

Atlanta, GA

Dead to Me

I could watch Jen and Judy talk about nothing all day. Great casting and totally binge worthy.

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Good Omens: 1x02 The Book

"Thank you for my pornography!”

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The Walking Dead: 9x16 The Storm

Shout by poncey
BlockedParent2019-04-04T03:07:29Z— updated 2019-04-16T17:19:04Z

I felt like nothing happened in this episode. Then I realized it was the finale. Yikes.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 8x05 More Time Than You Know

This is basically a show for children now. Nothing that happens on screen is believable in any way. Human motivation, action, speech...all disingenuous and fake. In nearly every scene I'm astounded by plot holes and impossible time/space jumps. It has no redeeming qualities and it is 100% the worst show on television.

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I'm enjoying this but it's just so darn slow. The length of time it takes people to respond is infuriating and there's too many drawn out shots for no reason. It's just too slow. These 8 episodes could easily have been done in 4.

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Hijack: 1x06 Comply Slowly

They grossly mistitled this episode and it should have been called "Comply Quickly". They instantly released the bad guys and did everything wrong. I'm so sick of shows like this where it only works when the characters are written dumb and their actions aren't true to human nature. We deserve better as watchers and it really astounds me to see such high ratings for such weak, pathetic writing. Yeah the scenes on the plane are tense, but literally nothing is believable and it just doesn't work.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 8x06 All I See Is Red

I feel so sorry for anyone who works on this show, or thinks it has any redeemable qualities.

The writers were clearly as lost as they portrayed Morgan. :laughing:

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The Blacklist: 9x22 Marvin Gerard: Conclusion (2)

Some episodes ago I thought to myself "They wouldn't make Alina's headaches about a pregnancy, would they? There's no way they'd do something that lame." Yeeeep. I truly do not understand why this show is still on. The writing is cringe and the plots are dull. I love James Spader but even he is not enough to make this show bearable anymore.

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Outer Banks: 2x02 The Heist

They couldn't write dumber characters if they tried.

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The Walking Dead: Season 10

Season 10 of The Walking Dead will now end with episode 15 and the real season finale (episode 16) will air later in the year as a special since the coronavirus pandemic prevented post-production from being completed.

Also, AMC will be offering the first eight episodes of Season 10 for free on AMC.com and the AMC app after the April 5 episode through May 1, 2020.

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A coronavirus quarantine quality pick.

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Survivor: 37x09 Breadth-First Search

This season is blowing my mind! What an incredible tribal!

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Salvation: 2x13 Get Ready

Well, shit.

I don't think I was the only one who was rooting for the asteroid to do its asteroid thing and help wrap up this series. Even though the ending was a nice twist, the journey there was excruciating long, boring and not worth it. I'd take a cancellation over cracking open that flaming ball any day.

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The Walking Dead: Dead City

Terribly boring, lackluster. Just milking to milk. Bleh.

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Survivor: 44x07 Let's Not Be Cute About It

I was at a live Survivor watch party where all but two of the remaining Survivors from this season were there. It's so surreal to watch them watching "their" episode(s). There was hilarious commentary during the commercial breaks and a standing ovation for the vote out at the end. If you live in a bigger city you should be on the look out for these watch parties. They are everything!

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Fear the Walking Dead: 5x02 The Hurt That Will Happen

It's the Chernobyl of zombies!

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Schitt's Creek: 5x08 The Hospies

I had to rewind Alexis's audition way too many times! :rofl::rofl:

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Salvation: Season 2

This show, and especially this season, has helped me make the decision not to watch another thing that airs on CBS. Absolute garbage.

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Survivor: 45x03 No Man Left Behind

When will they listen to the fans and stop with the three teams of six? Too small of tribes! Every season starts nearly the same with one getting absolutely gutted with back to back (to back) tribals.

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The Walking Dead: 10x10 Stalker

How the f*** can you seriously rate this episode higher than a 7? A 7 is even stretching it, but a 10? Just don't. You wouldn't know quality TV if it played on a screen in front of you. I remember getting so excited for a new episode, with my full attention captivated for the duration. Now I just put it on in the background while doing something else. This show has become worthless noise.

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The 100: 6x01 Sanctum

That castle reveal was stupid, along most of the episode. This series should have ended with last season.

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The Walking Dead: 9x15 The Calm Before

Terrible, boring, pointless...not to mention impossible? How'd they manage to get all those people out unnoticed?? Talk about a show on its last legs; they've had such great bad guys in the past and now this. Neegan and The Governor were so much better than these unbelievable dummies. No amount of shock value (in this case x10 but really, maybe only x3 or x4 that people were vested in) can mask the horrid shit pile that is this season.

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Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: 20x03 Zero Tolerance

I'm so glad this show has never shied away from controversial topics. This episode is no different and extremely relevant in today's political climate.

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The Last Ship: 5x02 Fog of War

This story line is so weak compared to other seasons. =(

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La Brea: 2x06 Lazarus

I cannot get over how great the dry cleaners are in 10,000 BC!

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Fear the Walking Dead: 6x12 In Dreams

Possibly the worst episode of any Walking Dead series, ever.

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A Christmas Prince: The Royal Baby

I can't believe they made a 3rd installment of this trash heap, and I can't believe I watched it.

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The Righteous Gemstones: 1x05 Interlude

"I like watching Jesse get in trouble, it makes my bird twitch."

My new favorite way to describe lady bits. Thanks, Judy.

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The Last Ship: 5x09 Courage

After all the hot mess episodes of the season, this one really nailed it. The last scene was so well done.

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Making a Murderer: Season 2

Shout by poncey
BlockedParent2018-10-24T03:27:37Z— updated 2018-11-12T20:38:22Z

This season is beyond painful to watch. It reminds you just how shitty human beings can be.

It's hard not to come away from this disheartened, disgruntled and distrustful of the entire legal process. I'm glad this show is keeping the conversation going. For many it's something they'll never have to face first hand. But for those unlucky bastards and their families who do: they know. And now you do too.

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