
Three things: what happened with the white Vision, what happened with Agnes who got her mind washed but the town went normal again, and what a shame that the other Pietro wasn't actually a Prieto from another universe but just a random nomal guy.

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Mad Max: Fury Road

This movie pretends to be simple in plot, but actually its background story is very complex. there's no need to have obvious dialogues or overdeveloped characters to understand the movie's meaing. there are some elements that are awesome that say too much about this universe but are showed in a very subtle way. the miss Giddy's tattoos, the warboys religion, the habit of painting their heads with car grease, the bag of seeds, the nuclear radiation that does not allow to have healthy babies and that's the reason why the wives are very important to Immortan Joe... theres very much material to analise out about this movie. You people in this comment section who attack this movie are too slow, People who critic this way of storytelling seriously are dumb. These people always need that the movie hold them by the hand to understand something, having to get you everything explained. This movie is outstanding, one of the best action movies of the last 30 years indeed, my favorite one after Terminator 2: Jugdement day.

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Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust

Steampunk with vampires, what else can I ask?

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The Karate Kid

This movie's not that bad, it's just a remake of a classic film (like if the original one there was no any mistakes). it counts with one of the best dramatic Jackie Chan performances, and the best Jaden Smith role ever. Recommended if you are not comparing both movies. Honestly, the only bad thing here is the movie's name, and that's it. It's not Karate, it's Kung Fu.

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This movie is pretty good in sport movies genre, Bolo Yeoung is very convincing as a relentless and tenacious fighter. Van Damme is the fighter that never surrender, that proves his value with sacrifice, both of them are the best of the movie. The Kumite and Kowloon setting makes the torunament clandestine but legendary and convincing. This movie would be perfect if only the one Brazilian fighter makes Capoeira instead just boxing. overall, Bloodsport is a very good class B movie and one of the finest sports movie ever released.

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Guardians of the Galaxy

This movie and Winter Soldier are the best in entire MCU, simply because they're the most unattached from the Marvel's superhero formula. This movie is more a space opera like Star Wars than a superhero movie, a valiant attempt, must admit.

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Highly visionary, with stunning cyberpunk visuals and setting, this movie was way beyond its time, being a late 80s movie. It shouldn't be possible to conceive this movie otherwise that would capture all of its magnificence and beautifulness.

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White Chicks

Guilty pleasure. The Blade Runner of bad movies

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The Mask of Zorro

Nice action sequences, but I feel Antonio Banderas' character wasn't developed properly. how exactly he passed from a tramp to a nobleman from overnight?

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Spirited Away

I don't know why I found so nostalgic that lonely ghost girl at the train station staring directly at Chihiro's eyes as the tramcar goes away, it seems that like I lived that moment in a previous life... its so familiar yet strange, like a dream you swore was real...

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A fair remake, but it doesn't better than the original one though. Despite uses the found-footage format, it doesn't feel like as it. The budget for this movie makes it less convincing, it's just another zombie film. You can't feel some empathy for the building's inhabitants like it does happen in the original one. There were some scenes that I liked though but the original movie keeps being better.

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Demolition Man

I used to see this movie as a funny parody. Now I found it premonitory.

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The Room

Shout by OrionWarrior
BlockedParent2020-05-13T02:49:44Z— updated 2020-06-20T03:00:57Z

The only worthy thing to watch in this movie is that you're able to see Lisa's tits and nothing else

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Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Fun to watch movie, yet kinda childish and corny, Emma Watson played a very well role of being very irritating and annoying, remembered that hateful smartass girl in the school. The traps, or challenges to get the philosopher's stone are pretty dumb, I'm pretty sure that Quirrel would die of cringe passing them through. By the way, the villain died for being allergic to Potter's skin, that's very convenient a lazy way to make the protagonist win in this movie, however I liked the treatment of the death in this movie being for children.

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Loki: 1x01 Glorious Purpose

unlike WandaVision, this series started strong and directly to the point. That's nice.

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The Prince of Egypt

One of the best non-disney animated movies out there, even being based on a Bible story. This movie is great, the handcrafted animation combines beyond good with the CGI effects. The storytelling is so good and developed, you even feel bad for the Egypt people, and even question the ways of the Ebrew God. I not consider religious movies good, basically they're all boring and poorly done. they're exist only to extend the faith, but this movie is made for art sake.

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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

The true and only Star Wars prequel movie and one of (if not) the best in the entire franchise. breathtaking and emotive, this movie makes justice to the original trilogy. very enjoyable.

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although this movie is not better than the original, the concept of demon possessed zombies is fresh and amazing. I want to watch more of this concept on other movies

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What If...?: 2x03 What If... Happy Hogan Saved Christmas?

At least they know that one of the greatest things they made with christmas topic is Die Hard and almost nothing else can rival it. This isn't one of them.

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What If...?: 1x05 What If… Zombies!?

The best thing in this episode is about 5 jokes

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2 Fast 2 Furious

This is my favourite movie in the franchise, for me is the best one. It's simple, is not pretentious or surrealistic like the subsequent parts. It's a movie about cars and speed, made by car lovers for car lovers, with a police plot around. It shows you how is this subculture, and you want to know more about it, with those tuned cars with nitro, lights everywhere, big stereos and gearboxes, in the movie the characters use real tricks to drive, like using the handbrake to drift and shiftdowning the gear at max speed to gain more potence in the relay race (that really would break down the motor), that's totally legit. This movie is almost like a documentary for me.

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Few the movies got the total bad guy as the Hero, I also like the Lovecraftian imaginery mixed with demonology. Loved the moment when Red got his hand burned with the cross. This is like a modern fairytale with blashemous content. I like it.

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Loki: 1x03 Lamentis

Everything's fine up to this point in the series, the only thing I question is the fact that the alien races in this show are human-like, there are no colored humanoids like in Guardians of the Galaxy, or even in Thor Ragnarok.

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Rush Hour

Shout by OrionWarrior
BlockedParent2023-02-27T00:17:24Z— updated 2023-03-04T14:41:36Z

I remembered this movie funnier years ago. After watching it again I found that is quite controversial, there are many stereotypes in it, and some moments played by Chris Tucker are very annoying, and instead of making me laugh, it went me mad hhah. It's still a great movie though.

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WandaVision: 1x04 We Interrupt This Program

The episode that made the show better

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Howl's Moving Castle

One of the few movies that I cried tears of joy. Absolutely beautiful.

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The Disaster Artist

Hilarious and touching at the same time. It makes you wonder how some people's mind works. Even your own, right? We had been the tommy wiseau for someone sometimes (even for ourselves), an enigma, toxic, faithful, inspired, etc. All except for the money lol.

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Plan 9 from Outer Space

The antithesis of filmmaking. Not just for the special effects. The screenplay, acting, tone, illumination, story, setting, are terribly bad done. But I don't know why, these elements give to this movie a unique, nostalgic charm, making worthy to watch this movie more than once.

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Secret in Their Eyes

Tenchnically decent and nicely acted, however it doesn't trascend too much, it's easily forgettable, and in regard to the original one, this movie hasn't the brilliant dialogues or the triller elements. This movie turned into the typical generic action cop movie.

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