

Omicron Persei 8


What a boring movie, after 65min ive stopt watching.

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@eschefer But you still gave it a 5?

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Babylon Berlin

Me as a native speaking German am kinda curious if Netflix dubbed the show for their English speaking audience. Since I can't find nothing 'bout this topic online I'd be thankful for any response.

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@pi-mp3 I cant give you a direct answer but in case you still haven't found out, not that many countries ruin movies and TV-shows with dubbing. They rather keep the original feeling of the production and use captions instead. Living in Sweden it would be completely ridiculous to watch this and have all these people in 1930s Berlin talking Swedish.

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Little Women

Shout by psonnosp
BlockedParent2020-01-26T09:08:05Z— updated 2020-03-22T14:21:23Z

I'm allergic to time jumps back and forth, back and forth and this movie has a lot of it and it ruins the movie completely, and they really have removed a lot of story. Especially noticeable after having watched the 3h miniseries and the movie from 1994 in the last month.

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@denaiir Yes, we seem to be a minority for some odd reason. The casting, except Watson, was one of the few upsides in my book though, Ronan was great.

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Angie Tribeca

I will never not find this show funny. I think for most people this is a show whose comedy you'll either like a lot or really not like, as the comments show.

This is an absurdist show in the same vein as Airplane! and Naked Gun movie series. Solid cast and even better guest stars! I won't go into too much detail because I think I'm in the minority here, but I highly recommend this show if you like this type of humor.

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@lpemcee21 It tries to be like Naked Gun, Airplane! and Hot Shots but it try so hard it fails. I like those movies but this is just like someone would do stand-up by delivering one liners for the complete set.

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Black Widow

Normally, I'd have a whole much of stuff to say... but this time, I just can't. The whole tone of the movie, especially after seeing the recent string of miniseries, felt kind of underwhelming. The plot had potential though. The plot wasn't the issue. Scarlett Johansson and Florence Pugh's chemistry fit pretty well together. I feel like other people didn't care for David Harbour, but I get what they were going for and I think they did reasonably well but definitely could have been better. I can't even blame him. The whole movie felt more like a Bourne film than a Marvel film.

The VFX were pretty bad.. like CW DC show bad. If you have even an amateur level of 3D rendering experience, you'll be able to spot every little thing that is CG. Every car, vehicle, or backdrop that isn't actually there stands out like a sore thumb. Incorrect lighting, overly reflective, just.. amateur AF..

On to the spoilery stuff...

First and foremost... I don't know who did it.. I don't know who approved it.. but this movie has committed an atrocity almost as egregious as Fox screwing up Deadpool in X-men Origins or Sony with Venom in the third Spiderman movie. They completely ruined what I assume was supposed to be Taskmaster. I don't even mind that they made Taskmaster a woman. If that was all they did, it'd have been perfectly fine, but they turned the character into a gimmick that got thrown aside and left to the unknown by the end instead of the badass higher level villain they could/should have been. Sure, they said they were taking her with them but.. that didn't get explained either.

I feel like they fell short on establishing a timeline. The movie starts out in the past, in.. 1995 I believe? and things jump forward and it took me a hot minute to figure out why the hell she was running.. Maybe I missed some text saying that it was post Civil War/pre Endgame. If I did, then that's my own fault but it honestly would have only been because I had such a difficult time focusing on the movie.

The entire movie feels more like an afterthought than an origin story. Loose ends galore. This movie was delay but still somehow felt rushed.

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@theclassicalgod You pretty much sum up my thoughts that I as per usual is to lazy to try to put down in writing, thanks.

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Paradise Hills

I need to write at least 5 words, but this movie is just :poop:

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@w2m To bad I didn't read the comments before I watched this.

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McDonald & Dodds: 3x04 Clouds Across the Moon

I really wish Trakt would sort out its info tech.

This show has 3 episodes, It has always had 3 episodes. War Of the Rose belongs to Season 2.
The show Grace is also messed up with the wrong episode in the wrong season!

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@hexenbeest Trakt get the info from TMDB so if it's wrong change it yourself or report it at TMDB and then request a re-scrape of the show here.

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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: 1x03 Adar

And here we go again with the endless panoramic scenes and big dramatic music for no reason. And I'm no hardcore LOTR fanboy so maybe the elves are supposed to be portrayed as robots reading straight from the script but that doesn't change the fact that Morfydd Clark is unbearable to watch. And don't get me started on the Australian surfer gang with big feet living in the forest.
This better pick up some speed and go somewhere in the next episode or I'll bin it.

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@thunderztormdk Oh wow, sorry for not having English as my primary language, but it sounds like it to me. Either way the dialect isn't the main thing, it's the look, feeling and language combined that make them stand out and hard to make them fit. They are just annoying.

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Only managed to watch two episodes and I absolutely get why they canceled this and it's a wonder it got picked up from the beginning. Utter crap.

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@sp1tfire92 Eh, yes? You think that maybe that's why I wrote it? Would be very odd and pointless to post what someone else think about it. So confusing...

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Enola Holmes

I'm so torn about this. Hated it when I read about it, like "WTF? Another classic character turned into anything-goes-as-long-as-it's-not-a white-man-just-because-we-are-so-woke-now for no reason at all than just that?" Turns out that Holmes is still allowed to be a white man, but then I don't get why they had to involve him at all. As a S. Holmes movie it sucks since she's not as him at all, just like 007 died when Daniel Craig arrived, but it's still an OK flick I guess. So the rating is a hard one but landed on rating it as a Sherlock Holmes movie since they try to kidnap the name so a four it is since I can't encourage a behavior like this.

They should have given her a background and character of her own instead. Now they just counteract themself by showing that they once again have to take a piggy back ride on an old male character to feel safe for it to fly. Just like the hideous Ghostbusters remake....

Just create something new instead of fiddling with stuff like this, it's just counterproductive to the cause they are out to support.

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@eric-v-mazzone Congratulations, you managed to read my comment and completely miss what it was about. Better luck next time, cheers!

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Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

Its transformers, so you already know what you're getting. You don't complain at McDonald's when you order a McChicken and they serve you a McChicken.

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@jordanvic Except that in this case you get served a moldy hot dog from Apu's Quickie Mart. I don't say that the other movies in the franchise are masterpieces but this is a disaster in every single part and not at all what I ordered.

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Sound of Metal

Very powerful movie! I don't need to repeat, what the other comments already pointed out.

The only 2 things I found a little bit weird, were 1st: that it seemd like nobody told Ruben, that his hearing will be different after the surgery. I don't think (or hope) that the doctors he probably talked to, wouldn't tell him that.

And 2nd, I feel like "Metal" as a genre, probably hasn't been handled fair here. I do not listen to Metal myself, but obviously for a lot of people it sounds just like "loud noise" which Ruben turns off at the end.

So metaphorically... Maybe that thought goes too far, but I feel, that metal as a genre was handled a little negative. Like these two only played Metal because they were hurt from the past and that they had to get out of it, to start living a normal life again. But still for the characters, as they were presented, I think storywise it worked and the journey they had, was resolved very very well.

But these really are the only issues I had. People should definetly watch it! Great movie! :)

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@hallorian As one listening to a lot of metal music I quickly dropped the connection to metal as a genre and interpreted it more word for word as in the sound that metal makes. It fits as there's a lot of sound from metal when playing drums and all through out the film after his implants are activated what he hear is what you would call a metallic distortion.

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