Neal Mahoney


St. Charles MO

Game of Thrones: 7x05 Eastwatch

"Wasn't sure I'd find you. Thought you might still be rowing." Davos finally said what the internet has been thinking for years.

So Jon is a true Targaryen and Sam is like shut up about the shits we got to go fight white walkers.

More reunions, besides Davos and Gendry, we have Jorah and Daenerys (which looks like he is still in the friendzone), Jorah and Tyrion, and Jaime and Tyrion (even if it is only for a minute).

Arya thinks she is spying on Littlefinger but acutally Littlefinger is manipulating like he always does. The scroll was from Sansa telling Robb to swear fealty to King Joffrey back from season 1. Trying to cause some sister fighting.

I love that Tormund doesn't even know Brienne's name. He just calls her "The big woman."

Is Sam the man of the Tarly house now? Or was there another brother? Does he have to back to Castle Black?

Cersei can’t have a fourth baby. The prophecy said she would only have three.

Thats a lot of wights. I’m not sure how 7 men are going to get one back below the wall. And is Tormund the only free folk that could go with them, wouldn't they want a few more? Next week looks like is going to be another Hardhome episode. Can’t wait!

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@witwolfy she aborted her child when she found out it was Robert's by using moon tea. So technically she only had 3. The prophecy has all been true so far. Only thing left is a younger more beautiful queen to take over, Daenerys.

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Better Call Saul: 3x08 Slip

I got acquainted with Michael Mando, for the first time, while playing the video game "Far Cry 3", and since then I been following his career. His scenes in this episode (and throughout the show) keep showing us how talented of an actor he is. I'm hopeful it's this year he finally gets recognized because he's way too underrated.

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@nmiguelcosta Vaas was such a great villain. "Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?"

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Game of Thrones: 7x04 The Spoils of War

That last scene was amazing. I love that we are getting huge battles more than once a season, probably because they have more of a budget per episode. Drogon is a total game changer, one second Jamie thinks he can hold off the Dorthraki. The next he is just about shitting his pants. Bronn did show that they are mortal and can be hurt. Jamie charging at Daenerys while Tyrion was watching was great. Tyrion still cares, at least a little, for Jamie and wants him to live. It not often we see two main characters directly fighting each other. Glad to see Daenerys get a win and Jamie not dead, hopefully.

Jon and Daenerys are getting closer. They seem to start to like each other more every scene they have together. Jon finding the cave paintings of white walkers was convenient. Hey look at this giant rock we are going to mine. Oh, look over there, there are old paintings of white walkers. Told you there were real. Jon still won’t bend the knee but he doesn’t want to be the king. A little stubborn, like daenerys too. Someone is going to have to give.

Another stark reunion only this time it didn’t feel as special. Maybe it's because we have seen a lot of reunions lately but it didn’t seem like they were that excited to see each other. Then Sansa’s like, Brans home too. Why did littlefinger give that dagger to Bran? Will Bran find out who tried to kill him with it? Was it actually littlefinger himself, he said he “lost” it to Tyrion. But hey at least Arya now has some valyrian steel.

The Arya and Brienne fight was fun. It crazy to see how well Arya was trained as an assassin by ’no one’. She still is a little girl that can be kicked down by Brienne but still very deadly. Sansa is seeing it for the first time too. I’m sure she is wondering who her sister has become fighting like that and having a list of people to kill.

I love how Davos introduces Jon. "King Snow, isn't it? No that doesn't sound right. King Jon?" Personally I like King Jon Targaryen.

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@demeter I definitely think they are going to get romantically involved but not until after they deal with the white walkers. Old Targaryens use to keep the bloodline pure so this is the only way to keep the tradition going.

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The Leftovers: 3x08 The Book of Nora

I don't really know how to put in words my love for this show. This was a very satisfying finale and the description could not be more perfect.

We got the answers we needed but its up to us whether we want to believe them. I believe Nora but it doesn't matter. This has always been a love story between two very broken people. Kevin realizing he has been just running from his life and just keeps coming back (see the end of every season). He becomes obsessed about finding Nora and him coming up short for all those years is truly heartbreaking. Nora finding her children and realizing that she is not needed. Spending all that time to just look at them from a distance and see them one last time. They fixed their problems the best the could. In the end, when they finally get back together, they are honest with each other and can be happy together, no more bullet proof vests and bags over the head. The last shot was beautiful with the two of them in a house and the messages of love coming back home. This was a surprisingly happy ending to an overall very depressing show and I'm ok with that.

This is one of, if not, the greatest TV shows ever.

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@dtsouza The birds were carrying new messages from the wedding the night before. The goat was eating the old messages she just threw in the bucket.

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Brawl in Cell Block 99

Fuck that ending. I'd give the movie an 8.5 up until literally the last two seconds of the movie. After that it's a high 6.5 or low 7/10.

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@ertpecs I cannot believe they decided to show that. I mean we got the point why ruin it with that one shot. The other effects were bad but that last one just made me mad.

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The Walking Dead: 8x01 Mercy

Reply by Neal Mahoney

Those windows won't hurt anybody now. Seriously wtf were they shooting at?

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@sonnythebear seems like a HUGE waste of ammo. I mean if they would of just blown the RV the walkers would of came eventually and the fence would still of been down.

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Game of Thrones: 7x04 The Spoils of War

Review by yngtadpole
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-08-07T07:25:10Z— updated 2017-08-14T02:44:35Z

That reuninion of the Starks after so long, after so many seasons was so rewarding. And yet they all clearly showed the distance that has grown in between them during that time. Such great acting.

And wow that duel between Arya and Brienne was so amazing! I loved seeing the two different styles and the mutual respect that appeared after. That delightful smirk of Sansa and her answer of "no one" was perfect.

The cave scene was great for two reason. 1) I also loved the chemistry between Daenerys's and Jon Snow was great in the cave. Besides deepening the backdrop of the almost forgotten children of the forest lore (for me anyways), it 2) strengthened Jon's case that the White Walkers are REAL. The blue eyes in the cave drawing and that music was great at reminding me of the battle at Long Lake- in that eerie and terrifying finale where all the dead rose again as Jon rowed away from the beach.

I honestly thought that Jon was gonna tell Daenerys to attack King's Landing. The response he made started so neutral in the beginning I didn't think he was gonna say to not go. Besides that I loved the tension between Theon and Jon was great as well. There's so much tension going back and forth in this series now that there's a longer history of betrayals and cruelties this season is turning out to be really exciting.

This battle at the end totally exceeded my expectations. Small battle- another loss like the short conclusive clips of the Casterly Rock battle and in the seas with the Greyjoys.

That moment when u hear the thunder I knew the Dothraki where coming~ what I didn't expect was to see a dragon......HOLY SHIT LOL those precious seconds before the dragon spew fire was glorious. Was really anxious during the whole battle to see if any of my favorite characters would be killed. Danerys was there, Jamie was there, Tyrion was there, . Knowing that GoT has no qualms about killing main characters made this battle extremely tense. xD

Having Tyrion there and Jamie on the same battlefield also brought huge tension. Add into addition the new ballista as well as that shot into the dragon made me think Daenerys was done for. Then I thought Jamie was done for from that fire breath. Honestly this battle had me on the edge of my seat the whole battle. Jeezus.

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@yngtadpole I think you mean Arya and Brienne. Sansa is not a fighter she was watching.

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War for the Planet of the Apes

This is one of the best blockbusters ever. It has a ton of action, it is emotional and it makes you think. It's crazy how good the CGI is, you stop thinking about it because of how invested you get in Caesar's journey. Great supporting characters with Maurice and the new addition of Bad Ape. Woody Harrelson is fantastic as always. It will be interesting to see if Andy Serkis' name comes up for best actor next year at the Oscars. He definitely deserves some recognition for his performance.

I think its funny that nature has a ironic sense of humor. The disease that killed everyone is now turning the rest of the humans into a more primitive state. Caesar sparing the colonel was a very emotional moment. Showing he is a much more complicated character than just an ape on a revenge mission. This whole trilogy asks a lot of questions on what is humanity? A very emotional end to a great trilogy.

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@jinxibear I saw it in theaters. You can't watch anything on trakt that's not what this website is about.

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Game of Thrones: 7x02 Stormborn

Review by Neal Mahoney
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-07-24T03:05:58Z— updated 2019-03-23T01:44:51Z

That last scene was awesome. Too bad Euron couldn't of waited five more minutes for Ellaria to "invade" Yara. That drawbridge smashing someone was a perfect start to a big fight. RIP two of the three sand snakes. One of them cut Euron, did she poison the blade like Oberyn did to the Mountain? If he is poisoned and gets back to King's Landing fast enough maybe Qyburn can save him and turn him into an undead zombie too. So the gift is Ellaria Sand? It makes sense since she killed Cersi's daughter. Also poor Theon, Ramsay has ruined him for life. That cockless coward. The look Euron gave Theon and that laugh makes him certified crazy, right?

Daenerys plotting how to take over the Seven Kingdoms was fun. I'm glad they started right where they left off last episode. It is interesting to see all the women in power at that table. Daenerys calling out Varys was needed. He always seems like he is out for himself. He made a convincing argument but I'm not sure how much is true. Tyrion seems like he has the right idea with taking King's Landing with Westeros armies and Casterly Rock with the Dothraki. Too bad it doesn't look like that is going to happen. Will Daenerys take Olenna's advice and act like a dragon?

So is Melisandre going to be staying in Dragonstone and supporting Daenerys? Does she think the prophecy says Daenerys could be the one to bring the dawn or does she think that is Jon? It was also nice to see Missandei and Grey Worm finally show real feelings for each other. It did cross my mind that this is a sex scene with a unsullied.

Cersi trying to recruit is sad. Didn't seem like many came to her when she called and they aren't all convinced. Jamie talking to Randyll Tarly to become warden of the south but he still isn't sure he is on the winning side. So Cersi has a big cross bow that can go through an old dragon skull. I don't think they will kill any of the dragons. The only way I see any dragons dying is if they are fighting the white walkers. Then the Night King will bring it back and we could have a zombie dragon. Now that would be trouble. Would it breath fire or ice?

Jon leaving for Dragonstone is exciting. Daenerys and Jon meeting will sort of be a family reunion, because you know, Daenerys is his Aunt even if they don't know it. Sansa just keeps undermining Jon in front of everyone so might as well just put her in charge. Littlefinger is now on both Sansa's and Jon's shit list. I wonder how much longer he stays there or if he decides to turn on them?

We finally got the reunion we all wanted, HOT PIE and Arya! But seriously I'm glad someone told her and winterfell so she can head home. Too bad it looks like Jon will be gone. Another reunion with Arya and her direwolf Nymeria was short lived. At least she got to see her pet was still alive even if she has to let her go live her own alpha wolf life now.

That Jorah Greyscale scene was gross. I'm guessing Sam isn't going to get it to work. He was writing a letter to khalessi. Maybe he will try to go to Dragonstone before he loses his mind and maybe the dragon glass could cure him. Stannis' daughter was cured and they lived on Dragonstone, it could happen?

Good episode, things are moving pretty fast.

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@jrzbraga I think trakt just calls it a review because I gave it a score. I didn't write a review I was just writing my thoughts on the episode. If you are looking for a review I suggest going to IGN or indiewire or any media outlet, they all have reviews.

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Reply by Neal Mahoney

The cinematography is great and dancing all looked fantastic. The score was amazing. The editing and sound design were great. It does a good job of creeping you out. A slow burn until the bat shit crazy third act. I need to see it again to even try and begin to understand what happened but I think I loved it.

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@akira429 thanks for your comment.

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Shout by Neal Mahoney

The twist is absolutely nuts. So many wtfs were said while watching this. I can't believe this actually got made. How did this get two Oscar winners? This feels like a bad mix of The Truman Show, Black Mirror and a Lifetime movie. Plus it seems like Steven Knight doesn't know what a video game is. Still it's worth a watch.

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@kurtmoney I mean what else is a teenage boy going to make a video game about? Sex is way cooler than fishing.

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It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: 1x04 Charlie Has Cancer

Reply by Neal Mahoney

Shout by Neal Mahoney

First time we meet Artemis and Carmen. She still has a dick.

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@misnomer It's not that big of a storyline. She has a small reoccurring role in later seasons.

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Fargo: 3x10 Somebody to Love

Reply by Neal Mahoney

Shout by Deleted

who was the guy on the start of the pilot of this season?

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@pedro I believe it was setting the tone of which is right, stories or facts?

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Office Space

There was nothing wrong with it... until I was about twelve years old and that no-talent ass clown became famous and started winning Grammys.

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@chocoloctopus I'm not judging Mike Judge. It's a quote from the movie that the character Michael Bolton says.

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Office Space

There was nothing wrong with it... until I was about twelve years old and that no-talent ass clown became famous and started winning Grammys.

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@chocoloctopus have you seen the movie? It's Michael Bolton

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The cinematography is great and dancing all looked fantastic. The score was amazing. The editing and sound design were great. It does a good job of creeping you out. A slow burn until the bat shit crazy third act. I need to see it again to even try and begin to understand what happened but I think I loved it.

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@gunsgirl do it you won't regret it.

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Shout by Neal Mahoney
BlockedParent2018-10-05T03:10:54Z— updated 2019-06-29T02:27:22Z

This is the lamest comic book movie in a while. The first act is terrible but once the symbiote finally get to Eddie Brock it picks up. The best part by far is Tom Hardy talking to himself. Everyone else is just bland. The effects are fine but the final fight is just a total CGI fest and kinda dull. This isn't worth paying for but it's worth watching to see Tom Hardy act crazy.

Edit: I did like it a little bit more on rewatch just because Tom Hardy is going all out.

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@inconsiderate aka don’t pay to see this in theaters. It’s not good enough to have made all the money it did.

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Mixed Nuts

This is just terrible, not worth your time. Too bad it has a decent cast.

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@kurtmoney haha I get it. There are plenty of movies I saw as a kid and still love today. This just wasn’t one of them and it didn’t work for me.

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The Princess Switch

Just like a typical hallmark Christmas movie. Tries to do what parent trap did but it's not as good.

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@jim222001 I watched it because it had 100% on rotten tomatoes but after seeing it I looked back and saw it was just 5 reviews. A lot of people who are looking for a feel good Christmas movie will like this but I was looking for more and had higher expectations thanks to rotten tomatoes.

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Fahrenheit 451

I'm not familiar with the book so I have nothing to base this movie off of except itself. I thought it was entertaining enough. The story is interesting even though we know which side is going to win. The futuristic style and technology looks cool but I wish they had a bigger budget to make it look better. This feels like a TV movie. Michael B. Jordan and Michael Shannon are both great. Their performances are the best part of the movie.

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@nightperseida I know it debuted on TV but there are plenty of big budget movies that debut on TV that do not have that feeling and could of been in the theaters.

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The Walking Dead: 8x09 Honor

Reply by Neal Mahoney

This didn't need to be a longer episode. And can the close up on Rick's eyes stop being a thing? Please

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@redshirt There was only 9 extra minutes of commercials when you take away the extra show time vs the run time on AMC but I do agree that they are probably the biggest reason for the extended runtime. I still think there was a creative decision to stretch out Carl's death. It really made the episode drag.

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Black Mirror: 4x05 Metalhead

Reply by Neal Mahoney

Shout by Neal Mahoney

So robot dogs, huh? Not that great of a concept and boring episode.

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@dumbsloth87 No I haven’t. I looked them up and that’s cool they are able to make robots in real life. For this tv show where most things are so technologically advanced and complex I thought this was a boring and subpar concept for a full episode.

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Force Awakens is far better. This was choppy, slow, plot-holey and in a couple of places cheap looking.
Still there are quite a few good bits (mostly with Rey), but don't fall for the critic hype.
(EDIT: After pondering this movie more, and reviewing my Star Wars films in order of greatness list , I've come to the conclusion that, apart from the obvious exception of the first movie, it takes Lawrence Kasdan writing for a Star Wars film to really shine. I guess my theory will be put to the test next May when Solo, co-written by Kasdan, hits the screen.)

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@kanootcha FYI your account is private so no one will be able to look at your list.

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The Walking Dead: 8x08 How It's Gotta Be

Reply by Neal Mahoney

Shout by Neal Mahoney
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-12-11T05:10:55Z— updated 2017-12-12T15:55:51Z

Finally someone of importance dies on this show! The only one from this "all out war" and it was a walker bite. I'm kinda glad Carl is gone but really, an off screen bite. He is an original character you could of done better. I really hope next half of the season doesn't have a crazy Rick storyline.

Thank God the saviors finally started fighting back. Hopefully now it will be a little more interesting. They only killed some random Neil (hey it my name, kind of) but Maggie isn't messing around. She shows she at least has some balls.

And please stop with the close up on people faces and then dissolves into someone else's face.

Hopefully the next half will not go so out of order and will be entertaining based on the Saviors ability to actually fight back. This half season really suffered because it was just Rick's group making mistake after mistake while the Saviors just sat around.

Oh and I thought this was a show about zombies. There was like one shot of zombies and it felt so forced. They must of felt obligated to put that in.

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@dtsouza yeah I saw that after I wrote this. I read before he was going to college while filming. I’m going to take that out.

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The Walking Dead: 8x01 Mercy

Reply by Neal Mahoney

I hope you got your shittin pants on - Negan ❤️

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@tcb86 Who owns a pair of pants to specifically shit in?

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Game of Thrones: 7x04 The Spoils of War

That last scene was amazing. I love that we are getting huge battles more than once a season, probably because they have more of a budget per episode. Drogon is a total game changer, one second Jamie thinks he can hold off the Dorthraki. The next he is just about shitting his pants. Bronn did show that they are mortal and can be hurt. Jamie charging at Daenerys while Tyrion was watching was great. Tyrion still cares, at least a little, for Jamie and wants him to live. It not often we see two main characters directly fighting each other. Glad to see Daenerys get a win and Jamie not dead, hopefully.

Jon and Daenerys are getting closer. They seem to start to like each other more every scene they have together. Jon finding the cave paintings of white walkers was convenient. Hey look at this giant rock we are going to mine. Oh, look over there, there are old paintings of white walkers. Told you there were real. Jon still won’t bend the knee but he doesn’t want to be the king. A little stubborn, like daenerys too. Someone is going to have to give.

Another stark reunion only this time it didn’t feel as special. Maybe it's because we have seen a lot of reunions lately but it didn’t seem like they were that excited to see each other. Then Sansa’s like, Brans home too. Why did littlefinger give that dagger to Bran? Will Bran find out who tried to kill him with it? Was it actually littlefinger himself, he said he “lost” it to Tyrion. But hey at least Arya now has some valyrian steel.

The Arya and Brienne fight was fun. It crazy to see how well Arya was trained as an assassin by ’no one’. She still is a little girl that can be kicked down by Brienne but still very deadly. Sansa is seeing it for the first time too. I’m sure she is wondering who her sister has become fighting like that and having a list of people to kill.

I love how Davos introduces Jon. "King Snow, isn't it? No that doesn't sound right. King Jon?" Personally I like King Jon Targaryen.

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@redshirt I know they weren't close but seeing your sister that you thought was dead I thought it would be a little more emotional. It's definitely going to be interesting, Sansa seeing what Arya has turned into probably has her scared. Not that she will turn on her sister but I'm sure something will come up where they fight and Sansa backs down quicker than she would with Jon.

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