Neal Mahoney


St. Charles MO

Office Space

There was nothing wrong with it... until I was about twelve years old and that no-talent ass clown became famous and started winning Grammys.

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@chocoloctopus I'm not judging Mike Judge. It's a quote from the movie that the character Michael Bolton says.

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Office Space

There was nothing wrong with it... until I was about twelve years old and that no-talent ass clown became famous and started winning Grammys.

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@chocoloctopus have you seen the movie? It's Michael Bolton

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The cinematography is great and dancing all looked fantastic. The score was amazing. The editing and sound design were great. It does a good job of creeping you out. A slow burn until the bat shit crazy third act. I need to see it again to even try and begin to understand what happened but I think I loved it.

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@gunsgirl do it you won't regret it.

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Reply by Neal Mahoney

The cinematography is great and dancing all looked fantastic. The score was amazing. The editing and sound design were great. It does a good job of creeping you out. A slow burn until the bat shit crazy third act. I need to see it again to even try and begin to understand what happened but I think I loved it.

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@akira429 thanks for your comment.

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Shout by Neal Mahoney

The twist is absolutely nuts. So many wtfs were said while watching this. I can't believe this actually got made. How did this get two Oscar winners? This feels like a bad mix of The Truman Show, Black Mirror and a Lifetime movie. Plus it seems like Steven Knight doesn't know what a video game is. Still it's worth a watch.

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@kurtmoney I mean what else is a teenage boy going to make a video game about? Sex is way cooler than fishing.

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Shout by Neal Mahoney
BlockedParent2018-10-05T03:10:54Z— updated 2019-06-29T02:27:22Z

This is the lamest comic book movie in a while. The first act is terrible but once the symbiote finally get to Eddie Brock it picks up. The best part by far is Tom Hardy talking to himself. Everyone else is just bland. The effects are fine but the final fight is just a total CGI fest and kinda dull. This isn't worth paying for but it's worth watching to see Tom Hardy act crazy.

Edit: I did like it a little bit more on rewatch just because Tom Hardy is going all out.

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@inconsiderate aka don’t pay to see this in theaters. It’s not good enough to have made all the money it did.

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Mixed Nuts

This is just terrible, not worth your time. Too bad it has a decent cast.

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@kurtmoney haha I get it. There are plenty of movies I saw as a kid and still love today. This just wasn’t one of them and it didn’t work for me.

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The Princess Switch

Just like a typical hallmark Christmas movie. Tries to do what parent trap did but it's not as good.

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@jim222001 I watched it because it had 100% on rotten tomatoes but after seeing it I looked back and saw it was just 5 reviews. A lot of people who are looking for a feel good Christmas movie will like this but I was looking for more and had higher expectations thanks to rotten tomatoes.

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Fahrenheit 451

I'm not familiar with the book so I have nothing to base this movie off of except itself. I thought it was entertaining enough. The story is interesting even though we know which side is going to win. The futuristic style and technology looks cool but I wish they had a bigger budget to make it look better. This feels like a TV movie. Michael B. Jordan and Michael Shannon are both great. Their performances are the best part of the movie.

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@nightperseida I know it debuted on TV but there are plenty of big budget movies that debut on TV that do not have that feeling and could of been in the theaters.

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Force Awakens is far better. This was choppy, slow, plot-holey and in a couple of places cheap looking.
Still there are quite a few good bits (mostly with Rey), but don't fall for the critic hype.
(EDIT: After pondering this movie more, and reviewing my Star Wars films in order of greatness list , I've come to the conclusion that, apart from the obvious exception of the first movie, it takes Lawrence Kasdan writing for a Star Wars film to really shine. I guess my theory will be put to the test next May when Solo, co-written by Kasdan, hits the screen.)

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@kanootcha FYI your account is private so no one will be able to look at your list.

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Brawl in Cell Block 99

Fuck that ending. I'd give the movie an 8.5 up until literally the last two seconds of the movie. After that it's a high 6.5 or low 7/10.

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@ertpecs I cannot believe they decided to show that. I mean we got the point why ruin it with that one shot. The other effects were bad but that last one just made me mad.

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War for the Planet of the Apes

This is one of the best blockbusters ever. It has a ton of action, it is emotional and it makes you think. It's crazy how good the CGI is, you stop thinking about it because of how invested you get in Caesar's journey. Great supporting characters with Maurice and the new addition of Bad Ape. Woody Harrelson is fantastic as always. It will be interesting to see if Andy Serkis' name comes up for best actor next year at the Oscars. He definitely deserves some recognition for his performance.

I think its funny that nature has a ironic sense of humor. The disease that killed everyone is now turning the rest of the humans into a more primitive state. Caesar sparing the colonel was a very emotional moment. Showing he is a much more complicated character than just an ape on a revenge mission. This whole trilogy asks a lot of questions on what is humanity? A very emotional end to a great trilogy.

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@jinxibear I saw it in theaters. You can't watch anything on trakt that's not what this website is about.

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