Phil Devereux




This is brilliant. One of the finest Australian dramas I've seen in years. Really beautifully made,and about a truly important part of our history.

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Paris 05:59 / Théo & Hugo

Porn + Weekend + HIV = Theo & Hugo

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Amanda Knox

That Daily Mail "journalist" is utterly despicable and somehow wilfully ignorant of his role. Solid documentary.

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Dark Waters

As compelling as it is important. We need more movies like this. And more people need to see them.

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True History of the Kelly Gang

Not remotely compelling. Impossible to care about the fate of any of the characters. Way too long. Nudity and foul language aplenty are a transparent attempt to appear edgy. Much of the dialogue seems to think it's so deep and so profound, but it's utter nonsense. The final third in particular enters silly video game territory removing any semblance of investment in the story that somehow could have scraped through.

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It's good, it's fine, I enjoyed it. But I do think it's been grossly overhyped. And, I mean, Oscar buzz for J.Lo? Let's all just call down a bit, shall we?

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Nothing Like a Dame

So wonderful! Maggie Smith is even funnier in reality than on Downton. LOVED this doco.

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Björk's most ambitious video to date!

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Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

Fucking brilliant. The funniest film I've seen in ages but also totally heartbreaking. Phenomenal.

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Dream Boat

Well that wasn't depressing at all...

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The Untold Tales of Armistead Maupin

A perfect testament to a wonderful man.

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Our Souls at Night

Ain't no romance like a Fonda-Redford romance.

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A Quiet Passion

Some might find it depressing, but I thought it was powerful, incredibly witty and altogether glorious. Cynthia Nixon was astonishing. I knew very little about Emily Dickinson going in, but now I'm clamouring to find out more.

AND there was a surprising amount of thwoorp action. #yaas

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A quiet and dignified film with an appropriately slow pace given how long it took their landmark case to be heard and decided by the supreme court.

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I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore

Totally unpredictable and absolutely brilliant. Can't recommend this one highly enough.

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Ingrid Goes West

Surprisingly dark at its core but a very fun ride. Aubrey Plaza has been picking some pretty interesting projects lately.

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The Party

Wry, smart and very, very funny. The cast and writing is brilliant but Patricia Clarkson's gloriously cynical character is definitely the highlight. Just marvellous.

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The Little Hours

Silly, but an absolute riot. I haven't stopped giggling since.

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The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks

Oprah Winfrey is a damn fine actress.

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Carnage: Swallowing the Past

Hysterically funny and actually brilliant.

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Go on and get that Oscar, Miss Viola. Get. It.

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Brutal and intense. Made me want to learn more about The Troubles of which I know woefully little.

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Manchester by the Sea

Pretty wrenching but I have to say I didn't find it as powerful or moving as Lonergan's previous films, Margaret or You Can Count on Me.

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What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?

It's a classic for a reason! That acting! That overblown score! That wheelchair! Amazing.

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Hidden Figures

This is a brilliant film. An exciting, funny, touching, powerful and illuminating true story with top notch acting, writing and direction dolled out in a beautiful, palatable package. Even though the term "by the numbers" springs to mind, the whole thing is done with such finesse, intelligence and grace that it feels really special. If it's true you get more flies with honey this should clean up at the box office. And I certainly hope it does.

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Overly long, slow, predictable and unnecessarily supernatural.

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Hurricane Bianca

Cute. Has some very funny moments.

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I Am Michael

The true story of a very sad, confused man.

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The Revenant

The cinematography is truly stunning but, wow, harrowing much?

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Another excellent and unique film from Almodóvar.

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