

Omicron Persei 8

Survivor: 44x13 Absolute Banger Season

Heidi was giving me second-hand embarrassment almost every time she talked at the final tribal! Talking over Yam Yam, trying to pander to the jury instead of speaking on her game (since she didn't have much of one), and talking about how Tika was on a high the whole time while she had to struggle. Meanwhile Tika came to the merge with only 3 members, she was struggling because Tika picked the other 2 tribes apart one by one and they didn't realize until it was already too late. I'm very happy Yam Yam won! It was between him and Caroline but he played the more well-rounded strategic and social game. Fun season!

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@lazyassedninja yam yam had no impact on the game though. he acts like he did everything but couldnt manage to make others vote for survivors he wanted out

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Survivor: 44x13 Absolute Banger Season

Yam Yam’s big personality came across, to me, as “showy” and forced. I was not enamored by it like everyone else. And I don’t believe he was as strategic as everybody perceived him to be. He clearly wanted Carolyn out for a while, but failed at convincing anyone else. So I’m not thrilled with the winner. (Although it beats last season.)

I was really rooting for Carolyn, but happy she reached the end. We, as an audience, were lucky to have watched her play. Such a unique and genuine contestant.

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@tvwatcha3 yeah i wished he didnt win. He was the know it all, saying he knew exactly what everyone was thinking was just too much

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Episodes random order is such a bad idea 6 /10

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@jarvis-10217245 6/10 so you rate 7 ?? try to make sense buddy

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One Strange Rock

Beautiful cinematography somewhat diluted by a primary school level narrative. Now if only we could drag the target audience away from their computer games to watch this.

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@alwynhanekom tf ur on idiot?

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Poker Face: 1x01 Dead Man's Hand

Natasha Lyonne is fun but the premise is weak and the writing is lazy and derivative.

It was quite predictable throughout.

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@slimyboi yeah totally, you can guess where it's going pretty easily

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One Strange Rock

Beautiful cinematography somewhat diluted by a primary school level narrative. Now if only we could drag the target audience away from their computer games to watch this.

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@alwynh idiot tf you think i'm watching

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Poker Face: 1x07 The Future of the Sport

What is not to love?! This is an amazing show with so much going on under most people's noses, it would make that idiot ‘Q’ blush…or just embarrass her to death…

You must check it out! It gets better & better & so do the celebrity lineups

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@stu623 you my friend are high on copium

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Survivor: 42x09 Game of Chicken

Unfortunately this episode has ended my lifelong survivor love, and it will be the last episode I watch. This turned it into something it’s not about, and it’s no longer survivor the way it used to be. It’s always going to evolve but it evolving into a race against race thing isn’t what this show was meant to be about. I don’t think I can respect this gameplay, and I would prefer to stop watching now.

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@mellon11 because everything is about race now. they’re playing dumb and you’re voting for them ? that’s because of their race for sure not because they are playing the game like retards. i hate how the society is becoming man

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Nightwatch: 5x01 Answering the Call

I love Nightwatch. Don't get me wrong. I always have. But after what A&E did to Live PD, that loyalty is under tension. A lot of tension.

Also, haven't been following Nightwatch news, but why isn't it Titus & Dan anymore?

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what happened to live pd ?

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I really liked the first season but then it got too repetitive for me so i got lazy to go on, first season is like a 9/10 though

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@yumslwo yeah, netflix original, one season did good so lets milk it

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Survivor: 42x09 Game of Chicken

People who make things about race that aren't about race make me think they are racist which is what causes them to think 'its about race' when it isn't, because that is their focus.

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@ThePublisher that’s exactly what’s happening sadly. they’re racists so they see everything like it was about race when it’s clearly not…

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Survivor: 42x09 Game of Chicken

Unfortunately this episode has ended my lifelong survivor love, and it will be the last episode I watch. This turned it into something it’s not about, and it’s no longer survivor the way it used to be. It’s always going to evolve but it evolving into a race against race thing isn’t what this show was meant to be about. I don’t think I can respect this gameplay, and I would prefer to stop watching now.

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@keyflames well nice counter argument dude

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Survivor: 42x09 Game of Chicken

...because only white people are racist...

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@SpeedDemon exactly ahaha. you should know only white people can be racist. did you never see any netflix show ? be woke man aha

but fr it’s so fucking dumb…

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Survivor: 42x09 Game of Chicken

Someone needed to speak up at Tribal and remind everyone that none of the first seven people voted out of Survivor were black. The jury was the product of the game, not the result of racism.

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yeah putting race into it is just retarded and probably a way to make the jury vote for you

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Space Force: 2x02 BUDGET CUTS

Still don't get the point of Diana Silvers. Show would be better off without her.

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@theavereviewer same for the trans man woman whatever it is. useless in the show but netflix must have its wokeness

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Russian Doll: Season 2

People trying to understand the full meaning of everything are not getting the point of the show.

Season 2 was needed. Everybody somehow loves Marvel's movies and love it when there are sequels just about the same shit all over again, and just eat it up. 10/10. But if a show like this does it, it's basic? Unnecessary? I've seen more commitment and good writing in season 2 then most Marvel movies.

Natasha Lyonne killed it. What an ending.

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Everybody somehow loves Marvel's movies

uuhhh no? you are trying to make a point but failed so hard

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The Flight Attendant: 1x01 In Case of Emergency

OMG THIS WAS SO GOOD!!!!!!! I mean I think we all can agree Cassie is very stupid but that’s the point and Kaley’s acting is so so so good!!
I feel like it was a terrible decision to leave the scene and to throw the murder weapon away cause yeah I would also be scared to be locked up in a foreign country but I don’t feel like Thailand’s police would take it to heart that a white american woman might had killed a white american man in a fancy hotel, I think they would pass it along to the embassy? And maybe Cassie would spend like a night in jail and then be sent back to the US and that’s a big maybe cause for staters she didn’t have a motive, she wasn’t covered in blood (she says she was but it was only a smudge in her hand), she didn’t have any cuts on her hands from stabbing/cutting him with a broken bottle of glass so I feel like the US embassy would take the lead. Then she called her lawyer friend and only asked her about Amanda Knox??? Why didn’t she ask her for help??? And I don’t like her logic of “they locked up a tourist for 5 years just for littering” cause littering is offending the country and its laws and if she had killed a Thailand citizen of course she would be taken away forever but this is white american on white american crime. And then she stopped to buy a scarf?? And it was like a luxury store so obviously it had cameras and probably she paid with a credit card so...
But obviously I don’t think he killed him, that business partner looks suspicious, on one of the montages of that night you can see a hand putting the blue bottle (murder weapon) in a table while Cassie and Alex are sitting on the couch so there was someone else in the hotel room, idk if the hand is the business partner’s or a hotel worker’s and then when the business partner called the hotel’s front desk she immediately asked them to go check on his room and that was just really obvious, like if I was meeting someone and they don’t show up I would give them a few more hours before worrying especially if last night we were partying like that and I then would go to the hotel myself.
This episode was so strong, I just hope it doesn’t turn into a courthouse drama, cause lately I’ve watched a lot of those and I’m kinda tired, I feel like the lawyer myself and it’s exhausting trying to defend so many imaginary clients.

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@aars26 ok you fan boy

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The Flight Attendant: 1x01 In Case of Emergency

Not bad we will see a bit weird though

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@winchesterz very weird and very poorly realised

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The Flight Attendant: 1x01 In Case of Emergency

Interesting premise. Feels a bit like a PTSD fever dream.

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@chilkara except all the flaws in the making of the episode

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The Tinder Swindler

This documentary made no sense. The first girl was from Norway and sometimes in London but had her Mum in her phone as ‘Mom’? I think the producers faked a lot of this and that is just one red flag for me to not believe this one sided story.

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@waltandmartha netflix in a nutshell

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The Tinder Swindler

Good for him. He put on some makeup, what's wrong with that? Women do it on a daily basis

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he was very smart about it too

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The Tinder Swindler

Shout by Carla

Can't even imagine the emotional and financial damage he inflicted upon so many women. Victim blaming is easy when you haven't been in the shoes of the other person. I'm glad they got their power back in some way, 'cause many of these assholes take advantage of discretion and these women made sure he was known for who he really is: a piece of shit, like one of them said, pathetic, definitely, and a criminal. Whoever's with him now won't be able to say they didn't know what they were getting into.

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@carlagarcia real woman moment aha

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Too Hot to Handle

This show is basically rehab for nymphos.

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the show also doesn’t work at all

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Too Hot to Handle

This show is basically rehab for nymphos.

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you should know that nymphomania is not recognised as something that actually exist

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Too Hot to Handle

The worst show ever made that I love. Don't take it seriously and enjoy it.

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@peeps_ It’s really bad yeah

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Russian Doll: Season 2

Stalled on Season 2 but am told it will pick up.

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@ravensview it won't.. it's just a disappointing season

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Poker Face: 1x04 Rest in Metal

Well this is where I am tapping out of this show. This episode was so bad I couldn't even finish it. I mean seems like in every episode Charlie ends up knowing someone who of course gets murdered and then Charlie, as any great detective would, solves the crime. Here's the catch, Charlie is not a detective. But she ends up solving every murder without any issues which wouldn't be a bad thing I guess, but the execution is so poor. This will be the last episode for me. Time to try and find another show to watch.

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@totimoshi same here, so bored of every episode where she's mysteriously on right place and at the right time of a murder. so unoriginal

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The Flight Attendant: 1x01 In Case of Emergency

Terrible and uninteresting. Kaley is not a hot as many people seem to think she is and this show proved it.

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@speeddemon and the prop makers + makeup was awful

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The Flight Attendant: 1x01 In Case of Emergency

I don't think Penny did the drunk part very well but I'm not going to judge so quickly. lez go.

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@goutham3113 this plus all of the poorly made props

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The Flight Attendant: 1x01 In Case of Emergency

Decent start let's see where this goes

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@dryroastednuts I wouldn't call that "decent"

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