


Game of Thrones: 6x08 No One

Wow. I'm so disappointed with this episode. Whateverthefuck happened to Blackfish? Whateverthefuck happened to the Waif except for standing in the dark all of a sudden? May all the well written out theories surrounding Arya having an ingenious plan rest in peace.

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Britannia: 3x08 Vae Victis

So sad to see this cancelled. We binge watched and loved the show. The ending was a joke.

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The Walking Dead: 6x05 Now

Basically, it was one melodramatic speech after another, giving everyone their 5 mins of over-emotional monologue.

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Vikings: 4x14 In the Uncertain Hour Before the Morning

Lagertha has always been one of my fav characters, but killing an unarmed and unaware Aslaug from behind? That was low. Even though I didn't like Aslaug very much, she deserved better than this. Other than that, great episode. The scenes with Ecbert and Ragnar are always the best.

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The X-Files: 3x20 Jose Chung's "From Outer Space"

Absolutely brilliant. I didn't know what's what in the end anymore and wtf really happened to those kids, but it was hilarious.

"Then, there are those who care not about extraterrestrials, searching for meaning in other human beings. Rare or lucky are those who find it. For although we may not be alone in the universe, in our own separate ways, on this planet, we are all... alone."

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Behind Her Eyes: 1x06 Behind Her Eyes

wtf Rob, I liked you!

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The Walking Dead: 6x03 Thank You

NO. What the actual fuck!

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The X-Files: 6x01 The Beginning

Ok, now after watching the movie this episode makes a lot more sense.

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Orphan Black: 3x04 Newer Elements of Our Defense

I love it and all its subplots.

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Haunted: 2x03 Cult of Torture

So, usually when hate-watching Haunted episodes I take the "based on a true story" comment with a grain of salt. I believe most of these little horror stories can be attributed to medical or mental illnesses, but for the sake of the show they are told utterly exaggerated and over-dramatized. However, this story is different. This is nothing paranormal, this is the kind of man-made bullshit that is going in the shitty world we live in and I feel absolutely sorry for what this poor man had to endure.

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13 Reasons Why: 4x03 Valentine's Day

This is getting so annoying, probably the worst season of all and we're only 3 episodes in.

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Game of Thrones: 8x04 The Last of the Starks

So, I guess we lost another dragon in the most unspectacular way possible and nobody cares whatsoever.
So many stupid decisions of stupid characters that seem to have lost all their personality and turned into cardboard cutouts, only to serve their purpose of moving the "story" into the desired direction. Everything feels rushed and too many things happening are nothing but fan service. So disappointing.

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Dirty John: 1x08 This Young Woman Fought Like Hell

So, until the end Debra didn't show any backbone and let her daughters fight her fights for her. When she was asked if the life support systems should be turned off she should have said HELL YES HE TRIED TO KILL MY DAUGHTER FFS. But no, she was not able to "take that responsibility for him", once again leaving it so someone else. Terra? You go, girl.

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Love, Death & Robots: 1x14 ZIMA BLUE

What a sweet little story with so much truth behind it. I also really, really liked the visuals in this one, so beautiful.

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The X-Files: 6x20 Three of a Kind

Lol Drunken Scully must be the greatest thing ever. xD

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The Walking Dead: 6x16 Last Day on Earth

Seriously? A cliffhanger? What the actual fuck. Worst finale ever.

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I Am a Killer: 2x01 In Her Hands

The psychopath level in this one is astonishing. That woman is trying so hard to cry for the camera, shaky voice, sniffling and sobbing - yet not a single tear appears in her eyes. It's ridiculous. Same story with Robert's mother, she doesn't really seem to care her kid is dead. What kind of parents forgive the woman who murdered their son, melt away over her singing to them on video chat - ah yes, it's the same parents that theír son chose to leave the fuck behind soon as he could and was never heard from again. Despite them having some wonderful 12 years together, alright. Wonder why he became an alcoholic in his teenage years. They're all creepy as hell.

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Dirty John: 1x01 Approachable Dreams

The scary thing is that it can actually happen to everybody. There are scary similarities to a guy I once dated and who turned out to be an impostor. Of course not as dramatic as in this movie, but he was just as charming, manipulating and deeply woven in a complex web of lies. It was horrible.

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The Handmaid's Tale: 3x12 Sacrifice

I'm so done with June, she's a f****** sociopath.

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Ratched: 1x08 Mildred and Edmund

So, if a series makes you consider watching one episode after another, not being able to stop even though you have to wake up early for work... then it's generally a good series. :D However, I was a bit disappointed with the last episode. It wasn't bad by any means, it just didn't fulfill my expectations. My guy Huck is dead, which is a shame. =( The sudden deathly rivalry between the siblings makes no sense. I would have wished for some kind of unexpected twist at the end. But of course they don't dare to make Mildred a real villain and her love interest must be safe and sound, so they have a nice little love story they can continue. Oh well, maybe they will surprise me in the future, who knows. :D Will definitely watch next season.

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Marianne: 1x01 Your Dreams

What the fuck did I just watch.

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Quicksand: 1x01 Maja

The sound of nose breathing never annoyed me so much. xD Other than that, quite interesting start into the series, I really wonder what happened - but cannot say I'm super hyped yet.

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Bordertown (FI): 1x11 The End Game (2)

A few things:
1. It is the prosecution's job to show that a criminal defendant is guilty of a crime. Not the other way around, dear prosecutor lady.
2. I can personally confirm that mothers do drink whiskey with their daughters.
3. I'm pretty sure nobody in the history of all times yelled "let me go or I'll kill you" when getting overwhelmed, sedated and pushed down violently.
I really don't think I will continue this series.

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Hannibal: 3x02 Primavera

I am so disappointed so far.

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I Am a Killer: 4x05 The Bogeyman

What an a**hole. He's exactly where he belongs to.

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Another Life: 1x10 Hello

Watching Another Life is my guilty pleasure now.

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Ratched: 1x01 Pilot

Was unsure about starting to watch this series, but after watching the first episode I must say I love it already. The music, the acting, the setting, and omg the wardrobe <3 Will be interesting to see where this is going. Am curious to find out what exactly happened in her past.

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The Disappearance of Madeleine McCann: 1x02 Person of Interest

The more docu series I watch, the more shocked I am just how regularly police fucks up. And not just a little, no - complete and utter incompetence on every level. And don't even get me started on those "journalists".

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Inside the Criminal Mind: 1x01 Serial Killers

The German voice-overs are the horror. So over-the-top.

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Inside the Criminal Mind: 1x02 Kidnapping

The style and tone of this series is very sensational and not very documentary. They're all over the place with the different cases and kidnappers, switching back and forth between them instead of focusing on case after case.

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