

Bremen, Germany

Mortal Engines
Thor: Ragnarok
The Simpsons: 1x05 Bart the General

This episode marks the first appearance of Nelson 'Haha' Muntz, and is yet another early episode that follows the typical two-story setup of the Simpsons: We have the entire entry story with Lisa and her cupcakes, those are the binding element that leads to the second story of Bart being bullied by Nelson and how he stands up for himself.

Unfortunately, there is nothing else I like about this episode. I like the rhyming and the ending sequence where Bart puts some "perspective" to the episode (there are not good wars - with these exceptions... :D ). But besides that, I think this episode is rather seldom funny (if at all), the story is - at least to me - uninteresting and it doesn't offer me any deeper level. So given the negative aspects over-weighing the positives a little, I end up with:

4/10 Points.

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Rambo: First Blood Part II
Prom Night
The House of Exorcism
Alien Invasion: S.U.M.1
Master of the Flying Guillotine

It was in parts funny due to its absurdity. All in all I was, however pretty board; I can see what Quentin Tarantino used for his movie, and he did it to perfection; the original is however not perfect at all.

And it's not because it is a B-Movie; I do enjoy these. But for this movie, the story is weak, the action is somewhat fun, but after watching 20 Minutes of constant fighting, it just get's boring - and out of 93 minutes, we have about 20 minutes of story, and the rest is just fighting, be it for demonstration purposes (beginning), or the tournament (main part), or the final showdowns...

Not my cup of tea. :(

And the funny ideas inbetween are simply just not enough (I did laugh about the Guillotine, or the Yoga Master with his absurd growing arms, and of course the daughter whos fighting move is undressing the opponent :D).

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Hot Pursuit

One of the unfunniest comedy I've ever seen; it does not have a single good joke, it is totally overacted and cliché-ridden, it is totally forseeable, it does not even close all lose ends (why are the cops in this again?), things just happen unexplainedly, the characters behave stupid most of the time. The action is not interesting, the characters are not interesting, the story is totally boring, wow. This is unimaginable bad.

Only the acting is okey, if you know Reese Witherspoon from other movies you can tell that here she is playing a role - and fullfilling it perfectly - to the best of the script. But that's all the positive that I can find and that I can tell.

It won't hurt you to see this, but you wouldn't want to spend any dime for it, because that's just not worth it. And if you've got anything better to do, probably spend your time doing that, instead. However, for a boring evening, with nothing else to do and nothing else to watch, it will make time pass a little bit faster...

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The Volcano

It had one or two funny moments (justifying the 4 I gave), but all in all, this was really weak. The characters where totally unbelievable (I mean really, who would still take pitty on a evil bitch who is not only mean but also tries to steal the car twice and totally wrecks it)? Still the overall plot is forseeable, the jokes are in generall not funny at all...

Not the worst movie I've seen, but pretty close.

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About Last Night

This one's not worth your time and money: Forseeable plot, typical cliché, and a boring story-line, with jokes that weren't funny at all! I was actually relieved, when it was finally over and couldn't wait to get out of the cinema (normaly I stay until the credits end).

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Like a Boss

This movie is the definition of bad clichés, that besides good actors doesn't offer anything. The story is pretty foreseeable (e.g. Salma Hayek's character Claire Luna adds a clause to their contract that she would get the company if the partners fight and one of them leaves - so obviously the entire story evolves on how they are going to break up). On the comic side we have a mixture of jokes building on clichés (gay clichés, toxic masculinity, etc), dirty jokes and slapstick that didn't manage to get me laughing once.

So coming from an average 5/10 I don't find anything that weighs in on the plus side, but both jokes and bad story writing that substract a point each, leaving us with 3/10.

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Zombie Apocalypse
Tales from the Crypt: 1x01 The Man Who Was Death

First episodes are always hard, and while I do love the series, the first episode is nothing special, even though they started off with a star, that you might know from back in the days series and movies like Star Trek - Deep Space 9 or Die Hard 2, but who is still active even today, e.g. in The Highwaymen or When They See Us. But William Sadler cannot turn this rather dull and totally foreseeable story into anything better. Most of the time he is just narrating, so hardly any performance is required by any of the actors. And as said, even though the story is ironic and black-humored, it's foreseeable and does not provide any surprises. Additionally, I don't think it's that funny. So starting with a 5/10 for every movie, I'd go down two points (rather boring and foreseeable and nothing else that is interesting).

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Home Again
Wer stiehlt mir die Show?: 7x04 Episode 4
House at the End of the Street

I really enjoyed this movie. I am much less fond of Jennifer Lawrence than everybody else seems to be, but in this movie she actually does a really good job. All actors are pretty good.

The movie starts of really bloody, but still also really artistic - I love how the movie starts, or the murder that we only witness from underneath the bed by watching the pillow feathers fall down like snow; great images caputed.

Then we have a typical setup to a climax, which starts really slow, introducing all the important characters and their relation to each other, until it starts getting exciting, two or three times (e.g. when she get's away twice, or the bone breaking scene).

And while you might always feel that ther could be something wrong, you're not sure entirely and the movie really builds up on that, with a couple of suprising twists.

So all in all, I was excited and well entertained, I loved the acting, I loved the music, the color grading, the visuals. Good movie:

4/5 points

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