The Rental

I've watched a lot of horror, I've watched my fair share of good and bad horror. Its been a long time since a movie has genuinely angered me, the characters were just awful people and I couldn't muster any sympathy whatsoever for any of them (maybe Michelle). But if you take away the terrible characters the movie itself was pretty mediocre, nothing new or inventive and pretty snail pace until the final 20/30 minutes. The ending credits were quite cool though although it says a lot when the rolling credits was the part that stuck out the most.

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I love it when Sandler plays these more serious roles. While I love him as a comedic actor I genuinely feel like he excels further when he shows his range and is cast for these more serious roles. Hustle isn't really anything groundbreaking and doesn't particularly break any new ground in what we've all seen in most sport movies. But the cast, the tension, music and everything else just works despite hitting all the usual cliches. Just a solid 'feel good' and motivational film. Highly recommend for Sandler fans, my wife who has zero interest in any kind of sports sat and watched the whole thing and enjoyed this one so please don't think you need to know basketball or enjoy sports to enjoy this. Solid 8/10

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Thunder Force

I almost feel generous giving it a 3... listen I have no qualms with the story, its supposed to be cheesy, goofy. Its nothing unique and I can honestly sit and enjoy these type of movies and have a good laugh.

Mellisa carries the film but I'm sorry I found Octavias acting in this poor. She was so robotic and awkward and had no life in her whatsoever (my opinion of course) and as I say while Mellisa was the only redeeming factor I feel like even all of her characters are one dimensional and she now just plays the same roles with different tweaks. I do still find her funny but I hope she can branch out into different roles in the future.

I trudged along until the end but neither me or my wife was impressed and just found it poor with only a few laughs here and there (I think a few were forced as we were trying to find SOME humour and not feel like we'd wasted an evening)

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i think fair is about right for 'Dismissed', it was a film that held my attention throughout to keep watching, it was also nice to see Dylan Sprouse return the screen, we all remember him as the adorable kid from 'Big Daddy' starring Adam Sandler but here he plays a much more sinister role. It was a tad predictable almost going through the motions of any film similar to this, I think the fact that this type of movie has been done a million times over the years, it's hard to do anything original or exciting. But the acting was fine, and it certainly wasn't terrible, worth at least one watch but its nothing your going to remember.

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influencer is just one of those films we've seen a hundred times before. You pretty much know what's going to happen, the protagonists make silly and dumb mistakes, it's all predictable and goes through the motions. But does just about enough to keep you marginally interested until the end to see how they will wrap it up, you should know by the times we get the opening credits, speaking of credits I noticed we don't get them until almost half an hour into the film.

Says a lot when that was the most interesting and unique thing about the film I guess.

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I watched Inside with English subtitles, truthfully I wasn't so impressed.. It was rather brutal, and some scenes were a complete gore fest, and it terms of mood it was definitely dark and depressing with the sense of dread. But it just never really had much to it plot wise, French movies definitely are unique but 'Inside' just was gore for gore's sake, rather than really trying to develop characters or create an intricate story line. It instead just went all out on the blood in hope to keep my attention.... sadly it didn't, so just a 'meh' for me, I was on my laptop throughout.

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Christina Ricci does a solid job in Monstrous but that was to be expected. While the film was solid I just found the overall tone, storyline and character interactions just a little.... Meh! If I'm being honest I'd say verging on boring. The horror aspects are extremely light and while the other elements are okay, they weren't enough to really wow me. But worth the watch, a solid middle of the road 5/6

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had been wanting to watch this since seeing the trailer and can't say I was disappointed, high action! lots of gore! Nazi zombies! What's not to love? Me and the wife were glued and hardly said a word throughout which is definitely a good sign! Sure I'll definitely give this a rewatch in the near future!

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I think a lot of people have already stated the obvious regarding Trap so I'll keep it short. The first half was interesting and had some tension, it wasn't setting the world on fire or bringing anything new to the table but it was certainly watchable.

Then after the concert it descended into chaos and not in a good way, then just when you think it can't get any worse or unbelievable...... It does! So yeah, overall very disappointing really!

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White Men Can't Jump

I knew it was going to be bad, I watched it anyway (my mistake)

I went into this with ZERO expectations, I knew it wasn't going to be a remake of the classic. I tried to view this as a stand alone (almost like a spin off/late sequel maybe?) but even then it was just bad. The story is nonexistent, the acting is awful, the comedy is woeful. It's a film that shouldn't have been made, and if they were doing this as a remake it deserved a better cast and a better script to at least make it watchable. I will hopefully forget about this one in a day or so.

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Maybe I Do

Always been a fan of Diane Keaton and also a fan of Emma Roberts. Add Sarandon, Gere and Macy and I was very intrigued and I would say excited to see this one. But unfortunately it falls flat and there just isn't enough romance and not enough comedy. The big players do their thing and it's nice to see them share the screen, however the characters are just weak and is filled with a lot of Christian beliefs and takes on marriage. Lots of monologues and speeches. Emma Roberts and her partner Luke Bracey are actually rather forgettable and fade into the background sadly. Another reviewer said this would have been better written as a play and I must say I agree actually. This felt a little misleading being labelled as a rom-com. It might be worth a one time watch for the cast but unfortunately won't be one you remember in a week's time after.

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First off, I am a big fan of Octavia Spencer and it was cool to see her do something a little different. Unfortunately though 'Ma' was just a run of the mill average 'horror' although I use that term loosely it felt more like a thriller.

It was watchable but it was just the type of movie you watch once and forget about it, interesting enough to watch to the end.. but just nothing to shout home about and tell everyone about the next day! As others have said most of the good stuff is at the end but it's just not enough to save it.

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American Honey

it's very hard to describe American Honey, on paper and by the plot it should just be boring and mundane, and while yes there wasn't much going on throughout the film, very basic. It felt very natural and sincere in the message it was trying to deliver. I am not from the US so I cannot state whether it's true, but American Honey felt like a very true representation of what the US is all about, I felt like I was there with them on this road trip, just life in general going by.

Also a definitely nod to the soundtrack which was absolutely BRILLIANT! Just an overall good and honest film, no big budgets or high speed car chases, no good guy vs bad guy needed here, just honest cinematic. Glad I finally got round to watching this.

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ouch, this was really not for me. I don't mind Kristen Dunst at all, and the subject matter of the film intrigued me but the film itself was just weak, drawn out and very boring. Often long periods of no dialogue and while some shots were very scenic and atmospheric, and it did create a very unique atmosphere and ambiance, I couldn't make it past the 45 minute mark and had to tap out.

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Free State of Jones

like the person below me, as a non-American I was a little lost with the timelines within the movie and got lost in parts, luckily I had my brother in law with me to fill in gaps and educate me as we were going along (although we didn't realise this movie was over 2 hours long so after all the pauses etc we were sat for nearly 3 hours in total for this one)
The movie is certainly powerful and very well done I found Matthew excellent in his role, and I am not his biggest fan if I'm quite honest, but Moses had to be my favourite by far, certainly makes you think, it was hard to watch at times but there wasn't anything unnecessary or too much, and despite the length I was never bored and watched eagerly until the end.

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Fear, Inc.

Ok so I'm torn with this movie, I appreciate it for what it was, a spoof that pokes fun at all the clichés within the horror genre, but I couldn't help but wonder what this would have been like if it was taken a little more seriously? I love the idea of a company that creates a horror experience tailored personally to the individual and then it all goes wrong, I think so many things could be done with that idea, but that's just me personally, as I say this movie was a fun little watch and I did enjoy every minute and it certainly kept me guessing right to the end......

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while it was quite a gore fest (my fiancée has a weak stomach and she had to look away a few times) I couldn't ignore the fact that the acting was quite poor, the dialogue between characters were laughable at times, there was no development so I didn't feel any sympathy or connection to any of the cast (if anything I disliked nearly all of them) I will get the special FX and make up thumbs up though, because it was quite grim, just wish the story had a bit more substance and wasn't just using gore to mask a rather plain and poorly acted film.

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I Am Not a Serial Killer

Having read the book, it wasn't what I had in my mind (its classed as a young adult and this was quite mature, dark and atmospheric) it was very slow in parts but had a certain charm and the music was very well done. It's a solid B-Movie at best, and always nice to see something you have read make it's interpretation to the big screen.

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Blink Twice

While I think 'Blink Twice' has important themes. It felt a little too dragged out and long. The ending almost undermined and took away from those themes that it had spent so long building up. There wasn't any real tension, the humor felt misplaced and awkward and before it did eventually take off the credits were already rolling.

It holds your attention enough to finish and while I have never been a Tatum fan he actually does a reasonable job here. But the girls take the spotlight (and rightly so) and do deliver some really strong performances.

It's a film that won't really make a shake and dare I say will be a forgettable one however I didn't feel my time was completely wasted on this, even if it did overstay it's welcome slightly with the runtime.

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The Crow
The Girl in the Pool

Man this was a really weird film. The acting felt all over the place, the characters weren't likeable at all and the whole vibe of it just felt off. And not in a clever way either, I did find myself laughing occasionally but I am not sure if it had just got to the point where it was so bad it was almost fun?

The plot is basic, the 'twist' if you can call it that is so obvious you re just waiting and getting through to see how the inevitable plays out! I really don't know what I've just watched in all fairness...

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Probably would have been a fun little gory thriller if it wasn't for the fact that the main character and title of the show was awful and annoying therefore just put a huge downer on the entire film and just never allowed me to be fully interested. Seriously the first 20 minutes or so before the action started I wanted to punch Becky in the face, I get 13 year olds are full of angst and hormonal as hell but this was overkill.

On the other hand if that's what the director was going for they did a brilliant job lol

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In a Violent Nature

it's just your typical cat and mouse thriller only poorly made. Full of the typical clichés, you know what's going to happen before it does. It attempts to build suspense but barely does so. For a standard runtime it feels dragged out if anything. It's a film you would have in the background late at night if for some reason you had nothing else to watch while you have a browse through your phone. Not sure why but it felt like a film from the noughties era, it isn't one I'll remember in a week's time and certainly not re-watchable unfortunately. But as a one time gig, it's okay for some background noise.

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Dirty Little Secret

I will be the first to admit I watched this film purely because Melissa had a role. Growing up watching Sabrina I just had to see her in another role again. I went into it with little expectations as I saw it was labelled as a 'TV Movie' and for the most part it was fine. Acting was stiff and awkward (sad to say that includes Melissa too) but it was watchable. What really disappointed me was the ending, keeping this comment spoiler free it made no sense to me, the actions of the daughter were just mind boggling and it came out of nowhere and just really ended the film in poor taste for my liking. I'm sure for 90s kids like myself it will be fun to see Melissa on the screen again but sadly not even that can save this one from barely being passable, but enough to make you stick around until the (poor) ending.

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She Dies Tomorrow

It all just felt super edgy and on the pretentious. The first 20 minutes was REALLY hard to get through then it did slightly come back a little. It had some interesting philosophical elements which my wife (a big exestentialist) thought was interesting but a little predictable and nothing new to really add to the table. Had some notable actors in though and we made it to the end, forgettable though unfortunately.

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The Ledge

Objectively, this film is bad! Hence the 3 star rating. Just poor over the top acting. Really dire plot which really falls off a cliff (pun intended) very quickly and becomes tedious. BUT I will say it's one of those films where it's almost so bad it's quite amusing to watch as a one off if nothing else is on and you go in with little expectations.

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The Manor

Hovering between 5 & 6 really. The ending definitely makes up for a somewhat boring and mediocre middle part. It had it's moments and the cast was solid enough. I know it's hard for horror to really get away from the cliches so you have to go into every horror expecting them now but this one just seemed swarming with them. But as I say the twist at the end was solid enough for me to remember it. If it had been a typical horror ending it would have been a lower score for sure. Worth a one time watch at least.

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The Black Phone

'The Black Phone' was an interesting premise, adding in the supernatural element really made it stand out from your usual abduction/horror movies. However I feel there just wasn't enough time really to grow attached to any of the characters even though they had potential and were likeable enough. The beginning part seemed to drag on a little too long and then the ending felt a little rushed, things were happening but it felt brief with no depth to anything. Even Hawke as the grabber, as creepy and as messed up as he was, I would have loved to get an insight and learn more about his character, he played it fantastically but felt like his character could have been even better with some more screen time. Nonetheless it was a decent watch, and was worth the wait to see.

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