

Omicron Persei 8

Burn All My Letters

Just as intolerable as the author himself.
What a complete waste of time.

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Like a bad copy of Booksmart spiced with an infomercial about abortions.
Except the message it's made to deliver and decent acting in some parts it's terrible in every aspect.
I know I'm not part of the target audience but I atleast expected some kind of entertainment.

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I have no problems watching weird stuff but I hate parallel story lines cut into each other (or maybe I missed something explaining the shrink) and the combination of the two was to much. Binned it after an hour.

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It's official, Bruce Willis accepts every single script they throw at him and doesn't even bother to read them.

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Only managed to watch two episodes and I absolutely get why they canceled this and it's a wonder it got picked up from the beginning. Utter crap.

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The most over hyped show from Viasat so far.
Five episodes that tries to tell a story but fails completely and just leaves the viewer with more questions than answers what it was all about. Could aswell been cut down to a three episodes mini series and with out problems delivered the same so called story.
The script and dialogue is a joke and the directing/editing/filmography a complete mess.
Fares and Rehborg did OK considering what they had to work with.
225 wasted minutes.

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My expectations wasn't exactly high going in to this, but come on!

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American Housewife

This is so terrible I don't know where to start.
It's like a very very weak copy of The Middle, a very loud, tomfoolish, without finesse kind of copy.
Managed to watch the pilot and half of the second episode before I binned it.

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The Simpsons in Plusaversary

Well that was four wasted minutes.

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An extra star for Kristen Bell. How the .... did this mess get so high grades?

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Not as bad as I was afraid it would be, especially since it's staring both Leslie Jones and Melissa McCarthy.
Still a pointless remake though.

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Tiny Furniture

Like a very long and very boring episode of Girls.

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The kind of movie you've forgotten all about as soon as the end credits start to roll...
Theron is good though and saves it from a lower grade.

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Wasn't of to a good start with some very hard to like characters, gained some momentum in episode 3/4-isch and went straight back to the cruise speed it set in the beginning.
On episode seven now and have no idea what this thing want to say, it's starting to look more and more like a Dogme 95 movie and that's not meant as a compliment.

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The Last Padawan: A Short Star Wars Story

Nah, this one didn't fly. Might have to do with that everyone sounds like evil nazis from an old Mel Brooks film. :D
That and that the story is kind of unclear and that it tries to cram a whole Star Wars movie into 15 minutes whereas five of them is a light saber fight.

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First time I've ever seen CGI tears, or at least noticed that they wasn't real, the vomit scene was also a class act of poorly made CGI and the scene itself was completely unnecessary and kind of took the movie to an OK one (6) to a not so OK one (4) since it went downhill from there.
Liked Geraldine Viswanathan, so gonna have to take a look at what else she has done.

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Finding Dory

The "no short time memory"-thing gets old incredible fast.

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The Angry Birds Movie

It was of to a decent start when it was just about the birds but quickly fell apart when the pigs arrived.

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Interesting and promising beginning but it never left the station, last 2/3 is a total snooze fest.

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A massive F1 fan but this thing was boring. Only things I'll remember with this is the presence of Olivia Wilde and to some extent Daniel Brühls acting. The rest will be completely forgotten within a day...

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First 1/4 was very promising, after 2/4 Tuva Novotnys character is killed off which was a big downer. The third 1/4 was just confusing and the last part was more of an art installation disconnected from the first 3/4.

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Better than expected and if it hadn't been for the moral lesson that got thrown in our face in the end it would've gotten a higher grade.

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The Walk

Ruined by the last scene.

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Wonder Woman 1984

So disappointed.
Yeah that about sums it up...

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A Piece of My Heart

I'm in no way a fan of musicals, if it wasn't for the almost mandatory dancing I guess I would despise them a little less, I'm in general not a fan of Swedish movies and Ledin is miles away from the genres I usually feed my ears with but he's a Swedish classic, no argument there.
But at this exact moment I happened to watch it it worked surprisingly well, on another day I might have turned it off after just a few minutes, but today I didn't feel the urge to turn it off at any moment.
And even though the so called plot is more than obvious, the dialogue is cheesy and there's more than a handful of "spontaneous" dancing they manage to weave in Ledins tunes surprisingly well and deliver a movie that's watchable. Today.

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Cold War

Yeah this was probably pretentious enough for the posh "I know everything about the art of film"-people to wet their pants. I found it insipidly dull and the only thing I'll remember more than an hour after I finished watching is that first song about someone knocking on a Dorr and laying his head on a stone cause no-one opens. OK photo though.

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Nice idea that was terribly executed.

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Maggie Simpson in "Playdate with Destiny"

Maggie is my second favorite of the family but this wasn't that interesting except the burrito in the face scene. Better luck next time.

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Quantum of Solace

This isn't Bond, just some generic boring action flick.

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Thor: Love and Thunder

Had pretty low expectations but it still managed to underachieve. The weakest Marvel movie so far and a 100% kids movie. The soundtrack was the best part...

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