Relaxation Integration

Never though I'd need more than one Sheldon but now I know I do! Sheldon's sections were really funny in this episode and the only good thing about it.

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The Big Bang Theory: 11x10 The Confidence Erosion

Raj didn't totally suck for once. That was nice to finally witness.

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Truth or Dare

The idea of a possessed game seemed quite interesting but it was poorly executed. To top it all off, the characters were dumb and the ending was ridiculous and infuriating.

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Table 19

I truly do love and enjoy such light, heart-touching slice of life kinda movies.
Though I came here only for Ann Kendrick, I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Loved the other cast members too.

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Turbo Kid

"It's like a museum of coolness in here!" Loved the retro vibes! The costumes and the music!
Apple makes an adorable version of Harley Quinn! Same eccentric vibe but not as crazy and twice as adorable!

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Archer: 4x01 Fugue and Riffs


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Arrow: 4x15 Taken

Awesome episode and great fights!
The one where Thea was on the bike then leaned back and shot an arrow at one of the bikers and caused them both to crash was brilliant!!!
It was also great to see Vixen. I wasn't planning on watching the animation series but after seeing how badass and awesome she is I'm excited to watch it!
AND, they finally took away Dahrk's magic!
The only thing I didn't like is that they made Felicity leave Oliver.. and it just so happens that she was finally able to walk again right before literally walking away from him and out of the door. I really love Felicity but that was just stupid and out of character. She was so understanding after Samantha talked to her and all of a sudden she decides to leave?

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 1x07 Marooned

This episode feels like it's straight out of Doctor Who. LOVE Snart btw!

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 1x13 Leviathan

SO INTENSE! The robot fight was frigging awesome and Jax's reactions are the best!! XD
Really enjoyed Snart and his new bestie's scenes XD I really like her! I hope we get to see more of her later
Would've been a perfect episode if not for Kendra's selfishness and stupidity!

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Supergirl: 1x17 Manhunter

Ugh Siobhan is SuperAnnoying, we don't want her having superpowers now!

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The Emoji Movie

I don't understand why all the hate? I mean, it's a movie about emojis, how did you expect it to turn out?
I would describe this movie as quirky; I don't think it was meant to be hilarious and maybe that's what people were expecting?
I for one thought it was quite amusing. Loved the puns and the visually stunning world inside the phone, that little trick with the Instagram photos in particular was brilliant.

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Workin' Moms

Entertaining, fresh and quite touching at times. I loved every minute of it! I hope it gets renewed for a 4th season; I can't wait!

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Grey's Anatomy: 10x01 Seal Our Fate

Shout by Nimazaki

Oh god no... :sob::sob::sob:

FUCK YOU SHANE GOD I HATE HIM! I liked him for a bit when he was nice to April and showed that he genuinely wanted to learn, but after that, the whole competition thing with Heather was so annoying and GODDAMMIT THERE GOES ANOTHER GREAT DOCTOR. FUCK YOU

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Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: 2x02 When Will Josh See How Cool I am?

Man I just wanna say I really hate Josh. Hated him since the very first episode I can't see why Rebecca's so obsessed with him :nauseated_face:

She becomes toxic to others and causes problems only when she's fixated on Josh, I noticed. Because he's unhealthy for her.

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Friend Request

fucking disgusting and repulsive what the fuck was that jesus christ

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Supergirl: 3x23 Battles Lost and Won

Shout by Nimazaki

3 seasons in and they're still insistent on hinting and insinuating that Lena could be evil, I'm SO SICK OF IT it's getting boring and annoying af :nauseated_face::rolling_eyes:
So sad about Winn leaving... Not so much about Mon-El though. Even though I was thrilled to see him back at first but I felt like he wasn't quite there during this season, he was different and him leaving this time doesn't feel like that big of a deal.

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Grey's Anatomy: 10x09 Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word

Shout by Nimazaki

Ok but he said that he trusted her and that she was confident about the surgery and reassured him WHILE IN FACT, he was the one who insisted she does the surgery despite him knowing she's never done it before???????
She didn't want to do it BUT HE INSISTED!!!
How the fuck is SHE to blame here??

That's fucking outrageous

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The White Lotus: 1x06 Departures
Grey's Anatomy: 11x14 The Distance

This was such an emotional high! I'm so proud of our Shepherdess!
Loved Dr. Webber being there for her that was such a great scene

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American Horror Story: Season 9

I don't really understand all the hate. I personally loved this season. I guess if you enjoy slasher movies you'd like it.
The slasher concept, the 80s aesthetic, the story itself, and the characters.
Way better and more memorable than the previous season.

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The Rookie: 1x16 Greenlight

Fuck, man, that was shocking as hell and so upsetting... I cried so much, why'd they have to kill her off like that ):

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Devil On My Doorstep

You know what's ironic? The actor playing Theo was her ex-husband in The Rookie and he was also obsessed and manipulative. Chloe's actress was also in the rookie and she was I guess... also mental lol

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Breaking News in Yuba County

Unexpectedly silly and enjoyable :joy:

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One Day at a Time: 4x07 The Politics Episode

This was crappy on so many levels...

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The Big Bang Theory: 7x15 The Locomotive Manipulation

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! Finally!! XDDDD

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Melissa & Joey: 3x17 A Decent Proposal

Lennos was amazing in this episode XD

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New Girl: 2x04 Neighbors

"Imma hit your ass with a ski!!!" I laughed so hard XD God, I love Winston!

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Great performance though the story itself is disturbing and I didn't quite understand it, yet I really enjoyed it

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The Walking Dead: 3x16 Welcome to the Tombs

NO NO NO NOOOOOOO!!! The Governor isn't dead, WHY!!! I expected him to end along with this season, WHY
and Andrea's dead wtf?? she had the pliers and she's good at defending herself, could've killed him easily without getting hurt, how the hell did he bite her first?

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