

Omicron Persei 8

Marvel's Daredevil: 3x09 Revelations

The start of this episode was so awesome.
100% did not see it coming.

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Firefly: Season 1

Just watching this for the first time in 2018.
It still holds up and has me wishing there were more seasons.
Only issue I had was the Mary Sue character Zoe.

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Zombie World 2

Mistook this travesty for ZombieLand 2... imagine my disappointment.
100% the worst Zombie movie I've ever seen.
The 2nd skit was halfway decent lost all respect for this on the 4th skit.

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Avengers Grimm: Time Wars

If you think the first one was bad...

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Avengers Grimm

Interesting take on old characters and the actresses are hot.
Nothing else to see here.

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The Originals: 5x11 Til the Day I Die

Worst episode of the season for me.
Really slow, and I really don't care about Elijah's mourning.
And, even though Freya is one of my favorites, I care even less about Freya and Keelin getting married.

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Legion: Season 2

Season 1 was awesome. One of the best Marvel TV shows of all times. I recommended it to everyone.

Season 2 not so much. End was perfect though.

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The Originals: 2x21 Fire with Fire

God damn I love Klaus

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The Originals

I loved the Vampire Diaries but truly hated all of the originals and all of their story lines. I basically just wanted them all dead so the TVD could move on. So when The Originals spin-off happened I was happy that they would be gone and I'll never be bothered with them again.

So now in May of 2018, when I read that an Originals spin-off is coming I thought " If the Originals is good enough to garner a spin-off then I might have been wrong about them".

So here I am, nearly 6 years late, over half way through season 1 and loving it.

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Geordie Shore: 17x02 On The Pull

I'm so sick of Sophie and Nathan that I'm out on the rest of this season.
Probably won't watch this show any longer because I'm sure they'll be back again next season.

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Siren: 1x06 Showdown

I hate Donna. Hope the military catches her.

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Riverdale: Season 1

I like the show for Veronica & Cheryl.
Wouldn't watch anymore if they left.

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Happy they didn't go full feminist on us.
Good to see a predominately female cast that didn't annoyingly point it out the entire movie.

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Geordie Shore: Season 16

The show has been ruined.
They need to get rid of Aaron & Marnie unless they come into the house single.
Also PLEASE get rid of Nathan & Sophie there is no point to them being in the house other than to comment on what other people are doing.
They need to cast 4 or 5 new guys that are coming into the house ON THE PULL none of this relationship in the house bullshit.

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Fresh Off the Boat: 4x18 Measure Twice, Cut Once

God I love Jessica. She's as nutty as ever.

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The Flash: 4x15 Enter Flashtime

Once again we have to prop up Iris and pretend she has a purpose

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The Flash: 4x09 Don't Run

Amunet is awesome. I love her. Need more Amunet on this show so I'm happy they didn't catch her.

Marlize DeVoe is a great example of an EQUAL partner in a hero / villain duo... she's beautiful, she's intelligent, she's driven, she's loyal and most importantly she's not COMPLETELY WORTHLESS like Iris.

I wish that they framed Iris instead and put her directly in the electric chair. No trial.
The writers are ruining the show by desperately searching for a purpose for Iris. EVERY OTHER character has a reason to exist. Her current purpose is Barry likes her... that's it. At least when she was a reporter there was a reason for her to be involved in the show but now? Now she's there to annoyingly toss out one liners and nag. Funny thing is she can do that from home. Give her a laptop and a cell phone and bring her on to show her home life with Barry because she has no business being the "Boss" at Star Labs.

Oh and PS. Marlize just got hooked up with an upgrade in the husband department!

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Supergirl: 3x10 Legion of Superheroes

Almost to the check out point for this show.

I expect to put up with some girl drama in a show with a female lead but it's turning into a bad chick flick.

PLUS if you aren't as annoyed as I am that all these women are "best friends" but none of them recognize one another just because they put on glasses or a partial face mask and change their hair slightly there is something wrong with you.

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Supergirl: 3x04 The Faithful

Alex doing the typical girl thing... agreeing to anything to get married or what ever it is she wants.
Only problem is she can't just pull the "whoops, I guess the birth control didn't work" routine

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Black Mirror: 4x06 Black Museum

Doctor: Hey, we want to put your baby momma in your head.

Any man ever: HELLS NAW

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Black Mirror: 3x06 Hated in the Nation

One of the best episodes and one of the few that didn't fall flat at the end.

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Black Mirror: 1x03 The Entire History of You

Best episode of the first season.
National Anthem was dumb.
15 million merits was meh.
These hos ain't loyal.

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Van Helsing: 2x12 Crooked Falls

Anyone else annoyed by the little girl who gets to traipse through the woods all over the country filled with vampires and never gets caught?

Also really annoyed that Scarlet KNOWS she can turn vampires back into humans but her first instinct is to kill a guy providing her food and shelter. Just what you need in the vampire apocalypse, more dead humans.

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Van Helsing: 2x05 Save Yourself

SOOOOOOoooooo stupid that Van won't turn Axel back.
It makes no sense at all and it put me on the fence of whether I should stop watching this show all together

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Van Helsing: 2x03 Love Bites

At the end of this episode was anyone else thinking "Yeah, right this is a dream/nightmare"

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Survivor New Zealand

Decent season of Survivor only because there weren't any hidden immunities
Worst winner of Survivor I've seen in years. Nothing worse than a season full of hypocritical players that demonize strategy & game play because they want the nice people to win.

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Survivor New Zealand: 1x01 Episode 1

How dumb do you have to be to raise your hand on the villain question

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Stranded with a Million Dollars: 1x08 No Money Mo Problems

I think it's bullshit that Alex & Gina are allowed to do what they did

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