sandy house

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Princeton Plainsboro

Seven Psychopaths

a bit too gory, but enjoyed the story

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The story, inspiring. But the movie, was not as great as it could've been. A lot of things were shot that were unexplained.

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The Dark Knight Rises

Bane sounded like an old British fool trying to recite some Shakespeare to a crowd who only wanted to make a ruckus.
Ending was great though.

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Captain America: The First Avenger

Was full of too many explosions... the SFX were not that great. Especially Chris Evans' giant head on a tiny body.
Agent Carter was sort of useless... she kissed him right before he was about to jump on a moving plane? Then she stands in a car that's hanging off of a ledge... not very smart, Peggy.

Almost fell asleep. But it was nice to see the origin of Hydra after Agents of SHIELD mentioned it.

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The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

It felt like the ending to a really long movie, but not a movie on its own.
Nevertheless, I loved it. I'm glad it was three films instead of one. Sad that there isn't more.
It's an end of an era.

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The Purge: Anarchy

THAT WAS SO AWESOME! It's what I wanted the first Purge to be like. The story is actually progressing. Hope there is a third one!

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Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2

Felt a bit short, but always fun to watch Paul Blart!

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Rise of the Guardians

SO CUTE. The characters who don't speak have the most sass!

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The Heat

awesome duo. the washroom scene... hilarious to the max.

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In a World...

Loved it. Lake Bell is so awesome. But I felt like the movie could've been a bit longer.

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THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL. But Josh Gad as Olaf made it 100% better.

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Black Swan

I could not finish it.

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The Little Mermaid

I couldn't finish it. The directing and editing was so bad, making each scene last much longer than it needed to. So boring.

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Very fun movie. Story was lacking, but the last scene was great because it connected with the Despicable Me movies. I hope they do another one with young Gru!

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Watched this again as an adult. Still holds up.

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Wasn't what I expected, but certainly impressed me. Rhys Ifans is amazing.

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The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Beautiful movie. Inspiring as well. The whole time I wondered, why isn't he taking pictures of his journey? But that was the point, to just live.

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Death Note

My biggest problem with this is that L did not hold the phone correctly.

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Magic Mike XXL

Great performances, but there wasn't really a story.

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