sandy house


Princeton Plainsboro


I hate Lucy Liu but her as Joan makes me love her. This is brilliant. It has the network-feel to it which I enjoy over the cable-feel. Plus the way everything is is just wonderful. I like this better than Sherlock BBC as Sherlock is just perfection whereas Elementary is not perfect, but that's the beauty of it. There's more character to JLM sherlock and he is more human, and less invincible which makes it easier to connect with him. And some of the twists they have... oh, man!

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The female empowerment is strong! I'm all for equality but I don't think it contributed to the story or the character. She's Supergirl -- anyone that thinks she's anything less than a man makes no sense. It would make sense if this was a show about a regular female human... Nonetheless, it's good that there are messages about female empowerment at all.

Not as good as the Flash pilot in terms of story and SFX. Hoping that the pilot being leaked will lead to improvements on the episodes that are in production. Would be cool if it crossed over with Arrow and The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow!! But would be weird because none of the other shows ever mentioned Superman.

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First two seasons were great. Then she started making all of these dumb decisions and then the final few episodes were whack.

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The Neighbors

I just wish more people gave it a chance. Before the first episode, people were already saying it sucked. I loved it from the start. The idea, the commercials, and the show itself. I never once thought that it sucked. Even though I didn't understand the lot of sports references in the beginning of season 1, I still laughed because of how it was executed.

I have a lot of favourite comedies, a lot of them are the more popular shows that everyone finds funny, but this is also among my favourites. I just can't explain it but the jokes they make, the plots, it's all just so brilliant. I find myself tweeting almost every line throughout the episode because it's just so funny. And the plot... you have comedies that lack an good plot, but this show... there is an actual plot and emotions and a lot of stuff you realize about humanity.

I just hope people give it a chance before they judge the show. It's really, really hilarious.

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Veep: Season 5

This is Richard T. Splett's season.

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The Mysteries of Laura

This is hilarious. Love seeing the mother side of things.

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Watched this again as an adult. Still holds up.

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The Office: 6x04 Niagara

I thought I wouldn't bawl watching this for the 5th time... nope. Cried as much as the first time.

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Veep: 4x09 Testimony

Great change of style for a hilarious episode!! Could not stop laughing.

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Angie Tribeca: 1x01 Pilot

I could not stop laughing.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3x22 Ascension (2)

Excited for season 4!!

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Supergirl: 2x08 Medusa (I)

Only the last minute was part of the crossover... didn't even watch most of the episode since I'm not caught up.

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The Flash: 2x13 Welcome to Earth-2

Shout by sandy house

Wow! That was awesome! DEADSHOT!

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The Purge: Anarchy

THAT WAS SO AWESOME! It's what I wanted the first Purge to be like. The story is actually progressing. Hope there is a third one!

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2x20 Scars

Shout by sandy house

Not a very big Avengers: Age of Ultron tie-in (like season 1 with Winter Soldier), but still a big turn of events!

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Bad Teacher

I like it. Might be because most of the new comedies this year sucked.
I love the supporting cast. The main lady isn't bad, enjoy her more than Cameron Diaz. I get pretty emotional when she changes her mind at the end of the episode.
I'll be tuning in each week.

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Penny Dreadful

Love the Victor Frankenstein scenes. A bit too gory but I think I'll keep watching it.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4x15 Self Control

What an episode. So many twists and turns in every scene.
Having to stab your soulmate to death, Daisy hiding among a bunch of Daisys, Jemma-Quake hug, Daisy fighting for FITZSIMMONS, the inevitable android annihilates creator, fake May learning to make her own decisions, and the Framework...
When Daisy had long hair and the text said "boyfriend" I just knew it had to be Ward even though she said "Lincoln?" And is Jemma dead in the Framework? How will they meet at the rendezvouz point?
This show somehow always delivers these amazing episodes. Yeah, there will be some average to above average episodes inbetween, but it leads to a series of mind-blowing episodes.
Oh, man. And Hydra. I wonder how that fits into the Framework. The Framework is gonna be hella fun!!!

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Once Upon a Time: 5x23 An Untold Story

They just opened up all the fictional stories in existence. Hopefully they don't screw this up. They probably will, but I'll still watch it.

Hoping for Dracula and Dorian Gray. Hoping that they won't do half-season arcs again. I feel like they can go back to the greatness that was season 1 and 2. Hades was fun, but an ultimate disappointment because in the end, we all knew he would be gone before season 6. Past 2 episodes were better than past 2 seasons.

One thing that was wtf was that Hyde was like "look at all the friends I brought" and there was no one there. They could've ended at that and made us wait for season 6, but there was actually no one there.

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Once Upon a Time: 5x12 Souls of the Departed

This episode brought back some of the characters/dynamics that made the show so great in the earlier seasons. That was nice, but it won't last forever.

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Riverdale: 1x10 Chapter Ten: The Lost Weekend

I thought this was going to be the finale, but nope, 13 more episodes.
No wonder nothing has happened so far. They took characters we love, put a murder mystery spin on it, and totally ignored the murder mystery. I don't even care who murdered Jason Blossom anymore. They all deserve to be murdered because they're all assholes. Why has no one punched Cheryl in the face yet? Why is no one shaming Chuck? Why is Betty trying to be perfect when she's not? So what if she has a "dark" side? Just embrace it and move on. I don't even know what's going on with Archie. Veronica, I like. Jughead I can relate to. Betty's mom is annoying af. She seriously has nothing better to do, it's sad.

If nothing happens next episode, I'm dropping this show. They made Archie Comics unnecessarily dark and did a poor job doing so.

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Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: 2x11 Josh is the Man of My Dreams, Right?

So many awesome songs in one episode!
The Santa Ana winds guy is my favourite. WeeEEEeeEEEeeeird!

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Community: 6x12 Wedding Videography

"Please don't Jim the camera like that."

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Riverdale: 1x13 Chapter Thirteen: The Sweet Hereafter

Shout by sandy house

I actually felt so bad for Cheryl. She did some things this season that made me want her to die. But when it came down to her taking her own life because of her shitty family, she just didn't deserve that. I loved that the ice didn't break when they all ran to save her. It was ridiculous. It would have been more realistic and hilarious if some of them just fell through and they all had to save each other. I hope in season 2, Cheryl joins the gang and becomes less of a bitch. She deserves happiness. She's been through too much.
Jughead's face when he got the serpent jacket. He can finally have a family now and be a part of something, but then Betty's gonna be like "no you can't, they're bad people."
I was gonna give up on this show, but since they answered all of the dumb Jason Blossom stuff, I'll stick around. I hope for lots of Cheryl character development in season 2.
The Scooby-Doo and Heroes references were dumb. They just took classic lines and paraphrased them...

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Person of Interest: 5x04 6,741

I. could. not. breathe.

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Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: 2x13 Can Josh Take a Leap of Faith?

The evolution of Rebecca Bunch! Hope this gets a third season because it's going to be fun watching Rebecca destroy Josh Chan.

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Magic Mike XXL

Great performances, but there wasn't really a story.

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The Blacklist: 2x15 The Major

Didn't make sense why the judge was asking so many questions... I think they did that just to do the flashbacks which was very unnecessary of an episode..

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Death Note

My biggest problem with this is that L did not hold the phone correctly.

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