
1 follower

Omicron Persei 8

FIFA Uncovered

Just a small little series about corrupt people.
Explaining themselves how they are corrupt.
Explaining how they created a corrupt organization.
Explaining that they will never change their organization.
Explaining how many of them were arrested for corruption.

Why does any country keep working with FIFA?

Eh it's our fault that thousands of workers died in Qatar?
It is not like we decided that Qatar hosts the World Cup.
It is not like we created a system that only works by bribing voting members.
It is not like we knew they didn't have the infrastructure or manpower to host this World Cup.
It is not like we got the reports that said workers were dying and decided to do nothing.
It is not like we can just decide that another country hosts the Word Cup, because we created a murder machine.

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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Our Planet

1: Beautiful shots of animal
2: David Attenborough explains animal
3: Explanation of how humans have destroyed/are destroying this animal population
4: Repeat

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The Umbrella Academy

I didn't expect it to be this good and fun.
The characters all really unique and create a fun dynamic.
The visuals and music are great, although it could some better CGI and more budget on a few occasions.
Kinda gave me a watchmen vibe.
Really looking forward to a second season.

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Wild Wild Country

Really interesting documentary.
Both sides of the conflict are well highlighted and the escalating problems and the size of the cult are almost unbelievable.
I kinda got the feeling if both sides were just better neighbors to each other this whole thing wouldn't have happened though.

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Seeing Michael C Hall in a series again made me excited to watch this, but the series is kind of a letdown for me.
The story isn't bad but everything is so rushed and I couldn't relate to any of the characters.
It just seems really unbelievable that all these weird characters exist in the UK. It kind of feels like they took an American Series and just threw in in the UK with only changing the peoples accents.

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Great show. Be prepared to lose your appetite though. There is a lot of gruesome murders.

I love how Hannibal is trying to drive everyone insane by using psycho therapy and also lets them enjoy his "special" cooking.

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Adventure Time

The world in Adventure Time is awesome. Absolutely love everything in it. Adventures are mostly very random and the humor is unpredictable. The show is clearly targeted to children as well as the older audience. Not every episode is quite as entertaining as the other but the show is an absolute gem.

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Gravity Falls

Excellent show. I love the animation and style the show has. The humor in the series is funny even for the older audience. I love it even more then Adventure Time and that's saying something.

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Code Monkeys

Good humor and awesome animation. The whole series is in 16 bit style and the characters are unique and funny. Worth watching if you also like oldschool games.

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