scooby snack



Bellevue: Season 1

be warned that this show is very melodramatic. there are far too many odd diversions and even stranger dialogue. far too many unnecessary secrets in this town, and most lead to ridiculous consequences. the writers frequently misdirect the audience with muted/whispered dialogue. it all adds up to a very unsatisfying viewing experience.

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Jeff & Some Aliens: Season 1

far out, gross, offensive and far too close to the bone. but funny as hell.

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BrainDead: 1x05 Back to Work: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Congress and How It Gets Things Done (and Often Doesn't)

a great concept with great execution. the only downside is that they don't seem to be showing it weekly, which makes for a really fragmented viewing experieince.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 1x04 Not Fade Away

its strange that we're already up to day 9 after having missed many days. surely its important to show how things unfolded in the initial stages? i'm still enjoying it though

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The Grace Helbig Show: 1x01 Aisha Tyler, Mamrie Hart & DJ Flula

the first episode was a trainwreak.
akin to watching someone with learning difficulties attempt to amuse themselves for 20 minutes. abject

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One Big Happy

so bad that its actually 'good'. true car-crash TV. a comedy that plays like a mugging.

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