

Bremen, Germany

Daddy's Home 2

It's a pretty decent comedy. Nothing special, not too funny, but also not too bad. Mark Wahlberg is okey, Will Ferrell is not my favorite actor and of John Lithgow I've seen far better. However, Mel Gibson is pretty cool, he's a definite win for this movie.

The story is also quite nice, and fit's into the christmas spirit, so all in all a nice watch, though no must see and also nothing worth going to the cinema for.

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This movie totally suprised me. My expectations where really low, because I got the BluRay handed down by someone who thought the movie was horrible (together with other titles such as Pinup Girls on Ice, Sirens, etc.), and so I had next to no expectations.

In the beginning I thought, that they would come true - it's a low budget movie, the effects in the introduction did not look like much, and the introduction scene was not that good, either - some strange animal attacking that guy in a really fast paced shakey montage, not the best dialogues, the acting kind of random. But all in all I pretty fast changed my mind: First of all, the shots are greatly done, especially for a low budget movie. The acting is great as well - there is no VIP involved, but all of them have good talent, the special effects are all hand made and this is ingenious - it looks great, once they stopped with the fast-paced shakey cams. And the idea is quite original and innovative.

Not a milestone for movies or cinema, but definately worth a watch if you are into creature feature horror movies.

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Into the Wild
Like a Boss

This movie is the definition of bad clichés, that besides good actors doesn't offer anything. The story is pretty foreseeable (e.g. Salma Hayek's character Claire Luna adds a clause to their contract that she would get the company if the partners fight and one of them leaves - so obviously the entire story evolves on how they are going to break up). On the comic side we have a mixture of jokes building on clichés (gay clichés, toxic masculinity, etc), dirty jokes and slapstick that didn't manage to get me laughing once.

So coming from an average 5/10 I don't find anything that weighs in on the plus side, but both jokes and bad story writing that substract a point each, leaving us with 3/10.

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How to Train Your Dragon 2
The Upside
Rambo III
The Ferpect Crime
Anna and the Apocalypse
Prom Night
Borg vs McEnroe
House at the End of the Street

I really enjoyed this movie. I am much less fond of Jennifer Lawrence than everybody else seems to be, but in this movie she actually does a really good job. All actors are pretty good.

The movie starts of really bloody, but still also really artistic - I love how the movie starts, or the murder that we only witness from underneath the bed by watching the pillow feathers fall down like snow; great images caputed.

Then we have a typical setup to a climax, which starts really slow, introducing all the important characters and their relation to each other, until it starts getting exciting, two or three times (e.g. when she get's away twice, or the bone breaking scene).

And while you might always feel that ther could be something wrong, you're not sure entirely and the movie really builds up on that, with a couple of suprising twists.

So all in all, I was excited and well entertained, I loved the acting, I loved the music, the color grading, the visuals. Good movie:

4/5 points

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The Founder
Miss Sloane
The Maze Runner

I thought it had a great start, you didn't really know what's happening and what to expect (didn't read the book). But going on, the movie developed typical stereotypes:

  • The guy that knows nothing, yet becomes the hero that saves all
  • The former leader that dies
  • The person that doesn't follow the hero and later in a showdown manages to kill an innocent
  • The sci-fi conspiracy
  • The S.O. that has no function other than supporting the hero.

It's in this pattern non-different to many other movies that just came out (Hunger Games, Divergent, etc.), but in a more general sense follows a lot of movies. So arround the middle I got pretty bored, as the yet original start became more and more transparent with no supprises at all. Very unfortunate, could have been a great movie, if it had tried something new.

Btw. I didn't read the book, so my short review does not take that into consideration.

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The Beguiled
The Simpsons: 1x01 Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire
Wonder Woman