Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Alice Through the Looking Glass

First Alice movie was great, enjoyable, funny, new... this one was a lot like being one extra couplet to a song which takes just a little bit too long. This movie should have not been made.

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Disappointing. in 1 word: "poor".

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The Intern

"Charming", describes this whole movie in just 1 word. Great roles by DeNiro and Anne Hathaway.

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San Andreas

Ridiculous, unrealistic, bad acting, etc etc....... and still very entertaining :)

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The previous movies were quite good adaptions of the books, this one was.... definately a lot less good. Still an entertaining movie.

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The Big Bang Theory: 10x12 The Holiday Summation

this was by far the best episode in....... well, for a very long time.

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Mechanic: Resurrection

At times a totally retarded B-movie. Totally unrealistic, absurd and chaotic story. Obvious plot. Still.... entertaining.
+1 for Statham.
7 out 10.
Everything about this movie screams a sort of open job application for Statham to become the next Bond.

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The Catch

If you like this series, be sure to check out "Good Behaviour". It's a much better series in any possible way

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Midnight Special

Story: superb. Acting: superb. Movie overal: average.
Reason for the overal rating is that so many is left untold. The Ranch is just randomly depicted, the whole sect stuff is completely undescribed and has no meaning for the story. Why was the kid taken there and adopted? Obviously mom and dad didnt want to loose him, so why take him there then?
And as for questions.... where is the start of the movie? Where is the end of this movie? Why did the story about mom end differently than about dad and Lucas?
I really enjoyed the middle part of the movie, but this story clearly misses a huge part at the start of the movie, where the characters should have gotten some form and some kind of motivation about why they do what they do.

Clearly the story is very interesting indeed and it's a great basis for a good story. But the movie failed in many ways. Really too bad...

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I managed to watch a few episodes, but then just lost interest. Perhaps for people who like old fashioned crime series or true batman fans. There are simply too many annoying characters in this show; top of the bill being Fish. I gave up. It's not really a bad series, but totally not even close to being my favorite either. I simply prefer series like Continuum, Person of Interest, Blacklist and The Americans.

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I really dont understand why this mini-series was not actually picked up as a pilot to a real series. It really deserved at least another mini-series or shortened season. Great story and great basis for a very interesting plot. I do not agree on the "bad acting" comments at all.

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The Catch

This series feels a bit like White Collar in many ways, just with a woman in some weird semi-victim role. The acting is a bit so-so; I wonder if it will get a second season. It's a good time-filler though and not too important if you need to step out for a minute or so. Not bad, if it gets renewed I'll keep watching.

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Marvel's Agent Carter

Too bad the lead acctress took up another gig. I hope she'll come back to this series. We still need the actual formation of SHIELD to happen.

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The Expanse

Really superb show. It has many elements from many shows I enjoy, but putting them all together in the mix it comes out totally unique. Closest resembling show might be Dark Matter; which is not a bad thing :)

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Warehouse 13

I very much enjoyed this show; feels a lot like The Librarians, but the chemistry between the lead actors is better, the humor is better and ... well the whole show is just better.

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I loved this show. Season 1 and 2 were superb. Too bad it all went to sh*t after that. The going back in time and creating alternate timelines was the worst they could do to this series. Really a shame, would have enjoyed to watch more of season 1/2 quality.

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Once Upon a Time: Season 5

"5x09 The Bear King" the worst episode by far of this entire series. I hope we do not ever see the DunBroch storyline again.

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The 100

I enjoyed season 1 a lot. Season 2 got weirder and weirder and also less good for my taste, it seemed like halfway season 2 they were out of storyline and just started to make things up as they got along week by week. Season 3 was pure agony to get through with this whole city of light bullcrap. I really hope season 4 will regain the former flow. Something that would help would be to get rid of Jaha for good. Any storyline involving him is annoying and tedious.

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Not my cup of tea. Pun intended. I watched 3 episodes. It didnt get any better. British street tugs in some horror flick for the first episodes and then business as usual. Not interesting for me. I'm not a big fan of British series, time and again it's confirmed. I dont know why I still bother trying. Perhaps I'll try the American version of this series some time.

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Felt too much like a M. Night Shyamalan movie, on a low budget. And I dont mean that reference to Shamalamalam in a positive way.

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Silicon Valley

Is this really a comedy? If yes, then the humor is beyond me. I watched 3 episodes and I didnt smile even once. Feels more like a misplaced documentary of a silicon valley startup. Or something like that.

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The Truman Show

Surprising movie; one of the surprises being that Carey is actually a more than capable actor. I didnt expect it upfront, but I enjoyed this movie.

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Total rubbish. Better watch the Netflix series instead.

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Chernobyl Diaries

Really not that bad. Apart from the whole Zombie stuff quite a realistic view on what Pripyat looks like nowadays. Not a bad horror movie, albeit a bit predictable :)

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Blue Thunder

For me this movie was always a matter of "Airwolf is better"; although its not really that bad.

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I've never understood why this movie got to such a 'status'. Amazing list of actors; crap movie

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Street Fighter

One of the worst adaptions of a computergame ever made.

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The 5th Wave

Seems to be a kids movie, except for all the explicit gore. A bit too obvious. And all-bullshit. Maybe if they would have not tried to leave an open ending for a sequel, then it would have been a bit faster and more enjoyable. The whole Even Walker-Rambo-character was so way out of place with his "and I chose you and I will kill all aliens because they dont believe in love" really killed it off entirely. But I knew already what was going on with the first look at Vosch. Too obvioooooooous.

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Triple 9

Great 80s style action flick.

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Ride Along 2

Maybe a lot of fun if you're an Afro-American. Part 1 was hilarious. This was just another movie of which we've seen 200+ before. 1 grumpy guy, 1 try-hard to get grumpy's appreciation. Police setting. Plot twist. Bla. Done. Just all-afro and a little Asian added into the mix. No, hardly worth the trouble. We finished watching it and it was good for a smile here and there, but that's it.

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