


Star Trek: Picard: 3x04 No Win Scenario

Worf continues to be the single TNG character in this show whose actions and words are consistent with TNG. It’s almost to the point where I feel the writers of this show only watched the Worf episodes of TNG, even though his role in Picard is more ancillary crowd pleasing rather than central.

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Archer: 12x02 Lowjacked

Pam and Cheryl carry this show so many times!

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Star Trek: Picard: 2x05 Fly Me to the Moon

The EMP disables the bus but not the radios of the police people or the iPhone a prisoner had in his pocket? What in the Gene Roddenberry fuck?

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Star Trek: Picard: 2x04 Watcher

I’m okay with Guinan being played by a new actress. What I’m not okay with is her pretending to not know Picard. There was a memorable episode of TNG when Picard traveled with crew to past, 1800s, and worked with her! She would have course have remembered him, damn it. Time’s Arrow was the epidode. Am I a nerd? I don’t mean to sound like it?

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Archer: 11x01 The Orpheus Gambit

It's good to see them back in their groove!

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Star Trek: Picard: 2x02 Penance

The actor playing Q is intense. I don’t remember him being so effective an actor on TNG.

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Archer: Season 9

This was a fun season! Better than the prior.

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Star Trek: Picard: 1x08 Broken Pieces

We’ve got Elinor the Legolas-like elf. Now we’ve got the overarching plot of Frank Herbert’s Dune series avoiding some awful, terrible future where artificial life forms wreck all life. And if that wasn’t too fine a point, the writers drill it home by having Picard say, and I quote, fear is the great destroyer, which is eerily similar to the Litany against Fear.

Ffs I sound like SUCH A NERD!

Damn you, Star Trek!

It was nice of them to tell us all this stuff now, I guess, without stretching it across 10 seasons.

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Star Trek: Picard: 1x08 Broken Pieces

We’ve got Elinor the Legolas-like elf. Now we’ve got the overarching plot of Frank Herbert’s Dune series avoiding some awful, terrible future where artificial life forms wreck all life. And if that wasn’t too fine a point, the writers drill it home by having Picard say, and I quote, fear is the great destroyer, which is eerily similar to the Litany against Fear.

Ffs I sound like SUCH A NERD!

Damn you, Star Trek!

It was nice of them to tell us all this stuff now, I guess, without stretching it across 10 seasons.

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Star Trek: Picard: 1x08 Broken Pieces

We’ve got Elinor the Legolas-like elf. Now we’ve got the overarching plot of Frank Herbert’s Dune series avoiding some awful, terrible future where artificial life forms wreck all life. And if that wasn’t too fine a point, the writers drill it home by having Picard say, and I quote, fear is the great destroyer, which is eerily similar to the Litany against Fear.

Ffs I sound like SUCH A NERD!

Damn you, Star Trek!

It was nice of them to tell us all this stuff now, I guess, without stretching it across 10 seasons.

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Elsbeth: 1x01 Pilot

This pilot wasn’t bad at all! Elsbeth’s character still holds up, 10 years after The Good Wife. I’d keep watching.

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Elsbeth: 1x01 Pilot

This pilot wasn’t bad at all! Elsbeth’s character still holds up, 10 years after The Good Wife. I’d keep watching.

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Star Trek: Picard: 1x08 Broken Pieces

We’ve got Elinor the Legolas-like elf. Now we’ve got the overarching plot of Frank Herbert’s Dune series avoiding some awful, terrible future where artificial life forms wreck all life. And if that wasn’t too fine a point, the writers drill it home by having Picard say, and I quote, fear is the destroyer, which is eerily similar to the Litany against Fear.

Ffs I sound like SUCH A NERD!

Damn you, Star Trek!

It was nice of them to tell us all this stuff now, I guess, without stretching it across 10 seasons.

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Star Trek: Picard: 1x08 Broken Pieces

We’ve got Elinor the Legolas-like elf. Now we’ve got the overarching plot of Frank Herbert’s Dune series avoiding some awful, terrible future where artificial life forms wreck all life. And if that wasn’t too fine a point, the writers drill it home by having Picard say, and I quote, fear is the destroyer, which is eerily similar to the Litany against Fear.

Ffs I sound like SUCH A NERD!

Damn you, Star Trek!

It was nice of them to tell us all this stuff now, I guess, without stretching it across 10 seasons.

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Star Trek: Picard: 1x08 Broken Pieces

We’ve got Elinor the Legolas-like elf. Now we’ve got the overarching plot of Frank Herbert’s Dune series avoiding some awful, terrible future where artificial life forms wreck all life. And if that wasn’t too fine a point, the writers drill it home by having Picard say, and I quote, fear is the destroyer, which is eerily similar to the Litany against Fear.

Ffs I sound like SUCH A NERD!

Damn you, Star Trek!

It was nice of them to tell us all this stuff now, I guess, without stretching it across 10 seasons.

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Star Trek: Picard: 1x08 Broken Pieces

We’ve got Elinor the Legolas-like elf. Now we’ve got the overarching plot of Frank Herbert’s Dune series avoiding some awful, terrible future where artificial life forms wreck all life. And if that wasn’t too fine a point, the writers drill it home by having Picard say, and I quote, fear is the destroyer, which is eerily similar to the Litany against Fear.

Ffs I sound like SUCH A NERD!

Damn you, Star Trek!

It was nice of them to tell us all this stuff now, I guess, without stretching it across 10 seasons.

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Star Trek: Picard: 1x04 Absolute Candor

What in the Legolas hell is this Elnor nonsense? This is turning into Fellowship of the Ring.

Narek looks Elven, too. Like a dark Elf.

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Star Trek: Picard: 1x01 Remembrance

Having come off a fresh watch of the entire TNG series, Generations, First Contact, Insurrection, Nemesis - that conversation between Picard and Dahj at Starfleet archives was absolutely perfect. Compassionate. Classic Picard.

Wait. Those people at Picard’s house are Romulan? Wtf? Why do they look so different? They’re humans with pointy ears. Are they half-breeds?

Wait. Are you serious with that Borg ship? Wtf?

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Bluey: 3x49 The Sign

That ending musical montage was brutal. Merciless. It had me ugly crying, wtf!

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 7x23 Emergence

4 episodes left and they chose to publish this nonsense

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 7x19 Genesis

Well that was unnecessarily, unexpectedly terrifying on a complete 90s way.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 7x18 Eye of the Beholder


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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 7x17 Masks

This whole episode, I kept thinking: "Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra." "Shakra, when the walls fell."

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 7x08 Attached

Good old Pic deserved a campfire handie at least after that confession. Bev is such a tease.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 7x05 Gambit (2)

Love that scene with Data and Worf in the ready room. I’m gonna miss this show!

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 7x03 Interface

What in the seven hells did I just watch? Did you watch it, too? Oh my.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 6x25 Timescape

Such a great episode. Science, mystery, intrigue, drama. I’m gonna miss this show.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 6x17 Birthright (2)

Iono y errybody b hatin on mai boi WOOF.

He gud ppl.

Gud Worf. Gud. The end.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 6x16 Birthright (1)

Worf with the OG tactical turtleneck. This is its, what, fifth appearance? It never gets old. Never change, baby!

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 6x13 Aquiel

100+ episodes and my boy Geordi finally gets his dick wet! Huzzah! Sure, it’s implied dick-wetting, but you’ll never convince me otherwise.

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