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It's a pretty good insight into the manga industry from the mangaka POV. Excellent story pacing, switching from serious to comic and back again. It also does a good job of fleshing out all the characters and follows the original work closely. Some of the work ethics shown are old fashioned and worrisome like dude, if you're hospitalized, work on getting better. Health is wealth. Nothing is worth jeopardizing that but overall and enjoyable and fun show.

I found it inspiring and comforting to watch the two main characters work towards their goal and reach it.

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Ascendance of a Bookworm

Got to be honest, I didn't quite like it but the story dragged me in and now I'm invested.

While the show trys to be upbeat, it has some pretty dark undertones (probably due to the nature of the original work). It doesn't shy away from the reality of classism and lack of widespread education. There were times where I was waiting for the protagonist to rail against the inequality and manipulation when instead, she simply accepts it for what it is. This show is certainly a slice-of-life, it simply isn't the kind of life I'd like to be living in.

Regardless, I'm looking forward to see how the story unfolds. The shows obviously well thought-out with interesting characters.

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The Good Detective

Gripping story line. Especially appreciated that there's no romance plot it's pretty focused on crime and the detective partners' relationship. Overall, I liked it the first enough to watch the second and I'm a big fan of crime dramas so I enjoyed it.

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Kono Oto Tomare!: Sounds of Life

I absolutely love the manga, so I was pretty disappointed at the art and animation (though it did improve a little in S2). It didn't do the source art justice at all, but I suppose that's expected since it's not very popular. I kept watching mainly for the amazing OST, the voice acting and to re-experience the story.
If anime is the only way you consume these stories, I'd def recommend it because the story and characters are amazingly developed. If not, I highly recommend reading the manga. The art is on another level there.

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Hidden Love

So saccharine. This story about a young girl's journey into adulthood that was told with lots of care and love. I was surprised by how realistic everything felt even though it was a very classic tale of puppy young love turned mature through the years. The topic of age difference was also handled in a very classy way with the boundaries very clearly defined. It was a bit too sweet for my tastes at times but I enjoyed it none the less. This is definitely one of the best c-dramas that has been produced to date.

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The Apothecary Diaries: Season 1

This show is a dark horse in this season. I absolutely love the way the story is being told. It also won bonus points for having truly charismatic characters who have so much depth to them in addition to having amazing animation that really brought out the emotions of the characters through the acting and expressions. The way Dynasty China was portrayed was surprisingly balanced with the show highlighting its beauty while not shying away from the shadier nature of life during that era.

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Romeo × Juliet

Beautiful and Sorrowful adaptation to a Shakespeare Classic. The characters, plot and universe was thoughtfully planned out and animated. As someone who struggled with connecting to the old English and character in the original, this adaptation made the bravery and struggles of the characters much easier to empathize with. I fell in love with the people and my heart broke when the inevitable end came. However I did not feel unsatisfied but bittersweet.

I would recommend it to both Shapearean fans and non-fans. You'll laugh and cry your heart out but it'll be worth it.

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Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba: Season 4

Goddamn beautiful animation! They're really good at making simple stories hit. Good story telling and built-up to the climax.

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What I love most about this show is that the entire point of the show is to constantly challenge the ridiculous premise it's based on.
If you've ever watched zootopia and spiraled into how would a world like that even work realistically... This show is for you. Honestly, it leaves me with so many philosophical questions it's not funny.

Still, it has great character arcs, interesting animation and a dark but realistic outlook. Although the ending was not as conclusive as I would have liked it to be, Beastars is a worthwhile watch. Hope there's another season that tie up the loose ends

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What I love most about this show is that the entire point of the show is to constantly challenge the ridiculous premise it's based on.
If you've ever watched zootopia and spiraled into how would a world like that even work realistically... This show is for you. Honestly, it leaves me with so many philosophical questions it's not funny.

Still, it has great character arcs, interesting animation and a dark but realistic outlook. Although the ending was not as conclusive as I would have liked it to be, Beastars is a worthwhile watch. Hope there's another season that tie up the loose ends

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Taxi Driver

This is a pretty satisfying watch. It's brutal in the depictions of the crimes and very focused on the emotions and traumas endured by the family members that were affected so I wouldn't recommend it to people who could possibly get triggered.

Overall, although the show has a straightforward story, it has a great a cast, good chemistry between actors and amazing action scenes. The car chases are particularly advanced for a TV series. The plot addresses the pitfalls of both the judicial system and vigilantism while holistically portraying the different ways people pursue their versions of justice and revenge. Personally, I enjoyed the series and I'd love to watch it again in the future

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Twinkling Watermelon

It was a fun watch and surprisingly relatable. It made me miss my own youth and wish I had appreciated the little moments more. I think personally, the best part of this show is that all the young main characters are unapologetically brash and passionate as they try their best to navigate through life. I think as we get older, we tend to disengage more and fall into apathy, and this story reminded me that living in the moment does not have to be mutually exclusive with living for the future.

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Destined with You

Shout by Reza
BlockedParent2023-10-15T04:00:45Z— updated 2024-04-03T02:51:50Z

It was a gripping and interesting show that's had binge watch potential, especially in the beginning. Unfortunately, I'm put off by all the cheating that happened, even if it was by both parties, and they arguably deserved it. The acting was well done, but the characterizations of the main couple felt a bit immature and cringy, especially in the middle of the season. I've watched worse dramas, so I still think it's an intriguing show with the ancient spells and the storyline. Probably won't recommend it to someone, though.

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Delicious in Dungeon

Really good sotry. Starts of slow and peaceful but damn does it get scary with its realistic interpretation of dungeons and monsters. The plot is really compelling as well and seems to run darker the longer the show goes. def recommend it!

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Diary of a Prosecutor

This show is a slice-of-life that has office politics, the nitty-gritties of criminal law prosecution in Korea, and a surprising lack of romance between the main casts.

I found it to be an enjoyable, slow-paced story that focused on the human nature of the prosecutors with all their flaws and determination to do the best they can. Particularly appreciated the short look into a working mom's life and how there is still disparity in how the different genders are treated at work and at home.

Most of all, I loved how the show kept its light-hearted tone while addressing the realities of a prosecutor in Korea. It was able to bring issues to the forefront without appearing judgemental or pretentious and that made the show all the more enjoyable to watch.

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Doom at Your Service

I thought it'd be a lot more cliche and boring than it was based on the comments and teasers, but instead, I found it thoughtful and interesting. I'm not quite sure about the plot or premise, but the actors did an amazing job and their expressions were on point, so I enjoyed the show overall.

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He Is Psychometric

I cried a lot more than I thought I would. The premise is a bit out there but the actors and the storyline made me really invested in the characters. Did a good job leaving breadcrumbs for the ending as I saw it coming but was so confused by the twists and turns that I doubted it. Overall, it's an intriguing and new take on the classic detective drama and I enjoyed it.

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Crash Course in Romance

Cute overall. I wasn't wowed by it but I appreciated the older romance plot and the storyline. The highschool atmosphere was pretty mild compared to other shows of a similar genre but I think it allowed the writers to be a bit kinder to their character and emphasize how they are all kids and are still learning about themselves and the world around them.
It might get a little serious towards the climax but it was a foreshadowed throughout the show so it wasn't a surprise. The show also touched on many topics but didn't go deep in any of them.

I had fun watching it all the same so I hope people watch it with an open mind.

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The Golden Spoon

I loved this!

Well thought out plot with subtle acting that made the twists and turns more believable given the supernatural aspect of the premise. I also enjoyed the characters and the ending

totally recommend giving this a chance. personally, I liked it so much because it really drilled in the fact that perfect life doesn't exist and encourages you choose the what would make you marginally happier and deal with the consequences as they come.

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Never Give Up

Beautiful slice-of-life that manages to be both entertaining and heartfelt.

The main characters were well thought out and not overly dramatized. The plot had a good flow that kept people invested and hooked. The actors/actresses were well casted and had great chemistry with each other.

I loved the series and am super glad I came across it. Although some of the side characters seem slightly shallow and stereotyped, the well fleshed out main characters more than made up for it. The different perspectives were so well portrayed that I also found myself empathizing with characters I normally wouldn't.

All-in-all, I loved it and I hope everyone else will too :)

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It's Okay to Not Be Okay

Shout by Reza
BlockedParent2020-10-13T17:45:53Z— updated 2020-12-04T17:26:53Z

This is a really compelling show! Beautiful visuals, animations and music scores. The plot was set up pretty well and although it was a bit predictable at times, that didn't stop the it from being captivating. Even when I knew what was going to happen, I was surprised and emotional when it did.
Loved the way they used fairy tales and children's books to bring the underlying life lessons too the front. It made the messages seem simple but life-changing. The show also treated the various mental illnesses mentioned very respectfully and much more 'normally' than I expected it to. The characters try their best to understand each other and misunderstandings weren't dramatised and elongated like most shows. All in all, I would definitely watch it again and recommend it to people.

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An Inception-esque anime series that delves into inner psychology of serial killers, this show gets real twisty. Especially since it's set in a world where technology appears to be near psychic (and turns out it kind of is) . Personally, I really enjoyed the storytelling and binge watched the whole thing in one setting. The best part of the show isn't its plot (which gets questionable if you sit and think about it) but it's characters. The way the characters are analyzed, forced to face themselves and grow from the experience was fascinating to watch. It also made me think about what kind of person I'd end up being if I was pushed to the edge as well.

I'd recommend this to people who like psychological thrillers. It's not the best out there but it's pretty good and comes from a unique perspective. Plus, It really does have 'banger music'.

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My Happy Marriage

Beautiful aesthetics with a poetic undertone. Personally, I think this is a slow watch and not a binge-watch anime. The protagonist is someone who has been beaten down to resignation, but it is heartwarming to see her bloom and see the quiet strength she has in her shine. It goes to show just how much a little genuine care goes a long way when you're walking through hell alone. I look forward to seeing her grow and develop.

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My Happy Marriage: Season 1

Poetic and heartbreaking. She feels so empty yet overflowing with tears at the same time. Looking forward to seeing how her character develops

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Skip and Loafer

I love this show!! It does true justice to the slice-of-life romance genre and although it's set in a highschool, the show itself doesn't fall into the cliches of most highschool animes out there. Instead, it does an amazing job of exploring the lives of these teenagers in a mellow and nostalgic way with an undertone of anxiety about the future.

The best thing is that the characters are not flat. They have enduring traits and faults. They are treated as people rather than caricatures and the reality they live in sometimes appears to be bittersweet.

I fell in love with the show, the characters, the pacing, and above all else the story. If you're a fan of slice-of-life in any genre, give it a try! You won't be disappointed!

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Campfire Cooking in Another World with my Absurd Skill

Shout by Reza
BlockedParent2023-04-15T18:03:12Z— updated 2023-11-28T04:26:21Z

Cute and fun to watch! I don't really like cooking but this makes me want to try cooking all the recipes. The adventure and world building is pretty standard and easy to understand but the most fun part is the character interaction. I've never identified more with an MC than this one when it come to isekai stuff hahahah

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Extremely captivating as a story. It grabs your attention, doesn't let go, and keeps you guessing until the very end. I wish there was a small epilogue of sorts to see more of how life goes on, but I'm satisfied with the end of the chase.

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Business Proposal

Hilarious and exciting, this show is a credit to the comic it is based on. I was a bit curious as to how the comedy would transfer on screen but I was not disappointed at all. Although it may seem cheesy at first glance, Business Proposal does an amazing job of offsetting that by making fun of itself through well timed scenes and well placed animation.

Loved the characters who were well casted and the story progression was very relatable but at the same time unbelievable. If I was left wanting of anything, it would have been a more satisfying ending. After the rollercoaster ride that this series was, the ending fell a little flat. Still it is an amazing series and I recommend to anyone who's looking for a good time and some laughs. (and some great eye candy)

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Wonder Egg Priority

Shout by Reza
BlockedParent2021-09-24T16:09:06Z— updated 2022-02-03T23:36:24Z

Great animation, good premise and well fleshed-out characters. the first episode really hooks the viewers in and from there on its a rollercoaster ride. This anime does a good job exploring different personalities realistically and not falling into the pitfalls of any stereotyping. It also delves into taboo topics in a very matter-of-fact way and doesn't dramatize the topics itself, just the emotions of the 14-year-old main characters (which, if we're being honest, is a very dramatic age for them anyway so it fits real well). If I were to criticize anything, it would be that the overarching plot wasn't very conclusive and left me with a lot of questions (some of it answered in the special). I was left wondering 'wait, that's it??' at the end.

Regardless, it's a really captivating watch and I recommend it to people who are in to fantastical psychological thrillers. If you're happy believing children are meant to be and should be pure and innocent, this is not for you.

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Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!

Shout by Reza
BlockedParent2020-10-28T16:49:28Z— updated 2022-12-06T17:11:59Z

This is a slow-paced show aimed primarily at animators and animation-lovers. It has amazing animation and a unique style that at times seems a bit far fetched (much like most animations)

Personally, I enjoyed watching the three girls build a club based on making animation films and producing several shorts. It explores not only the art design but also the business production preparation and production issues that pop up when creating animations (on a small scale). As an artist myself, I found it very relatable.

But like I said before, if you're looking for a fast-pace and action orientated show, this is not it.

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