Neal Mahoney


St. Charles MO

Fear the Walking Dead: 3x01 Eye of the Beholder

Me this episode;

Oh there is Mickey from Shameless!

Me also this episode:

Why did they kill of Mickey with a super strength zombie that can snap peoples neck through walls. One second you can just push them around, the next they are pulling you through walls.

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Blood Simple

It's always interesting looking back on a directors first film. I liked this film but I wish it had a little more of the quirky humor they are able to pull off in other movies. Frances McDormand is great and I just realized she is married to Joel Coen.

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Ballers: 3x01 Seeds of Expansion

Shout by Neal Mahoney

That bitch really is crazy. Lying about being pregnant then doing a 180.

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There Will Be Blood

Shout by Neal Mahoney
BlockedParent2017-07-24T00:48:17Z— updated 2018-05-17T12:02:39Z

This is a very slow burn movie. It really is a character study about a man whose greed knows no end. Daniel Plainview is such an interesting character and Daniel Day Lewis really brings him to life and it’s the best performance of his career.

Quotes like these really show what kind of person he is:
"I have a competition in me. I want no one else to succeed. I hate most people."
"There are times when I... I look at people and I see nothing worth liking. I want to earn enough money I can get away from everyone."

Everything else with the movie, the cinematography, the score, are all fantastic too. Paul Thomas Anderson is one of the great directors today.

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This is a great show. Its getting compared to Breaking Bad and while I think BrBa is a lot better they are really different shows. Ozark isn't trying to copy, it is doing its own thing. The show is very dark and it doesn't pull any punches. Some of it is not easy to watch. A lot of twists you don't expect. Jason Bateman gives a fantastic performance. He is perfect for a snarky asshole financial adviser. Hopefully he does more serious/non comedic roles.

Can't wait for season 2. Assuming Netflix will pick it up.

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Ozark: 1x10 The Toll

Just when Marty had everything worked out, Boom headshoot! Never call a redneck "a redneck" to her face. It will be interesting to see what the cartel does next. They don't mind removing a couple toe nails. I'm sure we will find out in a second season.

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Ozark: 1x05 Ruling Days

The old hollowed bible full of heroin trick. Classic

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Ozark: 1x01 Sugarwood

Good start to the show. It has my attention. It's surprisingly dark to start. Living in Missouri and having a place at the lake of the ozarks make me feel like I can relate but I think they are over exaggerating the amount of tourists and money down there.

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Hard Eight

Really good movie. Paul Thomas Anderson's first film and he has a good one. Phillip Baker Hall is great and another good performance from John C. Reilly, who is a very underrated actor.

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Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets

Visually stunning with a lot of cool sci-fi elements. I really liked Laureline, I think Cara Delevingne did a great job. This is as much Laureline's story as it is Valerian's. Decent movie overall. A little too long but worth checking out of you like science fiction movies.

I think its funny they brought Rihanna in to basically only do a strip dance.

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Lost: 1x24 Exodus (2)

This is a double length episode. There is another part after this exodus (3). Its split on Netflix.

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The Big Sick

This is such a wonderful movie. I can't remember the last time I saw a movie that went from being so funny to so sad but even it the saddest parts, it still finds a way to be funny. Everyone is great in this especially Kumail and Zoe. Their chemistry instantly makes us root for them to be together.

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War for the Planet of the Apes

This is one of the best blockbusters ever. It has a ton of action, it is emotional and it makes you think. It's crazy how good the CGI is, you stop thinking about it because of how invested you get in Caesar's journey. Great supporting characters with Maurice and the new addition of Bad Ape. Woody Harrelson is fantastic as always. It will be interesting to see if Andy Serkis' name comes up for best actor next year at the Oscars. He definitely deserves some recognition for his performance.

I think its funny that nature has a ironic sense of humor. The disease that killed everyone is now turning the rest of the humans into a more primitive state. Caesar sparing the colonel was a very emotional moment. Showing he is a much more complicated character than just an ape on a revenge mission. This whole trilogy asks a lot of questions on what is humanity? A very emotional end to a great trilogy.

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Despicable Me 3

Any movie with 80s music and a cheese festival is ok in my book.

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The House

Surprisingly more funny than I thought it would be. Will Ferrell is his crazy usual self and Amy Poehler is great too. She just doesn't look right as anything but a blonde. Not saying that she is ugly its just I'm so use to seeing her as a blonde. I loved Jason Mantzoukas. He still plays the same guy he did in the league but its still funny. The cameo by Jeremy Renner was hilarious. That whole scene where he loses his arms had me laughing hard.

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Baby Driver

Shout by Neal Mahoney
BlockedParent2017-06-28T02:43:28Z— updated 2017-07-05T18:47:13Z

This is a smart, funny and very entertaining movie with a killer soundtrack. The soundtrack has a little bit of everything and is choreographed perfectly into the action. Ansel Elgort is great and so are Kevin Spacey and Jon Hamm.

EDIT: Saw it again and it is still just as great.

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Better Call Saul: 3x10 Lantern

Great finale to another great season. I really hate Chuck but for some reason I don't want him to die this way. I'm kinda like Gus trying to save Hector, I want Chuck to live and suffer more. If he does go out, this will probably push Jimmy over the edge and make him go full Saul Goodman. He seems like he is trying to be a better person, fixing Irene's social life and sorta apologizing to Chuck but he might have nothing to lose now. No Mike this episode was a bummer, hopefully we see him working with Gus more next season. Gus has to know Nacho was involved somehow. Hopefully he doesn't get Mike to take out Nacho, that would be a tough spot for Mike.

Also Rhea Seehorn looked damn fine in those PJs.

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Song to Song

Beautifully shot but kinda boring.

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47 Meters Down

The story behind this movie is interesting. It was going to be a VOD but got bought Freestyle Releasing a week before release and they decided to do a theatrical release. Got delayed from last fall to this summer. Not sure why, this movie wasn't a clear box office hit, but maybe it had to do with the success of the shallows, another shark movie staring a female.

As for the movie I thought it was ok. I thought the beginning was slow and I never really cared for any of the other characters besides Mandy Moore's. Once they got into the water things got a little more interesting. The twist was smart. I thought she was hallucinating hearing her sister. When she found her I thought "This is stupid, there's no way shes alive" Then the ascend to the top, I guess flares keep sharks away. When they are on the boat and they cut back to her still in the cage I was a little surprised, they got me. Pretty good twist.

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Cars 3

Shout by Neal Mahoney
BlockedParent2017-06-16T02:35:54Z— updated 2019-06-17T03:00:49Z

This is fine, definitely better than cars 2. I think I still like the first cars a little more. A satisfying ending for the series.

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Fargo: 3x09 Aporia

Shout by Neal Mahoney


I really liked Varga's quote: "The problem is not that there is evil in the world. The problem is that there is good. Because otherwise, who would care?"

Another Big Lebowski reference when Nikki said there was Varga's dirty undies in the briefcase. Hes is throwing a ringer for a ringer.

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It Comes at Night

Very tense movie, not the horror you would expect but still very well done. I love seeing small scale movies that just focus on a few characters and how they react to bad circumstances. Joel Edgerton is great, a scary man who you don't know what he is capable of.

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The Mummy

I may be a little biased but I think the Brendan Fraser's Mummy was better. I did watch it a lot as a kid but that one never took itself too serious and it was fun. There was at least some humor in that one. This movie tries too hard. Its too dark, literally most of the scenes are almost too dark to see whats happening. The pacing was bad. Tom Cruise's character isn't really likeable, he is just kind of a dick. Which is scary, no pun intended, if he is going to be in all the dark universe movies. Jake Johnson's character is trying to be the comic relief but I just hated him. I'm interested in the dark universe but I hope they just concentrate on making the next movie good rather than universe building.

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Fargo: 3x08 Who Rules the Land of Denial?

Shout by Neal Mahoney

Best episode this season so far. The first half was super intense. I hope we see Nikki and Mr. Wrench again. I instantly recognized the bowling alley as none other than the one in The Big Lebowski. Loved the scene between her and "God" shot the same way as when the dude meets the stranger. Can't wait for next weeks to see what Varga is going to do when he finds out about Emmit.

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Better Call Saul: 3x08 Slip

I knew from the second I read the title that Jimmy was going to make a fall. Hopefully Nacho doesn't get killed from this Hector situation, I like his character too much.

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Wonder Woman

This is definitely what the DCEU (and the movie industry in general) needs right now.

This was very entertaining with great action and good chemistry between the two lead actors. The first half was surprisingly funny with the classic "an outsider comes to town and everything is different and weird." The second half is a little more dark with Wonder Woman fighting in the war. The scene when she comes out of the trenches was awesome, gave me goosebumps. The last fight was a little too CGI heavy and cheesy but still very fun. Sad to see Chris Pine sacrifice himself, would of loved to see him in future movies.

I'm very happy that this is doing well in the box office and it is setting records for the largest opening for a female director. I look forward to see what Patty Jenkins does next. I hope more studios will start to use more female directors, it is always great to see different perspectives.

I'm looking forward to seeing more Wonder Woman in Justice League and hope that it is more like this movie than BVS.

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The Americans: 5x13 The Soviet Division

Renee has to be a spy right? It will be interesting if Stan finds out about Phillip and Elizabeth in the last season, kinda like breaking bad.

This was a much more emotional and slower season and I hope there will be a payoff in the show's last 10 episodes.

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House of Cards: 5x13 Chapter 65

"My turn." I think this sets up for an interesting next season with Claire in charge and Frank on the outside. Its sad to see Doug so loyal he is going down for Zoe, which happened what seems like a life time ago (season 2 episode 1).

Overall I thought the season was ok, not the best or the worst. Some interesting ideas with the 12th amendment picking the president and Claire being in charge for a little while. I didn't really Jane Davis or Mark Usher that much. They both seem like they are out for themselves, very much like the Underwoods, but they just never really got me to care for them. I liked the election arc the most at the beginning and didn't really like Frank's arc of leaking everything so he can have his way out. Maybe that will play more next season and he will regret it.

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House of Cards: 5x01 Chapter 53

Frank already having the terrorist and then ordering his killing was crazy. I really liked when he was talking to him Frank's reflection was over the terrorist's face. We all know Frank is the real terrorist and uses others, even terrorists, to get his way.

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The Leftovers: 3x07 The Most Powerful Man in the World (and His Identical Twin Brother)

"Now what?"

The flood didn't come, the world survived. Senior is still in shock, like the prologue to this season with the lady getting on the roof waiting to get taken. You can believe in something so much but it will always just keep disappointing you.

I'm glad Kevin finally realized he was being a coward for always running from Nora. All it took was an unfinished romance novel. He has just been killing himself to distract himself from Nora and the real world. That scene between the two Kevins was beautifully bloody (the song was perfect) and that last shot it the afterlife was very similar to Fight Club. I was so glad to see Patti and Meg again.

Kevin is now in a race against time to try and get to Nora before she uses that machine. This has always been a love story between two broken people and I hope he gets there in time but it wouldn't be the Leftovers if it wasn't depressing. Only one episode left...

What was with the penis scanner!? They even had a thud sound effect for when he used it.

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