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Skip and Loafer

I love this show!! It does true justice to the slice-of-life romance genre and although it's set in a highschool, the show itself doesn't fall into the cliches of most highschool animes out there. Instead, it does an amazing job of exploring the lives of these teenagers in a mellow and nostalgic way with an undertone of anxiety about the future.

The best thing is that the characters are not flat. They have enduring traits and faults. They are treated as people rather than caricatures and the reality they live in sometimes appears to be bittersweet.

I fell in love with the show, the characters, the pacing, and above all else the story. If you're a fan of slice-of-life in any genre, give it a try! You won't be disappointed!

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Shout by Reza
BlockedParent2021-09-28T02:39:44Z— updated 2023-04-12T21:18:19Z

Didn't expect it to be as interesting as it was. Great set design, characterization, and acting. Made me want to be more like Cruella which is mind-boggling with how I saw her as a kid. One of the few live action Disney films I genuinely like now

Watch it, you won't regret it! Awesome use of rock music too and of course we can forget Emma Stone just being a BAMF throughout the film

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The Apothecary Diaries: Season 1

This show is a dark horse in this season. I absolutely love the way the story is being told. It also won bonus points for having truly charismatic characters who have so much depth to them in addition to having amazing animation that really brought out the emotions of the characters through the acting and expressions. The way Dynasty China was portrayed was surprisingly balanced with the show highlighting its beauty while not shying away from the shadier nature of life during that era.

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D.P.: Season 2

Another amazing season in this phenomenal show! It continues to bring up important questions as to hierarchy, bureaucracy, and the apparent quintessential human need to put others down in order to get ahead. There are just some shows that we as people need to watch to nurture humanity in us, and I believe this is one of those shows. Hopefully, if we're ever put in similar situations, we can handle it with empathy and genuine concern.

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Move to Heaven

One of the better written, directed and acted k-dramas out there, this show not only make you introspective about life but it also brings up social taboos in Korean very respectfully and tactfully.

I loved the perfectly imperfect characters and how with each episode, they grow closer to understanding each other and themselves. Definitely a must watch, you will not be disappointed.

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The Trial of the Chicago 7

Great, gripping and captivating movie! Amazing cast and direction. The editing was seamless between all the different viewpoints and the switching between the cast and original footage of the riots was poignant. I wasn't expecting to be hooked right from the beginning but it was surprisingly adrenaline-pumping for a court room movie.

There were a few embellishments in the movie, some to exaggerate (Jerry Rubin being seduced by a female undercover agent) and some to understate ( Bobby Seale's treatment was far worse than what was portrayed), some events were switched around as well for better storytelling purposes. Regardless, Aaron Sorkin managed to capture the restlessness and agitation of the environment during the trails and the utter injustice of it all which is the crux of the matter.

Overall, I enjoyed watching it and would definitely recommend it to friends. Personally, I think it is also a very apt movie for these times where I'm sure many of the younger generation can relate to the dissent and the desire for change.

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Hidden Love

So saccharine. This story about a young girl's journey into adulthood that was told with lots of care and love. I was surprised by how realistic everything felt even though it was a very classic tale of puppy young love turned mature through the years. The topic of age difference was also handled in a very classy way with the boundaries very clearly defined. It was a bit too sweet for my tastes at times but I enjoyed it none the less. This is definitely one of the best c-dramas that has been produced to date.

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Never Give Up

Beautiful slice-of-life that manages to be both entertaining and heartfelt.

The main characters were well thought out and not overly dramatized. The plot had a good flow that kept people invested and hooked. The actors/actresses were well casted and had great chemistry with each other.

I loved the series and am super glad I came across it. Although some of the side characters seem slightly shallow and stereotyped, the well fleshed out main characters more than made up for it. The different perspectives were so well portrayed that I also found myself empathizing with characters I normally wouldn't.

All-in-all, I loved it and I hope everyone else will too :)

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Top Gun: Maverick

Simple but so, so, so very well executed. Loved it! Great music, good dialogue, awesome cinematography. What really clinched it for me was the excellent editing, it really made scenes more engaging and inspired. The movie managed to pay homage to the original while at the same time stand out from it. This is going to be one of those movies I wouldn't mind watching again and again for years to come.

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Over the Garden Wall

Very well planned and executed. The show did a brilliant job of exploring the concept 'fear of the unknown' with just 10 episodes. Characters were three-dimensional and believable, the animation was smooth, and the story arcs were beautiful. Even though it was a bit childish at times, I loved the story twists and the dialogue. It also managed to deliver cliché messages in a non-cliché way while explaining the premise of the show and the backstories. Everything was tied in really well, I'll definitely be watching it again in the future.

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It's Okay to Not Be Okay

Shout by Reza
BlockedParent2020-10-13T17:45:53Z— updated 2020-12-04T17:26:53Z

This is a really compelling show! Beautiful visuals, animations and music scores. The plot was set up pretty well and although it was a bit predictable at times, that didn't stop the it from being captivating. Even when I knew what was going to happen, I was surprised and emotional when it did.
Loved the way they used fairy tales and children's books to bring the underlying life lessons too the front. It made the messages seem simple but life-changing. The show also treated the various mental illnesses mentioned very respectfully and much more 'normally' than I expected it to. The characters try their best to understand each other and misunderstandings weren't dramatised and elongated like most shows. All in all, I would definitely watch it again and recommend it to people.

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My Happy Marriage: 1x06 Determination and Thunder

Beautiful Animation. Loved the character development here. Trauma is hard to overcome, especially if you're faced with your abusers again. I'm glad she held on to her hope.

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Taxi Driver

This is a pretty satisfying watch. It's brutal in the depictions of the crimes and very focused on the emotions and traumas endured by the family members that were affected so I wouldn't recommend it to people who could possibly get triggered.

Overall, although the show has a straightforward story, it has a great a cast, good chemistry between actors and amazing action scenes. The car chases are particularly advanced for a TV series. The plot addresses the pitfalls of both the judicial system and vigilantism while holistically portraying the different ways people pursue their versions of justice and revenge. Personally, I enjoyed the series and I'd love to watch it again in the future

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Manjummel Boys

Shout by Reza
BlockedParent2024-03-04T02:17:25Z— updated 2024-04-03T02:50:24Z

This remarkable telling of the true rescue at Guna Cave is a stark reminder that life is truly mysterious. Though I found the beginning to be a bit slow, the story picks up about a third of the way through. It is also remarkably bereft of embelishment in its portrayal of the people.

These are not straight-laced, choir boys. They are working class young men who are there to paint the town red with little to no regard for the destruction they might leave behind. And in true ride or die fashion, they refuse to leave their buddy behind even when faced with (realistically) unsympathetic and irritated police officers. Although I can't say I enjoyed the experience of gripping the egde of my seat for a good portion of the film, I believe this is one I'll be recommending to others.

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An Inception-esque anime series that delves into inner psychology of serial killers, this show gets real twisty. Especially since it's set in a world where technology appears to be near psychic (and turns out it kind of is) . Personally, I really enjoyed the storytelling and binge watched the whole thing in one setting. The best part of the show isn't its plot (which gets questionable if you sit and think about it) but it's characters. The way the characters are analyzed, forced to face themselves and grow from the experience was fascinating to watch. It also made me think about what kind of person I'd end up being if I was pushed to the edge as well.

I'd recommend this to people who like psychological thrillers. It's not the best out there but it's pretty good and comes from a unique perspective. Plus, It really does have 'banger music'.

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Twinkling Watermelon

It was a fun watch and surprisingly relatable. It made me miss my own youth and wish I had appreciated the little moments more. I think personally, the best part of this show is that all the young main characters are unapologetically brash and passionate as they try their best to navigate through life. I think as we get older, we tend to disengage more and fall into apathy, and this story reminded me that living in the moment does not have to be mutually exclusive with living for the future.

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Extremely captivating as a story. It grabs your attention, doesn't let go, and keeps you guessing until the very end. I wish there was a small epilogue of sorts to see more of how life goes on, but I'm satisfied with the end of the chase.

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My Happy Marriage: Season 1

Poetic and heartbreaking. She feels so empty yet overflowing with tears at the same time. Looking forward to seeing how her character develops

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Business Proposal

Hilarious and exciting, this show is a credit to the comic it is based on. I was a bit curious as to how the comedy would transfer on screen but I was not disappointed at all. Although it may seem cheesy at first glance, Business Proposal does an amazing job of offsetting that by making fun of itself through well timed scenes and well placed animation.

Loved the characters who were well casted and the story progression was very relatable but at the same time unbelievable. If I was left wanting of anything, it would have been a more satisfying ending. After the rollercoaster ride that this series was, the ending fell a little flat. Still it is an amazing series and I recommend to anyone who's looking for a good time and some laughs. (and some great eye candy)

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Half Brothers

Shout by Reza
BlockedParent2020-12-01T16:54:08Z— updated 2020-12-28T03:02:10Z

Got the opportunity to watch the preview screening and it was a roller coaster ride! One moment I'd be laughing and the next tearing up. I loved the relationships were portrayed in this film and the locations that the film was shot in were gorgeous.

I have to say that the best part for me personally was the very rare portrayal of America through the distrustful eyes of a foreigner who vehemently did not want to be there. The film also successfully pointed out the many assumptions and stereotypical perspectives that the average American has of Mexicans in a comical but thought-provoking way. Renato's journey was as much about accepting the role America had in his life (represented physically by his half-brother, Asher) as it was about getting closure with his father.

I had a fun time watching this film and would definitely was it together with my family when it releases.

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Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!

Shout by Reza
BlockedParent2020-10-28T16:49:28Z— updated 2022-12-06T17:11:59Z

This is a slow-paced show aimed primarily at animators and animation-lovers. It has amazing animation and a unique style that at times seems a bit far fetched (much like most animations)

Personally, I enjoyed watching the three girls build a club based on making animation films and producing several shorts. It explores not only the art design but also the business production preparation and production issues that pop up when creating animations (on a small scale). As an artist myself, I found it very relatable.

But like I said before, if you're looking for a fast-pace and action orientated show, this is not it.

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Delicious in Dungeon

Really good sotry. Starts of slow and peaceful but damn does it get scary with its realistic interpretation of dungeons and monsters. The plot is really compelling as well and seems to run darker the longer the show goes. def recommend it!

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Be My Favorite

Excellent cast and good storytelling. As an OG fan, I liked that the storyline wasn't one to one with the manga or anime. It's a fresh take on a beloved classic that takes advantage of the medium it's been adapted into.

I personally loved that this show stayed true to the spirit of the story rather than the letter. So many other adaptations have failed precisely because they tried to replicate what was there before and couldn't live up to it because it was like swimming on a bike. It's just not meant to work like that. This adaptation did an excellent job of loving the story while actually adapting it for the reality of a live action. Kudos to the team, and I look forward to seeing more.

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It's hilarious!! I spent at least 70% of this laughing. It's an amazing commentary on sexism and patriarchy in general, as well as the discrepancy between intention and reality. Allen is a BAMF. It was also a nice touch to have the Kens united after a fight.

Some of the dialogue is a little on the nose and the reactions are dramatic but that's what made it so funny and amazing to watch.

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Chainsaw Man

Executed in a very cinematic manner unlike most animes. Any humor is very natural and the characters are organic and three-dimensional. Loved the way scenes were set up and high and low points. The plot however seemed like a prequel or a set-up for the main event so it left me feeling a bit unsatisfied. That being said, I was not bored at all or tempted to skip ahead in any of the episodes. It might flow better when paired with a strong second season though.

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The Golden Spoon

I loved this!

Well thought out plot with subtle acting that made the twists and turns more believable given the supernatural aspect of the premise. I also enjoyed the characters and the ending

totally recommend giving this a chance. personally, I liked it so much because it really drilled in the fact that perfect life doesn't exist and encourages you choose the what would make you marginally happier and deal with the consequences as they come.

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Bocchi the Rock!

Someone described it as 'socially-akward k-on' and that's pretty apt for the most part. It's got comedic timing, unique characters and lots of anxiety-driven over-thinking lol.

Cloverworks does an excellent job animating this work with a mix of traditional, rotoscoping and 3d animation. There was also a bit of experimentation in some scenes (I'll let you find out first-hand). The story definitely caters more to music enthusiasts who happen to be introverts or/and have social anxiety.

Loved the original music and I'd be interested in how the story moves forward. hope there'll be more seasons to come!

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suspenseful and well directed!
Good cinematography and a decent murder-mystery plotline.

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Remarriage & Desires

Amazingly produced for a mini series!

The plot twists and turns, characters get more desperate and the theme song seduces the audience into this dark world of desires.

The content is a bit mature and the romance plot line could have been better elaborated on but since that's not the focus of the show, it can be forgiven. I loved the subtlety of the interactions and the building pressure and things get more dire in the later episodes. I don't know what else to say without spoiling the show so, I'm just going to recommend that you put on the first ep and get sucked in.

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