Neal Mahoney


St. Charles MO

Westworld: 2x08 Kiksuya

This is the best episode of the season so far, maybe the best episode of the show. Akechta's story is heartbreaking. When he was walking around looking for Kohana and found her and then realized he could do nothing about it really got to me. That piano cover of Heart-Shaped Box was fantastic too.

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The Walking Dead: 8x04 Some Guy

I guess they spent all the CGI budget for the season already. RIP Shiva, I cared more about your death then the 20 kingdom people that died too.

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Black Mirror: 4x03 Crocodile

"Who kills a baby?"

Jesus, that ending was brutal, intense and heart breaking.

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Game of Thrones: 8x03 The Long Night

Absolutely incredible what they were able to deliver from a technical perspective. I just wish it was a little brighter, it was so dark that it was hard to see everything. A ton of great moments.

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The Walking Dead: 8x01 Mercy

Those windows won't hurt anybody now. Seriously wtf were they shooting at?

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Black Mirror: 4x02 Arkangel

This is every kid's worst nightmare.

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Atlanta: 2x06 Teddy Perkins

Wait, Donald Glover was Teddy Perkins?!?

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Marvel's The Punisher: 1x12 Home

That last scene was brutal and super gory. Hard to believe this is a marvel show.

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Stranger Things: 2x04 Chapter Four: Will the Wise

I really like that last shot. The camera turning upside down when Hooper is underground entering the upside down's tentacle creature's path was great.

Dart must really be short for Demogorgon. RIP Mews the cat.

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Black Mirror: 4x04 Hang the DJ

I really liked this one, might be my favorite so far this season. It's nice to have one episode that ends happy and doesn't rip your heart out.

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Westworld: 2x01 Journey Into Night

It wouldn't be Westworld if you didn't finish the episode without having more questions then when you started.

It's a solid start to the season. Sets in place a few stories. Bernard seems really messed up. I'm wondering if what he did in the two weeks he blacked out will be the mystery? Did he kill Teddy and all those other hosts? He better not of hurt Hale, Tessa Thompson needs more screen time. Maeve's story is the most interesting to me. William is now looking for "The Door" but what could that be? I'm excited to see the other parks, there are at least 6 and one of them has a tiger.

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The Walking Dead: 8x06 The King, the Widow, and Rick

So the trash people are part time nudists?

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The Leftovers: 3x07 The Most Powerful Man in the World (and His Identical Twin Brother)

"Now what?"

The flood didn't come, the world survived. Senior is still in shock, like the prologue to this season with the lady getting on the roof waiting to get taken. You can believe in something so much but it will always just keep disappointing you.

I'm glad Kevin finally realized he was being a coward for always running from Nora. All it took was an unfinished romance novel. He has just been killing himself to distract himself from Nora and the real world. That scene between the two Kevins was beautifully bloody (the song was perfect) and that last shot it the afterlife was very similar to Fight Club. I was so glad to see Patti and Meg again.

Kevin is now in a race against time to try and get to Nora before she uses that machine. This has always been a love story between two broken people and I hope he gets there in time but it wouldn't be the Leftovers if it wasn't depressing. Only one episode left...

What was with the penis scanner!? They even had a thud sound effect for when he used it.

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Lost: 1x24 Exodus (2)

This is a double length episode. There is another part after this exodus (3). Its split on Netflix.

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Better Call Saul: 3x01 Mabel

Mike is so smart. He's very calm about what he does and knows exactly what's going to happen. I'm much more interested in his storyline and how he gets involved with gus but jimmy becoming Saul could be fun to watch.

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Westworld: 2x04 The Riddle of the Sphinx

Bernard has to be making a control unit of Ford, right? I mean Ford's consciousness had been talking to the man in black through other hosts. Bernard had all the witnesses killed and we don't know exactly when it happened so Ford could of still been alive.

Also the mystery woman from last episode is William's daughter. Is she going to team up with her dad now or is she there to try and destroy the world that has consumed her father?

Lisa Joy did a great job on her first episode she directed. Next week it looks like Shogun World.

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The Leftovers: 3x04 G'Day Melbourne

That last scene was too intense. Two broken people finally cracking. Leaving Nora to cry in the room with water spraying on her, no one will see her tears. By the way that was a great shot with take on me playing. Kevin leaving only to find his dad. Is the book of Kevin gone for good now or did the other copy somehow get saved? What was that about a explosion? Will Nora go back and try to be with her family now that Kevin is gone? Now we know why that guy lit himself on fire last week, but he said no to killing the baby. Maybe it has to do with how you answer or maybe they just want to see how desperate people are? Why is there testing? While Nora was being tested I was not surprised she had a calm heart rate in the box (coffin) she seemed comfortable and almost accepting. Great episode and only 4 more.

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Atlanta: 2x11 Crabs in a Barrel

My heart dropped when Earn opened his bag at the airport. It's crazy how that earned Al's respect but all the other shit he does for him doesn't.

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Atlanta: 2x08 Woods

Brian Tyree Henry has been killing it this season. He is a great actor and his facial expressions are priceless.

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The Leftovers: 1x10 The Prodigal Son Returns

I got goosebumps when she yelled Jill. The music in this show is perfect.

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The Handmaid's Tale: 2x08 Women's Work

"May the... force be with you"

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Marvel's The Punisher: 1x13 Memento Mori

Great finale to a great season. Can’t wait to see season 2. Overall I thought the season was the best Netflix marvel show since Jessica Jones. Bernthal was great. The Punisher was written deeper than just a killing machine. The action sequences were fun and really well done. Still a little too long, I think 10 episodes would make a perfect season.

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The Leftovers: 3x05 It's a Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt World

"Because I could."

Scary that God could do something like the departure just because. "God" was the same man Kevin meet at the bridge and the bar at the hotel. Burton died 3 years ago, about the same time when Kevin died twice. Whether or not he really is God he saved Matt by making him realize he doesn't have to think about how God would judge him. He may still be dying but his mind is saved. And really, of course he would get eaten by the lion. Poetic justice for Matt.

Also that opening was weird but at least it explained the explosion. I'm glad we are getting some answers quickly. All the main characters are in Australia now, whats going to happen next? Only three more...

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The Leftovers: 3x01 The Book of Kevin

Shout by Neal Mahoney

This was a great first episode. I liked the opening pilgrim scene. I'm sure that theme of being left behind over and over will be explored more throughout the season. I was a little surprised that the GR were bombed but I guess the ATFEC weren't messing around. There were some surprising moments like John and Laurie together but I guess that makes sense since Erika was going to leave him. I want to know how Kevin's dad and the possibility of a flood (Matt's baby is named Noah!) all play into this season. What happened to Lily? What was Nora doing on that bike with carrier pigeons going by Sarah? I'm looking forward to the rest of this season and not expecting all the answers to everything but just an emotional story. We will never find out why or what the departure was. Oh and as always the music was great in this episode.

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The Leftovers: 2x05 No Room at the Inn

The first scene where he is living the same day over and over to get his wife to wake up is so sad. Again I love the music on this show.

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True Detective: 3x01 The Great War and Modern Memory

Good start. Intersting case and Mahershala Ali is great.

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Sharp Objects: 1x01 Vanish

A promising start. Amy Adams is really great and the story seems interesting enough. This episode was a little slow so I hope they pick up the pace some.

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Barry: 1x08 Chapter Eight: Know Your Truth

Great finale. Great show. Perfect ending that I would be happy if that was it but I would also be ok with more episodes.

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The Sinner: 2x01 Part I

A good start to the season. They didn't waste any time setting up the "why he did it" question. Not enough of Carrie Coon though.

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Marvel's The Punisher: 1x11 Danger Close

We finally see what the real punisher looks like, skull and all.

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