

Bremen, Germany

Wer stiehlt mir die Show?: 7x04 Episode 4
Zombie Apocalypse
Tales from the Crypt: 1x04 Only Sin Deep

Every Back to the Future fan will turn heads at this episode that features Lorraine (Baines) McFly, mother of Back to the Future's main star Marty McFly. The story is original and fun to watch as it is really interesting, although near the end a bit irrational (why is she destroying everything around when she could simply take it and be gone without any buzz?). In the end, we get another irony of life ending, with an agony of choice.

I rather enjoyed this one, and for a good story, a good (and tragic) ending and a good performance I end up with 7/10 Points.

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Tales from the Crypt: 1x03 Dig That Cat...He's Real Gone

Until the end, it was not really strong, acting is average, but some of the characters (the Barker and the girlfriend) are actually rather annoying. Also I am no fan of the supposedly funny style and camera angles chosen. However, this episode actually ends with an interesting and funny twist, once more an "irony of life" ending, that I did not see coming, and that was somewhat satisfying and made me smile.

So in the end, we get an all around okey episode, that is fun to watch: 5/10 points.

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Tales from the Crypt: 1x02 And All Through the House

As much as I did not like the first episode I love the second: Starting of with a scene of rather dark humor, we get into a really great mix between thrilling and horrifying scenes accompanied by funny ones as well as ironic ones. The acting of our main character, played by Mary Ellen Trainor (known from the Leathal Weapon films) is really great (although it's really odd that she does not freeze at all, even when kneeling on the ground with her bear legs), the episode is really atmospheric and manages to hit the sweet spot between funny on the one side and horrifying on the other.

We also have some nice camera work, that I did not expect (e.g. the scene in the storeroom that is only shown from the top shelf perspective showing the gun that she cannot see - I really loved that scene). This is great fun to watch.

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Tales from the Crypt: 1x01 The Man Who Was Death

First episodes are always hard, and while I do love the series, the first episode is nothing special, even though they started off with a star, that you might know from back in the days series and movies like Star Trek - Deep Space 9 or Die Hard 2, but who is still active even today, e.g. in The Highwaymen or When They See Us. But William Sadler cannot turn this rather dull and totally foreseeable story into anything better. Most of the time he is just narrating, so hardly any performance is required by any of the actors. And as said, even though the story is ironic and black-humored, it's foreseeable and does not provide any surprises. Additionally, I don't think it's that funny. So starting with a 5/10 for every movie, I'd go down two points (rather boring and foreseeable and nothing else that is interesting).

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Witching & Bitching
Outrage Coda
Beyond Outrage
Only the Brave

I've never heard of this movie before I've seen it and I was lucky to see it in a sneak preview. This is an incredibly touching movie, that at first glance might look like your typical Michael Bay catastrophic movie, that makes use of all cliches.

Still this movie is different, instead of telling you beforehand who's good and who's bad and having only little time for the buildup but then dwell on the catastrophic event with as much action as possible, this movie actually spends a lot of time on it's main cast, and it does so only to then totally punch you in the guts. There is hardly any action, and in no way is this movie overdone. But what you get to see get's you more than any action movie could.

Wow, this was intense and unexpected (bear in mind that I am from Germany and never heard of the story this is based on).

At the end, I was totally touched. A really great testimonial that honors a couple of selfless heroes in their sacrifice. A must see!

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How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World
Princess Mononoke
If Beale Street Could Talk
The Grey

What I game "Willard" as a bonus on top of my rating, I cannot give to Ben as well, because everything done in "Ben" was already was done once in its predecessor. The big problem: The predecessor is better at it in all aspects:

The Acting was mediocre and I cannot point out any actor that was as interesting in their performance as where Bruce Davison or Ernest Borgnine. Also the characters motivation is really strange - knowing what has happened it is in no way conceivable that the boy hides the rat and even keeps the incredible dangerous looking "base" a secret, while his sister even covers for him?

Story is nothing special as well with no surprises what so ever. Also it seemed that there where a lot more special effects, the rats looked somehow off, when there where larger numbers of them. This is what a bad sequel looks like, and despite it being younger it feels like being the older one, with worse quality and production value.

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Instant Family
7 Days in Entebbe
Hotel Artemis
Children of the Corn
Alien Invasion: S.U.M.1
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle

I guess nobody needed this move. I am not a big fan of the original, I did not see any point in doing a remake.

I have to say, however, that I was positively suprised. Kevin Hart isn't as anyoing as he is in most of his other movies, Dwayne Johnson plays really good, and Karen Gillian was also really great. I especially loved how those managed to capture the essence of their real life counterparts that we encountered in the beginning of the movie.

The story however has nothing interesting. I loved the end though - I expected a cheesy love story end, but got something different. Good job!

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The Mountain Between Us

I really liked this movie. I liked how it started, I did not expect the movie to be what it actually was (I expected more of an action packed movie), I liked the chemistry between the actors, the alternation between dependency and mistrust, the conflicts arrising due to the differences in character.

In the middle I was a bit disappointing I loved the idea of both of them learning to accept the other, and their perks as they get to know each other better - but I wouldn't have needed the love story and sex scene - not at that point of the movie, as this takes away a lot of the ending.

The end however, I mostly loved. Especially the ending of Kate Winslets character, her being disconnected to everything that used to be her life, but also Idris Elba withdrawing himself - I get that and I loved how they showed it. The end was a bit cheesy though...

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