Erwan Masson



The Phantom Carriage

WOW. Such a great movie!
I see it 95 years in late, but I can assure that is one of the best movies I ever saw.
It's really in advance for his time, the acting is almost like today and didn't come from opera or theatre like it was usual in the beginning of cinema. The music is just awesome, she translate exactly the character's emotions and the mood of the scene, a real plus in a silent film, and have noises (making with the instrument).
The story come from the novel " Thy Soul Shall Bear Witness!" and we can think about Scrooge but it's darker.
Victor Sjöström is an awesome actor, but he show that is one of the best directors of his time too!
And what a surprise to see that the legendary Shining's scene of Jack Nicholson breaking the door with an axe already existing a half of century before Kubrick's masterpiece!

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The Revenant

Very good movie. The cinematography is awsome like the acting of all of the cast (and we can see the inspiration of Tarkovski). If DiCaprio is obviously very good, Tom Hardy isn't far away behind !
Inarritu give us a movie at high level, when you see this you can understand how the shoot could be hard.
Like for "Birdman" some shoots like dream add a psychological mood as Malick can do ( and sometimes the shoots are like his shoots, we can think about "Red line" or "Tree of Life", of course it's because of the really good cinematographer Emmanuel Lubezki who work before Innaritu for Malick).
The story is simple but it's not a problem, you have to the see this in an other way as usual, like for "Birdman" or "Babel". On some point it can be appeared to the Western genre (story, character, place....).
So it was spectacular in term of art cinema (not like the blockbuster) but some people can don't like it : it's an Inarritu's movie !

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