Sean Jane



Killing Eve: 3x01 Slowly Slowly Catchy Monkey

Oh my god! they killed Kenny!

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@lady-azkadelia YOU B@$TARD!!!!

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Killing Eve: 3x01 Slowly Slowly Catchy Monkey

I'm so hyped that this is back on TV and so devastated they killed Kenny. He deserved better.

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@ana993 "OH MY GOD THEY KILLED KENNY!!!!!" (Please reply appropriately :D)

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Van Helsing: 2x04 A Home

Sam is a fucking psycho. Can someone please kill him already?

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@minibutmighty no. Sam is amazing, I love his character. He genuinely feels like a threat, he is so psychotic and his story is intriguing. As you can guess I've only just started watching this :joy:

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Sex Education: 2x05 Episode 5

Yaaas, I'm so glad Otis sees Adam as I do! I honestly don't understand why do people support him over Rahim. Rahim was sweet from the first moment and didn't have a single bad word towards Eric (or anyone else). Maybe Eric feels "special"(?) because the bully started to have feelings for him, but I 100% agree with Otis - Eric hid this fact and their sneak-outs because deep down he, too, knows that Adam is not a good person.
And how glad I am that he realized this and chose Rahim!

I saw that coming from Ola when she accidentally leaned a little close to Lily in the previous episode (or 2 episodes ago?). Though the way she handled things with Otis and Lily... eh, really not the best thing to do. Spontaneousness might have its advantages, but in this episode Ola showed us its downsides. Think before you act.

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@kbogesz yes he does fall into that category and everyone has their opinion to express and people to like. The guy who plays Adam does a great job of portraying him. I think with Rahim there is no back story other than the elements already mentioned he just feels like a character that is only a filler. Technically we know more than the characters do. So Eric should go with Rahim, but Adam was his first sexual experience so I understand the conflict within him. I think there is more to the story than this. (no spoilers I'm only at this episode so far and maybe back to tear Adam a new arsehole yet)

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Sex Education: 2x05 Episode 5

Yaaas, I'm so glad Otis sees Adam as I do! I honestly don't understand why do people support him over Rahim. Rahim was sweet from the first moment and didn't have a single bad word towards Eric (or anyone else). Maybe Eric feels "special"(?) because the bully started to have feelings for him, but I 100% agree with Otis - Eric hid this fact and their sneak-outs because deep down he, too, knows that Adam is not a good person.
And how glad I am that he realized this and chose Rahim!

I saw that coming from Ola when she accidentally leaned a little close to Lily in the previous episode (or 2 episodes ago?). Though the way she handled things with Otis and Lily... eh, really not the best thing to do. Spontaneousness might have its advantages, but in this episode Ola showed us its downsides. Think before you act.

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@kbogesz I think the thing with Adam is that he clearly has issues caused by his father's treatment of him and that gives him the sympathy vote. I myself feel sorry for him, you can see all he wants is to be loved and he gets none of that. He tries so hard and everything always seems to go wrong for him. Deep down that is something we can all relate. Though his immaturity causes him to lash out and the bully appears. Adam is one of the more complex characters within the show.

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The Expanse: 4x05 Oppressor

This fight for Ilus doesn't make sense.
It's an entire planet but they are killing each other over less than an acre for fucks sake.
One side take the western hemisphere and the other side take the eastern hemisphere.

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@phug they're killing each other over the lithium deposits that are on the planet. The Belters want it to trade and make a life for themselves the rce want it so the Belters can't

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Gotham: 5x06 Legend of Dark Knight: 13 Stitches

I will miss Barb, what a savage,nonchalantly drops the bomb and walks away. She always was my favorite character in Gotham, Erin Richards did great work with Barb.

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@noxouroboros and Bullocks "Congratulations" Was just perfect afterwards

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The Walking Dead: 6x06 Always Accountable

Reply by Sean Jane

It was Glenn on the radio?

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I believe Glenn is still alive, moving back to the episode where he "dies" I said from that moment that it was Nicholas who was eaten.

Whether its an attempt to throw us from the idea or not but Norman Reedus did an interview this week and stated it wasn't Glenn on the radio. My personal thought was that the voice was Aaron who was still stuck in the drain with Maggie.

Hopefully all will become apparent next week, unless we venture upon another path which is a regular occurrence for the show

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The Walking Dead: 6x01 First Time Again

Reply by Sean Jane

I hate flashbacks mixed in with current stuff. And the black and white is a really obnoxious way to differentiate. There has to be a better way.

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The flashback, per the directors being in black and white is homage to the comic book and they wanted it to be clear that it was a flashback (using black and white as old tv shows were in the black and white) though i agree it did get quite annoying

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