Anubhav Prieyadarshi



Obi-Wan Kenobi: 1x04 Part IV

Oh God no, not Wade! Not the character we don't even know, and couldn't give less of a care about. Why did you have to take such a nobody from us!?

Yawn, this show is just plain boring.

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I loved it when, the guy welcomes them back. Smiling. Then suddennly turning sad. WHERE IS WADE???
Hey genius. only 1 fighter ship returned.


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Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

Oh come on guys! The movie was good entertainment. Why whine about every little detail, when you can enjoy two hours of mindless fun and action. The ending was awesome. Can't wait where this is going.

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@agent24 i am all up for mindless fun movies. but you cannot objectively give this a 9. no offense ofcourse. dont want to start a war here.
by giving 9 u are comparing a movie like this to lets say , hitchcock or godfather...

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Apparently not being a Michael Bay style movie makes it a good movie?? yes im very much attacking all the 7-9 scores this movie is generously getting. Personally love the movie all you want but this movie is really really bad. objectively! . uninteresting , cringy , full of bad acting and moments.
It had great potential. But it failed.
Michael Bay movies were also bad but at least they made it up for all that with the flashy visuals and action. This movie lacks that too.
BumbleBee is a DUMB movie. waste of time and potential.

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@vip87er again !!! ur proving my point. adding "heart" to any movie-style/franchise which didnt have it before doesnt make it GOOD! . garbage + heart = doesnt make a good movie!!

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Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw

Is Ryan Reynolds ever NOT acting like Deadpool? Guess Deadpool is just Ryan Reynolds.

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@khawlah thats his forte. check out blade 3 (2004) . ull see deadpool's "true origins"

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Captain Marvel

Review by axonrlp

English is not my native language, so I apologize for spelling mistakes.
I read comics for almost 20 years, I saw all the marvel movies and all tv show (except inhumans), I found this film at best mediocre, and had moments of pure frustration.
What I liked:
Samuel L. Jackson's acting was very good, Stan Lee's tribute and cameo, Ben Mendelsohn and CG.
What i dislike
Brie Larson's performance (not all, but most, she seemed bored for most of the movie), 99% of the jokes, the genderswap of an iconic character (Mar-Vel), the predictable twist, she is very OP, the origin of the avengers name (completely ridiculous), the Kree vs. Skrull "war", Skrulls being the "immigrants", how Fury lost his eye, Fury just being a bitch when woman is around (the scene with him and Photon was cringe AF) .

and about the politics of the film: yes, they have a feminist / man (white) hate moments, it's not the same level as ghostbusters but not that subtle, especially the flash backs, all white man telling her she is not good enough and she should quit and the biker scene.
Now I'm worried about Avengers: End Game, if the CM defeats thanos or has more screen time than the original cast, I'll never spend money again to see another marvel movie.

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@axonrlp there is a rumor that Endgame has different scenes recorded if CM flops ( where CM doesnt defeats thanos ) . i hope thats true.

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Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

When you’re rooting for the dinosaurs to eat most of the characters (especially Franklin) during the movie, something’s not quite right.

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@jordyep i wanted franklin to be shot within seconds of his introduction. let alone reaching the dinosaurs eating time

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Lady Bird

What do you get when you mix 1/4 "Heathers" and 3/4 after school special? This movie.

I think this film is one of the best examples of how the Rotten Tomatoes scores can be misleading. The RT scores are an indication of either a positive or negative score and nothing more. A film like this certainly isn't bad so it gets a plus from the reviewer. However, it certainly isn't great by any stretch of the imagination.

I admit to being a sucker for the coming-of-age genre and based on a lot of the reviews others feel the same way. But I think that skews the technical review of the movie (something I call "the coffee shop effect" - we are all more than happy to listen to the folk singer in the corner of the coffee shop but we'd never actually buy his cd. The backdrop makes it feel better than it is). There is nothing fresh or new in this film and I can't fathom why it is getting the amount of run that it has. This isn't even the best coming-of-age film I've seen in the last few weeks let alone be nominated for movie of the year. There have been better entries in this area - The Way Way Back, Edge of Seventeen, The Spectacular Now to name a few.

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@adammorgan Thank God a very appropriate review. coffee shop effect ! perfect!

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I lost some IQ watching this movie. Both the dialogue and the logic were written by a 10 year old.

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@jasongibbs you dare insult 10 year olds?

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It is almost an understatement to say that this movie is under-complex. Fighter (2024) follows a simple friend-or-foe scheme in which the Indian army is portrayed as noble warriors with morally impeccable goals and the enemy from Pakistan as a bunch of misanthropes and terrorists capable of any atrocity. The character of Rishabh Sawhney is only there so that in the end, in an all-decisive battle, there is also an embodiment of the enemy target that the heroic figure can strike at, but the character himself, who is supposed to be the great antagonist of the film, is not actually a real human figure, but a mere projection screen of evil, without any motivation of his own from which plot elements could arise.

The film contrasts this flat antagonist, who can hardly be described as a character, with the typical hero figure of military films, the fighter jet pilot Shamsher 'Patty' Pathania, played by Hrithik Roshan. Patty is of course not just one, but the best pilot in the entire Indian Air Force and of course has a traumatic past where he lost someone important to him in combat, an incident he still blames himself for. As expected, he also has problems with superiors and following orders. Hrithik Roshan plays the whole movie with three facial expressions, looking cool, with tears in his eyes, without once crying or getting angry.

But probably the worst thing about this movie is the nationalism and militarism that oozes from every corner. The characters in this movie are only good or bad because they have a certain nationality, and there is not a single deviation from this pattern throughout the running time. The Indian army and the Indian state are infallible in this movie, combat actions are only triggered by an attack from the other side and the movie repeatedly assures itself of moral action. If you ask me what kind of film Fighter (2024) actually is, the answer can only be: a promotional film for the Indian Air Force. The film constantly outdoes itself in its glorifying portrayal of its soldiers and the great time they have together as a group. Again and again, there is talk of heroically giving one's life for one's country and the countless hero shots are intended to elevate the characters to the status of heroes in uniform; the film even gets carried away with the completely clichéd statement by one character that she is married to her country.

As difficult as the theme and ideology of this film are, the action scenes are just as successful. The fight sequences in the air, even if they drift into the physically impossible in many places, are what make this movie. Based on an outstanding sound design, Siddharth Anand succeeds in staging aerial action that doesn't need to hide behind Hollywood's TopGun films.

Unfortunately, the movie does not consist exclusively of exciting aerial sequences, but shifts to the ground for the most part, whereby the pacing gets completely out of rhythm. The excessive use of slow motion every second considerably reduces the agility of the scenes and cannot keep up with the dynamics of the aerial battles. The long running time of the film seems disproportionate and is mainly due to the excessive use of slow-motion effects, which slow down the film overall. The staging of two of the musical interludes also seems completely out of place in a war film like Figther (2024); stylistically, they are more reminiscent of advertisements for expensive perfume brands.

In the end, the movie is too long and unfortunately dripping with nationalism and militarism, and with the clear enemy/friend positioning of the characters, the happy ending never seems to be in danger. So Fighter (2024) is not a good movie and only really worth seeing in the air.

Es ist fast eine Untertreibung zu sagen, dass dieser Film unterkomplex ist. Fighter (2024) folgt einem simplen Freund-Feind-Schema, in dem die indische Armee als edle Krieger mit moralisch einwandfreien Zielen dargestellt wird und der Feind aus Pakistan als Haufen von Menschenverächtern und Terroristen, die zu jeder Gräueltat fähig sind. Die Figur des Rishabh Sawhney ist nur dazu da, dass es am Ende in einem alles entscheidenden Kampf auch eine Verkörperung des feindlichen Ziels gibt, auf das die Heldenfigur einschlagen kann, die Figur selbst, die der große Antagonist des Films sein soll, ist aber eigentlich keine wirkliche menschliche Figur, sondern eine reine Projektionsfläche des Bösen, ohne eigene Motivation, aus der sich Handlungselemente ergeben könnten.

Diesem flachen, kaum als Figur zu bezeichnenden Antagonisten stellt der Film die typische Heldenfigur des Militärfilms gegenüber, den Kampfjetpiloten Shamsher 'Patty' Pathania von Hrithik Roshan verkörpert. Patty ist natürlich nicht nur einer, sondern der beste Pilot der gesamten indischen Luftwaffe und hat natürlich auch eine traumatische Vergangenheit, in der er einen für ihn wichtigen Menschen im Kampf verloren hat, für diesen Vorfall macht er sich natürlich immer noch Vorwürfe. Mit Vorgesetzten und dem Befolgen von Befehlen hat er wie nicht anders zu erwarten auch Probleme. Hrithik Roshan spielt den ganzen Film mit drei Gesichtsausdrücken, cool durch die Gegend blickend, mit Tränen in den Augen, ohne auch nur einmal zu weinen, oder wütend.

Aber wahrscheinlich ist das Schlimmste an diesem Film der Nationalismus und Militarismus, der aus allen Ecken quillt. Die Figuren in diesem Film sind nur deshalb gut oder böse, weil sie eine bestimmte Nationalität haben, und von diesem Muster wird während der gesamten Laufzeit kein einziges mal abgewichen. Die indische Armee und der indische Staat sind in diesem Film unfehlbar, Gefechtshandlungen werden nur durch eine Attacke der Gegenseite ausgelöst und das moralische Handeln versichert sich der Film immer wieder selbst. Fragt man mich, was für ein Film Fighter (2024) eigentlich ist, kann die Antwort nur lauten: ein Werbefilm für die indische Luftwaffe. Ständige übertrifft sich der Film selbst in der glorifizierenden Darstellung seiner Soldaten und der tollen Zeit, die sie als Gruppe miteinander verbringen. Immer wieder wird vom heldenhaften Geben des eigenen Lebens für das eigene Land gesprochen und mit den unzähligen Hero-Shots sollen die Figuren immer wieder zu Helden in Uniform überhöht werden, der Film lässt sich sogar zu der völlig klischeehaften Aussage einer Figur hinreißen, sie sei mit ihrem Land verheiratet.

So schwierig das Thema und die Ideologie dieses Films sind, so gelungen sind die Actionszenen. Die Kampfsequenzen in der Luft, auch wenn sie an vielen Stellen ins physikalisch Unmögliche abdriften, sind das, was diesen Film ausmacht. Auf der Basis eines herausragenden Sounddesigns gelingt es Siddharth Anand, Luftaction zu inszenieren, die sich nicht hinter den TopGun-Filmen aus Hollywood zu verstecken braucht.

Leider besteht der Film nicht ausschließlich aus spannenden Luftsequenzen, sondern verlagert sich größtenteils auf den Boden, wobei das Pacing völlig aus dem Rhythmus gerät. Der übermäßige Einsatz von Zeitlupen im Sekundentakt mindert die Agilität der Szenen erheblich und kann mit der Dynamik der Luftkämpfe nicht mithalten. Die lange Laufzeit des Films wirkt überproportional und ist vor allem auf den übermäßigen Einsatz von Slow-Motion Effekt zurückzuführen, die den Film insgesamt entschleunigen. Auch die Inszenierung von zwei der Musicaleinlagen wirkt in einem Kriegsfilm wie Figther (2024) völlig deplatziert, stilistisch erinnern sie eher an Werbung für teure Parfümmarken.

Am Ende ist der Film zu lang und trieft leider vor Nationalismus und Militarismus, bei der so klaren Feind/Freund-Positionierung der Figuren scheint das Happy End natürlich auch nie in Gefahr. So ist Fighter (2024) kein guter Film und nur in der Luft wirklich sehenswert.

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@jojo6612nyr whats sad is that this review is written better than the movie's screenplay.

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Deadpool 2

Review by Anubhav Prieyadarshi
BlockedParent2018-05-18T09:02:01Z— updated 2018-05-31T14:22:43Z

If you love Deadpool 1, you WILL be disappointed! But otherwise . Good movie on its own
Unless you are a fanboy(i mean this without being rude). its ok if you personally love it. But yes it is not as funny as Deadpool 1, full stop.

Deadpool 1 had a simple plot a simple storyline, simple budget. And so they killed it in writing, the jokes 4th wall breaks were off the chart. It was character driven story.

Deadpool 2 is a plot driven story. and the plot is just weak. The plot center is this kid Russell who is not well written and turns out to be annoying and not worth it honestly. But to each his own I guess.

Deadpool himself kills it and tries to carry it throughout. If you can love the movie solely on that. You will enjoy it.

Lot of jokes may not pander to international audience easily. I had hard time understanding few lines. But I can imagine they are funny. Will see it again with references

Cable was good, but underused in my opinion. I was expecting him to blow Deadpool's mind and imagining them to be each other's throat throughout the film.

That does not happen. The plot shifts. Cable joins deadpool. actually saves him in the end. while the villain is juggernaut. xmen 3 last stand memories anyone??

I saw DP1 again recently before seeing DP2 and I was laughing out loud at most stuff and the movie kept me hooked. DP2 does not do that. There are scenes in which I was waiting for things to move along.

It also suffers from the "trailer" effect. You know where you have seen most jokes and cool stuff in the trailer itself. And then in the movie you expect more but end up with nothing.

One awesome joke I found in trailer was Deadpool saying to Domino that YESS XFORCE IS DERIVATIVE!! . They cut it for some reason. He simply ignores her and says NO ONE ASKED FOR UR OPININON PETER. I mean why??

Some humor felt forced dare i say. I mean too much MCU and DC remarks.

but some humor really kicked ass.

In short I may not want to see it again on theaters. Deadpool 1 I could have seen it over and over agian.

Many people may disagree. I write this objectively.

Good Luck.

went for it the second time. (because i had time to kill and i was nearby).
i do not want to redact anything. i stick by my comments and score. "you can enjoy this. but not as good as dp1"
there are lot of referential humour instead of contextual ones so some jokes will be hard to understand as i said before.

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@glasgow1975 Deadpool replying that exact line by accepting that "it is derivative" was cut! . instead he just changes topic. that was an awesome line really.

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Avengers: Infinity War

OK the excellent reviews from all over the internet including trakt here are more than enough and I don’t want to rehash something in an overall sense. I have already given a TLDR review on trakt.

I went to see it for the third time and I want to give a different kind of Character by Character review.

this movie is 11/10 for me. fan boy alert. I will speak nothing but praise for this movie and it might irritate some realistic people. So, avoid reading :) in that case.

even after seeing it for the third time. it was as magical as first. (which happens very very less even with the most awesome-est movies)
there will be spoilers ahead. I have hidden most of them. But there could be some I may think not spoiler-y enough. Also, you really should manage to see this movie by now, sorry….


Tony Stark/Iron Man: Evergreen as ever. Nails his acting throughout. And iron man action. unbelievable. the new "bleeding edge" armor actually made me worry at first because now the transformation is too quick and smooth instead of the robotic assembly in all previous films. but that is so much delivering in battles. especially in the end before thanos stabs him. how he plants his feet on ground. including one time on thanos's hand. and "creates" shields and when his armor is damaged he is actually pulling nanomachines from the leg to compensate while shooting plasmas or whatever" mind blowing throughout

Thor: thor ragnarok fans won’t be disappointed!! Half of his time is spent on his quest for his new weapon against thanos and that allows him to team up with rocket and groot for some excellent humour. and when he lands in Wakanda with stormbreaker. I know I screamed along with the whole theatre.

Bruce Banner: I love ruffalo’s acting. And he also delivers (yes, I’m gonna be praising almost everyone here). His inability to hulk is amazing. And its actually so cute. It was a slightly lighter version of him than previous ones. He worried more. He had fun more in the hulkbuster.

Hulk: yes, I’m writing this separate because he is a different personality from bruce banner. he came in the beginning and got his ass kicked after a couple of minutes. . Although those couple of minutes were decent action. But hulk fans will surely be disappointed. He is not as much as one would want. The best theory is “smart hulk” coming in avengers 4. His 1 second appearance at the end while resisting transformation were cute and hilarious. NOOOOO

Captain America: the new “nomad” look is great. And he is still a confident personality all set to fight thanos as soon as he realises his threat. Not too many standout action moments I’ll say. He isn’t having that many moments at all rather but its fine. But on Wakanda when they begin battle. Him and black panther running towards enemies the fastest was really goosebumpy. It’s the small details like this which makes the movie great. I really missed his usual circle shield as it allowed some cool action especially when used as a projectile. His new “shields” are practically fancy gauntlet kind of things. And definitely can’t be thrown.

Black Widow: again, not much to do here. Blonde btw so that’s a major change in looks. She and banner could have had some moments. But nothing is really done. Decent action alongside Okoye and Scarlet Witch against Proxima. The feminism thing landed well here.

Doctor Strange: my personal favourite. Fans WON’T be disappointed. And will probably have tears. His signature comic book moves are used. Along with him bringing the mirror dimensions once. And his cape usage!! Oh God. Each and every second of his presence is golden. His interactions with Stark are satisfying. He and Thanos also get an verbal interaction. His actions scenes are probably the coolest and shiniest. Not to mention his conjuring helps a lot like quill jumping on his shields and portals for Spiderman and mantis.

War Machine: decent presence. The big bang scenes for him. He really blows stuff up on Wakanda and its badass. has decent interactions with captain black widow and bruce.

Spiderman: I don’t have any other words yet again. Fans won’t be disappointed. Cute and chit chattyness is back. And still remains formidable. His interactions with stark are really cool with the great mentor ward relationship shown. He is the youngest and it shows. got you… and you … sorry I can’t remember everyone’s names. And his death should hit you the hardest.

Black Panther: I love black panther so much (yes like everyone… I know). his walk is amazing. I don’t know whether it’s the camera work. But his walk is so much vertical. His first shot came from the behind while that cool African music. His leadership and bravery are there for everyone to see on Wakanda. And how he runs head first with captain in the battle. Amazing!!

Vision: being a stone bearer he had to be come a plot point and thus is very underpowered here. But it works fine. his sacrifices are emotional and moving. His chemistry with Wanda is believable. Really vulnerable here compared to previous powerful appearances.

Scarlet Witch: again, good chemistry with vision. How she protects vision after corvus stabs him had some cool moments before captain and team show up to save him. It was full of fear and ultimately tragic for her. But she had great action moments on Wakanda alongside Okoye and black widow being extremely powerful of course.

Falcon: not much dialogue. But great action presence. Russo brothers are truly the master of actions. I am running out of complimentary words for the scenes. The flying kicking shooting combo was great both when saving vision and on Wakanda.

Winter Soldier: decent acting and small action. again, he is just a good soldier who can shoot. But he has a really cute moment with rocket. he is referred to as “white wolf” now btw.

Loki: the first and quickest death of the movie :’( totally redeems himself after everything. Great acting, he actually finally refers to himself as odinson at the end.

Heimdall: again, not much role here. dies really quick along with Loki at the start. One dialogue and that’s it. Idris alba is great as always

Eitri: new entry played by Dinklage. I think he was fine. and had a good failed dwarf presence. 0 action in case anyone not seen is wondering. But provides decent acting and helps thor build stormbreaker.

Wong: present in act1 alongside Doctor Strange, banner and stark. He is a good actor and compliments Doctor strange all the time. Has decent action throughout act1 and pulls a cool portal hand cut move with cull obsidian.

Mantis: really awesome. More cuter than guardian2 whenever speaking. And helps fight thanos at the end too.

Nebula: did not have much to do here. But there were cool moments here and there. when she lands on titan to fight thanos she boomerangs her knife. That was really a cool shot

Drax: shines!! Truest to the character. Impulsive jumping on everything everywhere. And “speaking literally” everywhere. Why is gamora is probably one of the best jokes of infinity war if not THE best.

Gamora: acted really well emotionally. She was a plot point here, being thanos’s daughter. Her pain and frustration were visible. Her interactions with thanos throughout were golden.

Groot: groot fans rejoice. and then cry. They have really done awesome work with groot. His “I am groot” is different every time. And u can always tell or take a good guess what he is saying. This time a teenager. And he kicks decent ass on Wakanda. And his moment when he provides the handle for stormbreaker made the theatre go wild. james gunn recently revealed that his last “I am groot” before dying was “dad”. Need…. Towel…. :’(

Rocket: hilarious rocket is at it again. This time sticking with thor and landing on Wakanda later with him. His interactions with him are good. And his obsession for artificial body parts continues and is hilarious as ever.

Potts: she is.. there. @ tony’s introduction. And then getting angry at him when he is on the spaceship. Nothing much here. No comments.

Collector: also there. Just for moments. Nothing to comment.

Thanos: yes, the main lead of the movie. If you are not careful you will start sympathising with him and take his side actually. Brolin’s acting kicks major ass. And his cg work is amazing too. He is kicking every avenger’s ass throughout. And its not just mindlessly. He is motivated. Adamant to wipe out 50% of everything. And his love for gamora, the interactions with her. Both adult and young. and ultimately having to kill her while having tears in his eyes. it brought tears to MY eyes and I was cheering for him… ahem… must check self for genocidal tendencies…

Star Lord: amazing comedy. Really. it’s evident Gunn was involved. How he scolds groot. Interacts with rocket, Drax. And love for gamora. Amazing. And I don’t care what half the internet is saying. it’s a story. And his impulsiveness caused thanos to win after almost losing. He is like that!!. He shot Ego literally 2 seconds after he told him about his mother. Where as it took tony stark time to sink in, in civil war after hearing similar news. People are different. And quill is like that. So, he started punching thanos mindlessly. He lost the girl his love. Enjoy the memes but he was amazing in my opinion.

Okoye: has some decent cute lines to say and kicks major ass when fighting on Wakanda!! Great acting

Shuri: good expositional dialogue and is there to help vision. Not really much but good.

Ross: he is there to still whine about captain America. Nothing much

M’Baku: again, after BP he is there to kick ass on Wakanda. And his presence is fierce!!!. Good acting

Ned: yes, he is there for 5 seconds but it was hilarious. Spiderman asks him to distract and gets what he wants because of his natural behaviour. Hilarious

Nick Fury: there at the end to call captain’s marvel. Before dying like others. Few seconds of role. It was almost like he knew what’s going on or something. He almost said mother**** .
Maria Hill: along with fury. Before dying

Proxima Midnight: I will admit I don’t know the children of thanos from the comics. So, I might not know if something wasn’t done right. But in the movie, all were great. Proxima had good facial animation shown in interactions with cap+black widow. And good voice acting.

Cull Obsidian: the physical hulk counterpart I guess… although hulk never came as we know. he was bulky and well designed. Kicks good ass. No voice acting here.

Corvus Glaive: great action against vision. Not much voice acting here.

Ebony Maw: probably the best of “children of thanos”. the most unexpected. He is formidable against Doctor Strange and has good interactions with him. And then good small banter with iron man. His action moments were great. As he is also a wizard of some kind. Stands tall and thin and simply waves hand to avoid “projectiles” thrown at him etc. very “elegant” and “sophisticated” action.

I hope I covered everyone. I want to add few things about the ending:

they killed half of everything. Which was really unexpected. But one beautiful thing was how they did it. Subverting expectations at almost every finger snap death. I may mess up/forget the order in the following, but you’ll get what I mean.

It starts with Bucky. Then few Wakanda army soldiers. Fine
Then black panther comes to help out Okoye. All expecting Okoye to vanish, but it turns out to be black panther. Okoye’s face horror reflects the audience.
Then its scarlet witch. one would think ok vision is gone. Scarlet witch will remain to “avenge” etc. but nope. Too much tragedy for her and to top it off. Gone
Then its groot and rocket. Audience: they killed groot already. its time for rocket yeahh. Obviously not our groot.
Nope its groot!!
Then its falcon while war machine looks for him. He goes unnoticed completely. Every death was horrific.
Back on titan. It starts with mantis I think. After that Drax.
At that point we are like. not quill obviously. c’mon that’s like 3 guardians already. But nope. quill too. bye bye. Cry more
Nebula remains.
Doctor strange’s close up. And he says to stark. this was the only way…..
He is telling a dialogue like he knows something. so c’mon obviously not him. Nope he is gone too!!!
Oh, u stopped crying. How dare u? MORE!!!
Then its Spiderman. C’mon 4 deaths already there. Its enough right.
Nope time for the death of Spiderman. The young one. done a bit more dramatically to hammer it all in.
He dies in tony’s arm. To everyone’s horror including tony’s. while saying “sorry”….

The movie’s writing is awesome and perfect.

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(spoiler) text is spoiler will be (/spoiler)

but use square brackets instead of these normal brackets . (if i put square it will be hidden :) )

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Lady Bird

I will wager that if you like "Juno" you will like this film. The script is fast-paced without a lot of what I prefer, e.g. allowing time to pass as in real life, without dialogue constantly being spoken. This film, to me, is like a solipsist's dream.

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@pivic well i loved juno. and i hated this film !! :) even 4/10 seems generous for this overhyped movie

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Transformers: The Last Knight

Review by Jim222001
BlockedParent2017-06-21T19:18:40Z— updated 2017-06-25T22:06:43Z

Like the last four Transformers movies, The Last Knight is over-long and overstuffed. While screenwriter Akiva Goldsman (Batman & Robin, Lost in Space, The DaVinci Code) who came up with the story added some DaVinci Code like subplots to the film. Which has Anthony Hopkins sending Mark Wahlberg's character on a quest to find Merlin's staff.
The upside is that there's some nice visuals and set pieces. All that seems wasted on films that don't add up to much. Sarcastic Spoiler Alert: They all have pretty much the same ending for movies that are so epicly long. "My name is Optimus Prime and I will always fight for humans and their planet....blah blah blah."
Michael Bay, before the start of some recent movies at theaters bragged about testing the limits of IMAX for the viewers. Yeah when he did that, he let the writer of Batman & Robin worry about the story. The film looks great but is it great ? No.
There's some laughs and cool new Transformers and robots but the movie is so long with a scattered plot that the good points don't save it . You also have Josh Duhmel back and chasing Wahlberg and the Autobots throughout until he's suddenly not.
Plus why are the humans even still after the Autobots that saved them four times and are their best defense against the Decepticons ? That's something for example that makes the film a mess. Bay hasn't learned from making any of these movies. Never takes notes from a bad review and just presents similar movies each time.
It's like "screw you, I'm Michael Bay and people will keep seeing these movies. So I will make it longer, louder and add more explosions!!"

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@jim222001 no offense, but then u gave the score too high. (and that itself is a huge misleading to a potential watcher). i gave it a GENEROUS 3/10

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Shout by Deleted

It is a good movie, but from Christopher Nolan I was expecting something a lot better.

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@toke-deleted-1480280503 yea but it was a complete remake . the awesome nolan experiences are the ones nolan writes himself :)

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