Rick Verschuren






Enjoyable movie. Great cast. The chemistry between the actresses was amazing.

But their are a couple of things that annoyed me.

Why wait four years at the end? Doesn’t make sense at all.

What was the point of abner? They dit all the work alone, even the planning. The one thing abner did do was fuck it up with not noticing their was a shoot that day

After all fun movie to watch with your mind turned off.

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Outlaw King

Shout by Rick Verschuren
BlockedParent2024-02-11T10:15:45Z— updated 2024-04-12T21:41:15Z


Pretty mediocre movie. But what do you except else from Netflix? Their where some very good shots. I enjoy this type of movies a lot, so because of that it’s hard to say it was bad. I didn’t feel connected to the movie like I did with others from this genre. If you love this genre, go watch it! There are some good parts, but overall it missed something.

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The Beekeeper

Shout by Rick Verschuren
BlockedParent2024-01-30T20:46:37Z— updated 2024-04-14T09:11:20Z


Jason Statham meets John Wick.

What an incredible action movie this was, one of the best from the past decade. As a big Jason fan this movie is amazing! The story was good, first time seeing this kind of a criminal enterprise in a movie. Get ready for more in the future. Josh was excellent as a bad guy in this movie. Highly recommend this to any action movie enthousiast!

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The 40 Year Old Virgin


Some parts are hilarious, but the movie took to long. The ending was amazing watched this with a friend, that makes it so much more fun. If I watched it alone I wouldn’t make it to the end, took to long.

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Knight and Day


This was so much fun:joy: that scene where Tom is swinging by the door this is what an action comedy is supposed to be.

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I want a separate movie for gus

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Beautiful!! Lost for words.. wow

The story is great, the acting is outstanding, the graphics are beautiful. Don’t have anything bad to say about this movie.

Yes I am a big fan of Jennifer so that makes this already amazing, but besides that I loved every part of this. It even kept me on the edge of my seat until the end.

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Role Play


It’s not a comedy, it’s not a action movie, it’s just not it in so many ways. Kaley is amazing tho haha. Loved the TBBT references.

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Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom


Another dc disappointment

Honestly don’t know how to feel about this, 5, 6 or 7 rating? 6 it is. The cgi and costumes doesn’t do it for me, it feels to fake. The bond between norm and Arthur was well writing and played, loved that part a lot. The sea creatures are nightmare material, they didn’t even try to make them better looking. The manta storyline I didn’t like, in the first movie he was annoying and unrealistic. But now it was just over the top.

If it wasn’t for the end where did both said “brother” and the part that norm eaten a burger this would have been a 4.

Edit: the climate bullshit also ruined this movie for me, ffs man

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Get Carter


Fun movie. Nice pace, good story, well acted. Really liked it!

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Fun movie. Predictable? Yes! Probably the first Netflix original that’s close to a good movie. Turn your brain off and watch.

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It’s very rare for me to turn a movie off and not watching until the end. This is one of those rare occasions I don’t watch a movie until the end. The story had some potential but the movie couldn’t grab my attention. Had no connection with the characters, I don’t even know who do fuck these people are. It’s almost like that they forgot to ad 30 minutes in the beginning to tell me about these people..

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The movie it self sucked big time.

Hugh Grant was funny as fuck:joy: so was the chocolate kartel. If willy and his friends weren’t in this movie it would be a much better movie.

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Movie it self is not great, 5/6 at most. But for el presidente I give it a 7. This dude carried the movie! Started kinda slow, but ended up being a pretty enjoyable movie. Fun to watch when you want to turn of your head and just watch a movie.

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This is amazing:joy::joy::joy: as a dog owner I laughed so hard.

The devil, the devil aka the mailman

They are collecting our poop and balls for chocolate

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The Adjustment Bureau


I liked it. Emily blunt was amazing in this movie and Matt Damon to like he always is. Would have preferred seeing a little look in the future at the end, did he become president? Did she become one of the greatest choreographers? Story was fun, but would have loved to see more of it instead of a love story. But besides that still a fun movie that you watch 1 time.

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The Last Duel


Great movie, amazing story and great acting.
Loved the way they showed the different perspectives of the story. Not a movie that you will rewatch, but definitely a must watch.

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They don’t make enough movies like this. Watched it for the 3th time with my friend that had never seen it. It’s such an amazing movie, the action is great, the story telling is amazing. Had a great time watching it with my friend, his exact words: rick you were right, this is a great movie!!

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Watched it with a friend, my friend is a big anime fan. I am not. He wanted to see this movie for a long time and I wanted to try this new genre for me. The story was okay, don’t have much to compare it with within this genre. The graphics where amazing especially when you realize this movie is over 20 years old. The music was great, it dit not fit with the movie at all and that made it great. We laughed so hard at the end, the music was just terrible and great, hahaha. My friend enjoyed it a lot, for me it was okay. Have seen better but have seen way worse to. If it wasn’t for the amazing graphics, music and fun I had this would have a got a 3 or 4. Also says a lot about whit who you watch o movie. We can watch the worst movie ever and have the best time ever.

It didn’t turn me into a anime fan. But I am open to watch another anime movie in the future with my mate.

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Meg 2: The Trench


If you liked the first movie, you will like this one to. It’s not a great movie, but extremely enjoyable. Jason statham fan boy here so that helps to. Must watch if you like over the top action movies combined with unrealistic things haha.

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The Killer


Not bad, not good. The slow pace of the movie didn’t bother me, i like it. The voice over (his inner voice) was great, but still I expected more. The ending felt rushed. With a better ending this could have been a way better movie. Defiantly a must to watch if you are a fan of fassbender.

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Code 8


Good movie, great story. Stephen Amell and Robbie Amell where great in this movie! Acting was on point. The movie had a nice pace to it, the only thing that upsets me is the ending.. it’s so rushed, he stands infront of the police station to turn himself in and he doesn’t? The police chase in the club at the end also didn’t make any sense, why didn’t they follow? If the ending was good I would give this a 8, but now I have to give it a 7.

But I can highly recommend this movie.

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Fighting with My Family


Surprisingly good movie. Loved watching this movie for the second time. The story is good, Florence Pugh is excellent, the humor is perfect. A sports movie that combines, humor, sadness and a great real story.

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Gran Turismo


Small spoilers

My expectations where higher… I am a big fan of sports movies and racing. This movie didn’t get me.. in the beginning you see his family all the time, and bam boem they where gone and magically spawned in the end. There was no emotional band between me and the movie. And that’s very important in movies like this for me. The acting wasn’t good either, only David harbour was good. And djimon hounsou had - great scene before the Le Mans race, in the trailer with his son. That moment and the moment right after the race where David is falling on the ground where the only scenes that touched me. It’s a fun movie the watch one time.

This movie had potential to be great..

What did ginger spice in this movie:joy: she was so bad in her acting scenes:sweat_smile:

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The Equalizer 3



What a movie. Lost for words. Definitely the best movie of the trilogy.

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Saving Private Ryan


Amazing movie. The opening scene was incredible, I sat at my couch in silence, not moving, not speaking, my heart stopt, best opening scene in cinematic history for me. Words cannot describe how good this movie is. I write this 20 minutes after watching the movie, I don’t know what to say.. I am speechless…. I just cannot describe how I feel now. A true masterpiece! The acting was also really good, some really famous actors are in this movie to (back then maybe a little less famous)

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Fast X

first i am a big fan of the fast franchise. But this movie was to much, it has to end… the story was okay, the cgi was terrible, it is to unrealistic, and the amount of characters is getting out of control. The family is a small village now. There are 2 reason why I rated this a 5/10 instead of 2/10
Reason one: jason mamoa is AMAZING, his role is perfect and the way he plays it, is Oscar worthy in my opinion.
Reason two: (little spoiler) in the beginning you see pictures of Brian (Paul) and other family members from way back, and the movie starts with the vault scene in rio. So Paul is back on the screen.

Overall this franchise has come to his end..

Before I forget, the movie ends with a cliffhanger… so at least 2,3 years before we know what happens, but be honest we all know what is going to happen….

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