

Omicron Persei 8


A massive F1 fan but this thing was boring. Only things I'll remember with this is the presence of Olivia Wilde and to some extent Daniel Brühls acting. The rest will be completely forgotten within a day...

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Violet & Daisy

Great cast wasted on a script that doesn't make any sense.

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Love and Monsters

Shout by psonnosp
BlockedParent2020-10-17T23:52:01Z— updated 2021-03-25T12:46:39Z

Clyde and Minnow feels like two characters copied straight from Zoombieland, to bad they didn't make better use of them.
This was an 8 up until the fight scenes begun when it quickly degraded it self to a weak 6.
Feels like the writers came up blank on how to end it all or ran out of time and just scribbled something down that would kind of close it.
A great idea but it fails completely in the last 1/3.

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The Glorias

What probably could have been a great movie is molested and completely destroyed by ill performed time jumps and dream scenes, it made me loose interest about half way in.

Such a terrible waste of story and talent.

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Official Secrets

Knightley does one of her better performances in this one but it gets a little boring at points and would probably been more enjoyable if had been released and watched closer to the actual events.

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My expectations wasn't exactly high going in to this, but come on!

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First 1/4 was very promising, after 2/4 Tuva Novotnys character is killed off which was a big downer. The third 1/4 was just confusing and the last part was more of an art installation disconnected from the first 3/4.

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The best executed "covid 19 lockdown"-movie I've seen so far with surprisingly good acting. But as a movie story wise it's kind of ordinary, nothing that excite me.
Still looking forward to whatever project Bornebusch is up to next though, like her style both as a writer and even more so as a director.

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Better than expected and if it hadn't been for the moral lesson that got thrown in our face in the end it would've gotten a higher grade.

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The Last Black Man in San Francisco

I just didn't get it. I guess mostly because I couldn't relate to the situation or story at all.
Nice in a technical point of view though...

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The Gentlemen

Only took Guy Ritchie 12 years to once again do the kind of movie he should be doing, finally!

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The Walk

Ruined by the last scene.

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Wonder Woman 1984

So disappointed.
Yeah that about sums it up...

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A Piece of My Heart

I'm in no way a fan of musicals, if it wasn't for the almost mandatory dancing I guess I would despise them a little less, I'm in general not a fan of Swedish movies and Ledin is miles away from the genres I usually feed my ears with but he's a Swedish classic, no argument there.
But at this exact moment I happened to watch it it worked surprisingly well, on another day I might have turned it off after just a few minutes, but today I didn't feel the urge to turn it off at any moment.
And even though the so called plot is more than obvious, the dialogue is cheesy and there's more than a handful of "spontaneous" dancing they manage to weave in Ledins tunes surprisingly well and deliver a movie that's watchable. Today.

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Last Chance for Christmas

I got my hands on this for the single purpose to have watched everything with Hilarie Burton. I managed 5 minutes then I cranked it up to ludicrous speed, (R) Space Balls, to "watch" the rest.
Only thing I could think of during the remaining 5 minutes of playtime was, "Who the .... watch these kind of movies?" then I came here and found that 52 people has rated this to a total of 76% so now that's the only thing I'll be thinking of and I'll probably won't sleep tonight trying to figure that equation out.
This world is a crazy place...

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I have a high threshold for pretty much everything including understanding that different people likes different things but what kind of sick F can enjoy watching something like this? Psychopath serial killers in the making...

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Blue Valentine

I hate non linear movies and I hate movies with people shouting at each other for minutes at a time so this one wasn't of to a good start and I more than once just wanted it to end. But it's nicely done for a time jump movie and the acting is good so guess I'll have to give it an OK.

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Cold War

Yeah this was probably pretentious enough for the posh "I know everything about the art of film"-people to wet their pants. I found it insipidly dull and the only thing I'll remember more than an hour after I finished watching is that first song about someone knocking on a Dorr and laying his head on a stone cause no-one opens. OK photo though.

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Nice idea that was terribly executed.

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The Trial of the Chicago 7

This was so over the top I had to read up about it and sure enough this is more or less fiction from start to end. Great acting but that's about it in my book and very close yo a lower grade.
The Oscar's jury will probably love it though, political messages trumps quality.

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If it wasn't for the familiar faces of McDormand and Strathairn this could just as well been a documentary and I'm not sure if that's good or bad thing. It shows that they've done a wonderful job in the portraying but if seen as a documentary it's not that interesting. Very torn.

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News of the World

A nicely executed story but it's a story that has been told before and doesn't take long before you know how it will play out.
It's a nice looking movie with solid acting but if this had been an ordinary year I can't for my life imagine this being in the finishing races for an Oscar.

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Will Patton is fantastic as the crazy-ligious Korea war veteran. Clear winner of the Oscar for supporting actor this year if it was up to me.
A lovely film I enjoyed from start to end, or almost to the end since I found the ending a little bit to abrupt which bereaves it from the top grade.

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One Less God

Thank you whoever thought one was enough when it came to Lliam Worthington making movies.
There's not a single good thing about this flick.

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One Night in Miami...

If you know more about the persons depicted than I do, I'd never even heard the names of Brown and Cooke before so had to Google them, you might enjoy it but can't say that I did. Boring flick about four men arguing in a motel room. More or less :wink:

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Should've read up a bit on this so I could've prepared for watching it. Because with little knowledge of the persons that it's about you wont get much out of this exceptc some pretty faces, good acting and a visual feast.
But I rather would've spent the two hours doing something else because this got boring really fast.
Maybe I'll rewatch it when I get the time to rewatch Citizen Kane.

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Judas and the Black Messiah

This is the movie Spike Lee has been trying to achieve for years while repeatedly failing.

Great acting, love Stanfield since Atlanta, great script and a feast for the eyes but it's a bit long with some parts that get a little boring.

Out of the predicted nominees this is my winner since I doubt they'll let a foreign movie (Minari) win again.

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I have absolutely no idea what I just watched, this thing was all over the place.

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The Mauritanian

Great acting in general but that's it.

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American Satan

As thin and superficial as the sub genre it depicts.

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