Phil Marsden


Tipton, United Kingdom

Captive State

Don't listen to the disparaging comments,for a budget of $25 million dollars which is a drop in the ocean by today's standards this movie is not bad at all & the storyline is not rambling its as simple as aliens have occupied earth & we the people ie the resistance are going to fight back! If you're looking for another district 9 you're gonna be disappointed but this movie is still worth a watch if not for John Goodman alone

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Midnight Special
World War Z

It must be said im not a big fan of zombie movies apart from the Dawn of the Dead remake which i consider far superior than the original & Shaun of the Dead which i like just for Simon Pegg & Nick Frost im just not into zombies but i liked World War Z mainly due to the fact the movie had a huge budget & believable story highly recommended

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Independence Day: Resurgence

2 hours of pain likened to going to the dentist & having your teeth pulled with rusty pliers!,I'll start by saying Independence day:Resurgence is BAD very very BAD,it's one of those movies where the director Roland Emmerich cared more about how much crappy CGI he could cram into a 2 hour movie & couldn't have cared less about 1) The Script 2) The characters who by the way i wanted each & every one of them destroyed by the Harvesters! Also the fact they wasted a reputed $155 million on this movie is just sickening, This movie failed miserably where Independence Day flourished with Character development,we cared about Capt' Steven Hillard mainly because it was Will Smith because lets face it thats why so many people like the movie apart from the then ground breaking SFX but this movie was just plain dull & disjointed i could go on & on about just how bad this movie is but im depressing myself!! So to sum up if you want to watch a great sci-fi movie & got a couple of hours spare just watch Will Smith in Independence Day again

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The Conjuring 2

I dunno why it's taken the Americans to make a movie about the Enfield hauntings ( which im very familiar with) apart of the recent T.V mini series that was screened earlier in the year which was really good just a shame us brits have lost the ability to make good horror movies

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The Green Inferno

this movie is awesome DON'T believe the negative comments!!!

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Someone answered your call...yeh & he said "DON'T WATCH THIS MOVIE AS IT SUCKS BALLS!" Scary my arse supposedly the NEW Excorcist i don't think so! So in honour of the movie being in Spanish esta película es jodidamente horrible

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Friend Request

What's with the rubbish German overdub?? Its an American made movie

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An American Werewolf in London

One of the best horror movies ever made but if anyone refers to it as a comedy horror ill be forced to hurt you very badly!! And the transformation scene is hands down the best scene in any horror movie couldn't be bettered if with today's SFX "i didn't mean to call you meatloaf,jack"

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The Cloverfield Paradox

I must've missed something because the best thing about Cloverfield Paradox was Chris O'dowd (Mundy) shame he got killed off when he did ala Vera (Superman 3) & for a movie thats so big on blinding us with science nothing is mentioned about Einstein's general theory of Relitivity no 2 bodies can exist in the same space/time position but that didn't seem to matter to Hamilton she just wanted to go to the alternate earth & meet alternate self & alternate husband & kids just to say DON'T BURN THE HOUSE DOWN! All in all it was a pants film 2/10

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The Windmill Massacre

Very surprised at this movie,wasn't expecting much at all but was pleasantly surprised good amount of gore,good effects,good supernatural storyline & all round good acting

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Best horror movie of the past 3 years! Zach Cregger did an amazing job on a shoestring budget,its a movie that's deserves no demands a sequel but it's a shame that a sequel won't be happening :sob: the legend that's Richard Brake (Halloween ll,31& 3 from hell) is his usual menacing creepy self just a shame he didn't get more screen time, I'll give Barbarian 10/10 any day of the week thoroughly enjoyed it!

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Spiral: From the Book of Saw

I'm gonna keep this short & not so sweet!....this film is bad...very very bad! Chris Rock isn't entirely to blame though why or how Leigh Whannel & James Wan green lit this movie in the first place with Rock at the helm is beyond me! But what shocked me more than anything is Darren Lynn Bousemans direction it's awful in this film bad camera angles awful lit scenes i could go on,also the fact so many have actually rated this movie shocks me,all this movie is is a bad parody of a Saw movie nothing more so Leigh Whannel & James Wan PLEASE DON'T Make another Chris Rock Saw movie you just can't take him seriously as an actor ( a very bad one as he is) i know you tried lending some credence ro to the film by casting Samuel L Jackson for 12 minutes of screen time but it didn't work! Do all Saw fans a favour & let us follow the exploits of Dr Gordon!!

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Ghost Stories

Just goes to show with some brilliant creative wriiting from Jeremy Dyson & Andy Nyman and a brilliant cast us brits really can still do horror movies which is a nice surprise to me as i thought British horror died in the 80s

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The Nursery
Primal Rage

Thank you Patrick Magee for making a really good horror film! I wasn't expecting much as its a film about the bigfoot legend but the story was actually believable but the main thing was the gore effects which are brilliant & how often are you gonna watch a movie where a sasquatch rapes the main actress though its unbelievable that she can be raped by a 400 pound 8 feet tall bigfoot & not make a sound! Also liked the tribute to the Predator 1 &2 with the fight scene with the bigfoot & the appearance of the other bigfoots (bigfeet) at the end after the main protagonist kills which is supposed to be the only bigfoot though i saw the appearance of the others coming i really enjoyed Primal Rage heres to Primal Rage 2!

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Love, Honour and Obey

I forgot just how brilliantly funny this film is but the ending is always sad

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The Boondock Saints

Why why why have i only just watched The Boondock Saints! Brilliant film very rarely do you watch a film where every actor is good no no not good but brilliant!! Sean Patrick Flanery brilliant, (The Walking deads Daryl) Norman Reedus briiliant,Willem Dafoe brilliant David Della Rocco brilliant & even Billy Connelly's Cameo is brilliant! So 1 word basically sums up The Boondock Saints.....BRILLIANT!!! 10/10

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Survive the Hollow Shoals
From Hell to the Wild West

Jack the Ripper goes to the Wild West,A psychotic killer has found a new hunting ground. A place where people frequently go missing. The American frontier.Robert "Bronzi" Kovacs bears a striking resemblance to Bronson, and he is starting to build a career on the fact that he looks like the DEATH WISH star, who passed away in 2003. Bronzi's first acting role is in writer/director Rene Perez's horror film FROM HELL TO THE WILD WEST.

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Ouija: Origin of Evil

I was going to review this movie on IMDB but you have to write at least 1000 words & i can't write 1000 words about this movie because although its not the worst paranormal/horror ive seen its not the best by a long long way but theres 1 thing that really got up my nose about this movie & its when the elder sisters boyfriend hangs himself right in front of her she was upset for all of 20 seconds & then even made a joke of them all splitting up!

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Im gonna keep this short & sweet.I first heard about 31 going into production nearly 3 years ago & to say i was looking forward to seeing it is an understatement but i can only describe this movie as BAD VERY VERY BAD! SILLY,BORING i can go on but what let this movie down more than anything is it was just a Devils Rejects & Halloween reunion & the actors knew it they didn't even try to act! Rob Zombie please don't make anymore movies because since Devils Rejects & maybe Halloween you seem to have forgotten how!

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The Purge: Election Year

Far far better than Purge 1 but not as good as Anarchy,just one question about Election the hell did the Merc know the bullet was lodged in Leos shoulder????

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Now You See Me

Why as it taken so long to watch this movie? Really enjoyable with a ending twist worthy of the Kaiser soeze twist in The Usual Suspects a solid 7 1/2-10 onto part 2

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what the f--k?! first off I love steven king movies but this got one of the most ambiguous endings ever in any movie I've seen!,like who the hell was the Raggedy man? was Clay dreaming all along? & did he save his son at the end of the movie? if he did why was he marching with the flock? but why also was he walking with his son along the railway tracks? did he kill himself & his son when he blew up the ice cream van its just questions questions questions mr king!!!!! i read an article that you liked to leave the ending open to interpretation but i don't want to interpret the endings to movies thats the job of the writer isn't it Mr. King

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The Boss

FUNNY FUNNY FUNNY .....Melissa McCarthy I want you to have my babies,funniest actress in the world today & the fact this movie was given an R rating made it even better WATCH WATCH WATCH

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Please please please i implore anyone reading this NOT to watch this film that was made by a group of snotty nosed kids playing with the worst video camera money could buy & a few tubes of Halloween fake blood son & i have made more horrifying movies on my GoPro with a budget of £5 for our dinner YOU'VE WARNED

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