peachy peachy


Omicron Persei 8

Avatar: The Last Airbender: 2x14 City of Walls and Secrets

When I was younger, The Puppetmaster was the creepiest episode of Avatar, and this one was unremarkable at worst. Now that I am older though, it is this episode that really sends chills down my spine.

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@pettywaf Watching this as an adult is wild because I am finally recognizing the dystopian elements for what they are.

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Riverdale: 4x19 Chapter Seventy-Six: Killing Mr. Honey

This last episode seems really promising!

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@jim222001 oh no, I did not know that! He is one of the few characters I am actually invested in :((

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 1x09 The Waterbending Scroll

haha, I remember this episode. Common theme in both this and Korra is friends being all jealous and insecure over how fast the Avatar learns lol

It does seem OP to not only get to know all 4 elements but to learn them easier too though lol

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@firestorrm58 I feel you. Honestly, I also feel Katara's frustration, and did not really like how Aang picked up on the move so quickly.

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The Good Place: 1x04 Jason Mendoza

[6.8/10] Less enamored with this one. I appreciate the reveal that Jianyu is actually just a drug-dealing kid from Florida who is as lost about all of this as Eleanor is. But the whole “being yourself just gets you in trouble” thing was kind of a muddled message without much comic juice in it. By the same token, the whole “you can’t let anyone know who you really are or it’ll blow both of our covers!” felt like a cheap source of a dramatic tension.

Tahani party-planning with Michael was also a bit underwhelming. The grouchy but kind chef didn’t really work for me as a gag, (though Michael’s excitement over suspenders did). And it felt more like they just needed something for Tahani to do in the episode without much rhyme or reason to it.

Overall, a little weaker, though I’m glad they gave Jianyu a little more dimension (and his “ethics” vs. “ethnics” pronunciation bit was a good laugh).

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@andrewbloom I initially didn't like the "being yourself gets you into trouble" thing either until Eleanor said "be a better version of yourself", which I think is the actual idea that they want to push for in this episode

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Riverdale: 4x08 Chapter Sixty-Five: In Treatment

getting real tired of the veronica hiram hermione hate triangle - how many times are they going to run the same story?

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@mollyelton same!!! also tired of Archie's whole vigilante streak

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Arcane: 1x01 Welcome to the Playground
Sherlock: 3x03 His Last Vow

Mary’s situation was too obvious, she was too good to be true, however I don’t see a problem with her past considering it has no relation to Sherlock or John, it was a coincidence that she ended up meeting and falling for John and her past has nothing to do with any of them so after all that was clarified I feel like John was being dramatic.
I almost got mad when Sherlock was with Jenine in front of John cause in my mind Sherlock and John belong together! Is there a ship name for that? It’s just that I can only see John for his emotional value to Sherlock cause like Magnussen said, he is of no use.
And I loved how they fixed the Magnussen problem! Shows always drag conflicts and the answer was really simple, so I liked that they did the logical and simple thing.

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@aars26 Sherlock x John = Johnlock! I am honestly roothing for them too.

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Neon Genesis Evangelion: 1x17 Fourth Children

Oh my god are we finally coming close to answering the question "why are the EVAs piloted by children?"

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@pettywaf I now desperately need more anime like attack on titan and neon genesis evangelion where there's this group of ppl fighting against powerful creatures that they don't understand but seem hardwired to destroy humanity :pensive::pensive::pensive: the bleakness and desperation of it all :pensive::pensive::pensive: (2nd watch)

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The Legend of Korra: 4x02 Korra Alone

I have so much appreciation for Tenzin and Katara; they're so patient and supportive. I dislike Korra less now. Her vision(?) is so creepy.

I also don't really like what they added to the Avatar lore.

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@pettywaf Rewatching TLoK, and I have newfound appreciation for this episode! The first time I watched the series, I found Korra insufferable, but now, I actually quite like her.

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Children of the Whales: 1x01 It Was Our Entire World

Having powers and dying young seems like a pretty good deal to me. I checked this pilot out having no clue whatsoever about the series, but the idea of a small community discouraged from expressing emotions and seemingly isolated from the world suggests painful, burdensome secrets!

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@pettywaf I am really loving the soft art, adorable characters, interesting concept and premise, and the underlying sense that everything is not what it seems because of the sea turning into the sand and back and the elders. I am betting that their people were imprisoned in the mud whale because of their thymia.

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Puella Magi Madoka Magica: 1x09 I'd Never Allow That to Happen

Gosh. Madoka's self-righteousness and self-deprecation are almost t o o m u c h. I love Kyoko and Sayaka too. I hope Homura will be alive by the end.

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@pettywaf Just realized that one of the things I like about this series is that it really captured that specific brand of loneliness that comes with being a teenager.

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Fullmetal Alchemist: 1x51 Laws and Promises

Wait, what the fuck?? I did not feel the series coming to a conclusion at all ???? I can't believe it just ended like that ????
Edit: Okay, I don't hate it, I think. I wouldn't exactly say it was rushed. Abrupt, maybe. Underwhelming, somehow yes, definitely so. I really like the direction 2003 went with, maybe even more so than Brotherhood (the villain and Final Battle Scene of which I was not particularly fond of either). I just feel like the pace and gravitas (??) of the ending did not do the momentum that the past episodes built up justice.

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@pettywaf I was thinking that maybe this time around (my second viewing), I would have a more concrete opinion or more cohesive thoughts regarding how I feel about the ending. I definitely do not hate it though.

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The Haunting of Hill House: 1x05 The Bent-Neck Lady

The drop in the motel hallway freaked me the f out.

But there's a more pressing issue. Why the hell was Steven's wife in the house hallucinations? Doesn't make any sense. Shirley's husband wasn't there. So why would she be?

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@abtr I think she was the maid of honor (the one Theo was with during the wedding)

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Serial Experiments Lain: 1x01 Layer:01 – WEIRD

love the art, atmosphere, and imagery of wires as something that connect AND slice

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@pettywaf this episode is the definition of morbid curiosity

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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: 2x48 Long Journey, Farewell, My Friends

Some things here don't make sense:

  1. What caused stands to exist? Did they always exist or did they come into existence because of DIO coming back? I recall it being because of DIO. However, Poinareff had his stand apparently since he was a kid, and guy is at least in his 20s. Likely a detail I confused, but if not it's a pretty big hole.

End of arc spoiler below:
2. Draining DIO's blood into Old Jojo should have turned him into a vampire. Every other time DIO's blood was passed on, the person turned, most recently Cool Ice (or Vanilla Ice, the one who killed Iggy). I don't think they could take back JUST Old Jojo's blood that DIO stole: once it's mixed, it's mixed. Not to mention, the whole "soul" leaving his body moment, but it wouldn't be the first time they played around with souls. So for that moment when Old Jojo was "just playing around", I 100% saw it coming as a real issue, and it still may be one later.

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@theconcept95 from what I understood, stands have always been a thing, but it was not until DIO came back that the Joestars gained theirs ???? So I'm wondering if Jotaro and Joseph get to keep Star Platinum and Hermit Purple...

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Attack on Titan: Special 15 A Choice with No Regrets (1)

The pacing of this episode feels slightly off to me. To be honest, I really can't bring myself to care for Farlan and Isabel but Levi's rage and grief were so powerful. No Regrets made Levi's principle of not allowing room for regrets, and his trust in and relationship with Erwin Smith even more meaningful though.

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@pettywaf Why was Erwin so mean to Levi in the OVA adaptation? Anyway, I loved Hiroshi Kamiya's performance here. The anguished noises Levi made were so good.

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Attack on Titan: Special 14 Distress

Levi's whole get up here looks so good on him! I don't know if the episode I've seen has been altered to squueze theough some copyright loopholes or what, but some of the camera movement here was weird. Erwin and Levi's first encounter was almost thrilling, but I hope we can get more insight on what the job was supposed to be, how and why the survey corps was involved, and how they got their hands on the maneuvering gear.

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@pettywaf The inclusion of the statue of Nike in the underground was interesting. I think this episode did a good job of showing Levi's compassion and building up his relationship with Isabel and Farlan, although I think a bit too much time was alloted for those. I loved the chase scene at the end though especially Erwin and Levi's brief but tense fight.

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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: 1x01 Dio the Invader

I am not a big fan of the art or the animation, but I guess I'm willing to give this show a chance since so many of my friends love it. Not really my thing tho : //

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@pettywaf Decided to check it out again, and I am really loving the art style and colors this time around!

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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood: 1x01 Fullmetal Alchemist

I really expected the first episode to be dark and heart-wrenching, so finally seeing it was such a pleasant surprise. I love how they just immerse you in the action, the lore, and the characters' fun antics. There was something about the transitions between the different acts that really bothered me, but this was such a fun pilot. I already feel like I've been watching the show for quite some time.

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@pettywaf spoiler for later episodes Wow. I never noticed that Father was already shown here!

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Gossip Girl: 1x13 The Thin Line Between Chuck and Nate

I feel Bryn, Bex, and Lily.

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@pettywaf just reading through my (not-so-) old comments, and who are those ????? I just watched this a little more than a week ago wth

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Death Note: 1x01 Rebirth

And to think just recently I was criticising the abruptness of character changes in GoT when this dude goes from being worried he might become a murderer to full-on tyrannical monologues in the span of a 20-min episode.

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@cluisanna Haha yeah, that was funny. However, in the manga, they were able to show Light's self righteousness. They were also able to show how Light thought of what he was doing (killing people) as a necessary evil in order to make a new world, and a noble sacrifice that only he could make.

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Riverdale: 4x09 Chapter Sixty-Six: Tangerine

Right in the start idiot Veronica complains (to her "daddy") how she didn't get into her backup school and doesn't know why, then proceeds with telling him the next one that she is going to try to get into, duh, who do you think is stopping you from getting in, wake the hell up Veronica!

That smug little punk Archie making the comment to FP that people die every day, even changing a tire, at least he would die with a bit of honor. I guess he thinks that his dad didn't die with honor? I would give Archie a good smack for that one!

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@thenightwolf Super agree with everything you said. I also kinda find it out of character for Archie to always be complaining about how his died without honor?? Like he was helping people his whole life, and he was helping someone when he died. He's the only one demeaning his dad's tragic accident. I was honestly expecting FP to have been like, "you listen here, boy..."

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Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia: 1x21 Party Monster

Ugh at Toby's "pillow fight" comment. That shitty character is sexist af!

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@paulidin (a very late reply) I'm grateful that you called out all the problematic behaviors by characters especially Toby. Most of his words and actions that involved Claire and/or the other female characters in some way or another are mostly to beyond borderline perverted, outdated, and offensive especially to women.

I know people both worse and slightly better than Toby in real life, and they fail to understand why their words and actions are unacceptable. People like them and Jim222001 only go to show the harm Trollhunters does by normalizing the stuff Toby does, and presenting them as okay.

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Death Note: 1x01 Rebirth

I really expected Ryuk to sound like Grover. The scene where Light was just writing names was so intense with all his brandishing and flourishing; you would think that it would be a guy playing the grand piano especially with that chosen music in the background.

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@pettywaf (third rewatch) this episode is kind of slow (too heavy on monologues!) and some frames look kind of wonky, but I am starting to notice and appreciate the little details witch each rewatch. Also trying to do a better job at analyzing one of whom I consider the most interesting fictional characters ever- Light Yagami (among other elements and themes).

Supposedly, the first episode of the anime is named Rebirth as compared to the first chapter of the manga named Boredom, because they wanted this Light to want to become a new god from the beginning whereas the Light in the manga was just bored at first. I really don't feel that change in this adaptation though.

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