

Bremen, Germany

28 Weeks Later
Hot Pursuit

One of the unfunniest comedy I've ever seen; it does not have a single good joke, it is totally overacted and cliché-ridden, it is totally forseeable, it does not even close all lose ends (why are the cops in this again?), things just happen unexplainedly, the characters behave stupid most of the time. The action is not interesting, the characters are not interesting, the story is totally boring, wow. This is unimaginable bad.

Only the acting is okey, if you know Reese Witherspoon from other movies you can tell that here she is playing a role - and fullfilling it perfectly - to the best of the script. But that's all the positive that I can find and that I can tell.

It won't hurt you to see this, but you wouldn't want to spend any dime for it, because that's just not worth it. And if you've got anything better to do, probably spend your time doing that, instead. However, for a boring evening, with nothing else to do and nothing else to watch, it will make time pass a little bit faster...

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28 Days Later
Everything, Everything
A Monster Calls
The Bye Bye Man
Hands of the Ripper
Bounty Killer
The Dinner
Before I Go to Sleep

Over all a good movie with some twist I wasn't expecting. Most of it is obvious, though. Acting is good and it has a pretty atmospheric setting, which is nice. However, I felt remembered of Memento, and trying to play in that arena, this movie clearly isn't as good, as the original. Non the less, I think it's great to watch.

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And So It Goes

Good acting (is there anything else to expect from two acting veterans?), but the story is totally transparent, making it a rather boring movie from the beginning to the end. Nice if you have nothing better to do and want to watch some tele, but not worth the money for the cinema ticket...

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A Most Wanted Man

Good movie, althoug for a German movie I (as a German) found it somewhat disconnecting that actors I know speak English all the time and - making it worse - try to pronounce German names in a way that English people would pronounce it. Why the hell?

Not that I have a problem with English movies (I try to watch all my movies in original language (with subtitles if neccessary) and 90% of these are English) as is. But a German movie in Germany played by German actors shown to a German public in English - that's mighty strange. As well as it was strange that Moslem people when with each other, spoke English, and not Arabic.

Would have loved it, if they did what Tarantino did back with Inglorious Basterds; there would have still be plenty of room for English with all the contacts these people where suppose to have with American Contact persons. And then use subtitles whereever needed. I mean for a movie that depicts the conflict of interest of international collaboration in fighting terrorism a bit more international touch would have been great.

Other than that, however, the movie was really great. I enjoyed it a lot, the actors played their roles well and it was great to see a movie that just depicted the field of problems without judging - it's hard to find someone to relate to, there is no good or bad - you feel like you're thrown into something where you can understand the reasoning and interests of the different people, but where you cannot say "Ok, that guy's the good one, and that's the bad".

I really liked that about the movie.

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Deliver Us from Evil

I liked it. It's not the best movie ever made, but it had it's moments, there where some shockers that even got me (and that happens seldom) and all in all I had fun. I have to agree with Gazoo69 about the exorcism, though. That was a bit long and all in all quite disappointing. Other than that, a tad to religious for my taste.

But besides that a good movie. Was fun watching it!

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The Volcano

It had one or two funny moments (justifying the 4 I gave), but all in all, this was really weak. The characters where totally unbelievable (I mean really, who would still take pitty on a evil bitch who is not only mean but also tries to steal the car twice and totally wrecks it)? Still the overall plot is forseeable, the jokes are in generall not funny at all...

Not the worst movie I've seen, but pretty close.

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Serial (Bad) Weddings

After a first impression that said "Oh no, not again some intercultural comedy packed with shallow clichees". But apparently it turned out to be a really good movie, even though forseeable, with some scenes that actually really where funny.

Nothing that you'll definately have to see, but if you tune into it somewhere, it's worth your time ;)

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About Last Night

This one's not worth your time and money: Forseeable plot, typical cliché, and a boring story-line, with jokes that weren't funny at all! I was actually relieved, when it was finally over and couldn't wait to get out of the cinema (normaly I stay until the credits end).

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