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Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams: 1x04 Crazy Diamond

Some other episodes I kind of enjoyed. This episode was really beyond me. Pigs, surrogates, weird relationship dramas.... Nope. Not for me. At all.

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The Grand Tour: 5x03 Sand Job

the screwing about with each others cars is starting to be annoying. in this case it more or less destroyed the DB9.
sometimes it's funny, but more often than not its just juvenile.

anyway. one more episode to go after this I guess.

too bad, I'll miss the specials.

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The Orville: 3x09 Domino

wtf......... Charly :'( the best thing about season 3.

I am not sure if I can really like this Starwars episode much. It's one big remake of the attack on the DeathStar in orbit around Endor, even including the base door leading to the power source. Only thing missing is some furry knock off of the Ewoks, where I guess the Kaylon come in - instead.

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Ms. Marvel: 1x01 Generation Why

maybe fun for some 14 y/o's looking for some wokeness in a Marvel series

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TWIN: 1x08 The Last Day

Shout by RiGHT

A little bit disappointed by the ending
I was awaiting the big reveal that obviously Karin was his daughter.
The whole thing was a bit of anti climax.

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Mr. Robot: 2x06 eps2.4_m4ster-s1ave.aes

Loved the Alf cameo and the high Growing Pains influence on the start of the episode. Quite well done.
Funny to hear more of the references like wax on wax off.

But so far whole seadon 2 is not so interesting.... it just keeps dragging on and on.

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Banshee: 3x03 A Fixer of Sorts

Ugh. My God. The level of gore reached a whole new level.

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