


Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Reply by Kolja

Thoughts after leaving the cinema but before reading critics reviews: The plot actually very coherent, I had no problems following it whatsoever. Things happened for specific reason, they were deliberate choices that moved the plot along as opposed to randomly contrived events. Not only that, the narratives that were occurring concurrently made for a comprehensive movie that was multi-faceted and set up the future movies well. Complaints on my end were negligible, really not worth mentioning.

Thoughts after reading some critics complaints: I'm sorry that you don't have the brain capacity to sit down for 2.5 hours and pay attention to a movie with multiple narratives to tell a story. I'm sorry that you don't like films that deviate from common Hollywood narrative structures. I'm sorry that you keep comparing it to summer-blockbustery Marvel movies that are meant to reel in everyone and their dog and have become so formulaic and vanilla that my 9 year-old brother is getting sick of them. I'm sorry that you're not comparing it to Watchmen. I'm sorry that you wanted to hate this movie from the beginning.

My reconciled thoughts: All of this aside, I thought it was a comic book movie through and through. It's a real service to the fans who pay for comics and keeps the industry alive (also see Amy Robinson's review on BvS). Despite some deviating creative choices, for me, the essence of the characters stay true and pure to the heart of who they are and what they represent. Henry Cavill's Clark Kent/Superman rings to what a modern day iteration of him would be, not whatever New 52 has done with him. They really captured the depth and breadth of 75 years of Lois/Clark's love in the movie. Even the tension between Bruce and Diana is right on the money and calls back to the awesomeness of the pairing that is Batman/Wonder Woman that we all got a taste of in JLU and Blackest Night. Batffleck's Batman/Bruce is the Bruce after Jason's death, before Tim came along, y'know? The movie leaves a whole lot of room for the future Justice Leaguers and maybe even beyond to legacy movies where mantle is passed on.

Also, if we got like 5 minutes of Jason Momoa's Aquaman instead of 10 seconds I would have died and gone to heaven right there on the spot.

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Well that's what Luther does? He actually did many times.

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