Sean RudfordDirector




Reply by Sean RudfordDirector

Zac Efron as Eddie Brock: April Fools!!

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@signoftheshadow Yeah! Totally awesome casting. Downside is that Sony is still running the show. Hopefully Fleischer can bring some good directing and even it out. Hopeful!!!

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Mad Max: The Wasteland

Reply by Sean RudfordDirector

Pretty sure this isn't coming out in a couple weeks...

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@morphinapg Agreed! Caught me by surprise too when I saw it listed..

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The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Reply by Sean RudfordDirector


Review by Deleted

I confess I was not the greatest admirer of the The Amazing Spider Man reboot in 2012. Many things did not please me in the film, perhaps derived from the fact that Sam Raimi's trilogy is still very present in my memory. When the trailer of the second film came out, raised a little more enthusiasm in me, but what is certain is that I have been delaying is viewing until now.

Unfortunately, The Amazing Spider Man 2 returned to disappoint me. I was able to enjoy more of it, perhaps because although there is a mess to the mix, it can be a bit more dynamic and have some good action scenes but I still find some problems that do not please me.

The plot is a little confusing. Everything happens at the same time without having any character development. Things just happen and it's all very rushed and stop at the same point, the romance between Peter and Gwen. It seems to me that the main focus of this film was exactly their relationship between Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy. We already know that they love each other, why focus constantly throughout the film that?! However this time, I enjoyed the chemistry between Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone more.

The villains are poor explored. And after all how a superhero film can work well without good villains? Jamie Foxx as Electro and Dane DeHaan as Green Goblin could have had much more screen time and they should have been explored in more detail. Contrary to this, their scenes always seem to be a bit rushed. Paul Giamatti, an actor I admire, has an absolutely ridiculous and unnecessary role in this film.

I'll just not give the same negative note I gave the first film because I can not deny that this time I could enjoy more of this new "Spidey".

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So the one rebuttal I will add is that Paul Giamotti's character is to set up the next in the series. They're going to do something with the sinister six.

I agree there are things wrong. The sequel did not strengthen the franchise.

Also, Andrew Garfield makes a much better Spiderman than Tobey Maguire.

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