

Omicron Persei 8


Complete drivel, I watched the first 10 minutes of the first episode and that was enough for me. I'm getting worried about Netflix creating this type of arse water programming. Who actually sat down and watched this and thought ... yeah that's great lets commission a whole season of it?

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The Haunting of Hill House

Shout by ShrimpBoatSteve
BlockedParent2018-10-22T00:49:47Z— updated 2018-10-25T10:00:40Z

Fantastic series, for once we are given a show that doesn't hold our hand and lead us through the story. I don't know why people need shows that explain every moment, this is gripping stuff throwing up more questions than answers.

Hell, if Stephen King loves it you know there is some great interpretation of the original story.

Update on my previous comment:

I was a bit disappointed by the last episode, it felt as if they were stuck between finishing the story or making room for a new season. Even more disappointing was the obligatory ... 'and the moral of the story is ...' where I felt we were being told to love one another and be happy bunnies. We know that's what we should do, but I don't want to be forced fed this in a horror series that I was enjoying so much. We watch this stuff for our own psychological torture not moral advice!

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American Horror Story: 8x06 Return to Murder House

I like it! We seem to be returning to the style of the first three seasons of AHS. I've enjoyed all seasons ... but miss Jessica Lange's characters .. that could just be a fan thing, but her acting is cut above everyone elses.

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American Horror Story: 8x05 Boy Wonder

I'm a big fan of Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks ... but the musical interlude was a bit weird even for AHS! Great season though as I have no idea where it's going.

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13 Reasons Why

I found season one gripping and a tough emotional watch. Season two seems rushed, and in parts I found myself rolling eyes at the cheesy dialogue. later episodes were excellent with some truly heartfelt writing, but it should have ended with season one. Season three could tarnish the power and message of S1.

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Supernatural: 13x13 Devil's Bargain

oh yeah, we gonna see some whup ass now. This is going to be some set of fireworks.

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Star Trek: Discovery

I'm not much of a Trekkie, which is probably why I kinda like it.

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The Cloverfield Paradox

Total shit, J.J ruins yet another potential great film. The man is an absolute arse when involved in sci-fi films. Why the hell would you send this panicking bunch of wastes of air into space to save the Earth, at the first sign of a problem they all panic and shout rather than reason what has happened.

Cloverfield was fantastic, think I've watched it about five times. 10 Cloverfield Lane was good, but the decline of JJ prevented it from being great. This is pure bollocks!

The twitter hype got me, but as soon as I saw this sci-fi basterdising wankers name on the producers credit I should have steered clear.

I'm going to have to watch the first movie again now to get over this pile of crap.

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Supernatural: 13x12 Various & Sundry Villains

I can't imagine a life without Supernatural now... is that weird? I remember watching episode 1 when it first aired and thought 'This is good, wonder when the stupid execs will cancelled it? ' Now into season 13 ... and still the best show on TV.

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Black Butterfly

It was all going so well and I loved it... then the ending. Damn, if they ended it 1 minute earlier it would have been perfect. sometimes trying too many twists spoils it.

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The Walking Dead: 8x08 How It's Gotta Be

I've bought a bottle of champagne in the anticipation of Carl's death. It's been a long time coming and should be celebrated as the death of a feckin useless character. Hopefully his zombified corpse will be despatched by Lucille! And burn the hat, then piss it out.

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Supernatural: 13x09 The Bad Place

Wow, how good is this season going to get? Now we have din....... hey, not gonna put a spoiler in ;) Love it!

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Mr. Robot

S3 is just superb so far, a tangled web with twists and turns at every available crossroad. With the plus that only twats have iPhones ... just one to annoy the fanboys. Fuck yeah skookum televisual especial.

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Supernatural: 13x05 Advanced Thanatology

Damn! Even after 12+ season they know how to bang on those heart strings. Even a roughnecking thundercat would have a skooch tear in the freaking eye. Brilliant!

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Alien: Covenant

Drama, suspense, twists, realistic science, amazing dialogue ... all completely vacant. Just stop now!!!!!!

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Fear the Walking Dead: 3x16 Sleigh Ride

Wow, wow, wow, and wow again. What a load of shit this has become. FTWD and TWD have run there course and are now being milked from a dry teat. Every good show writer and producer should know when to wrap up the story for there own integrity and not for network money.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 3x14 El Matadero

Story line each season has become rinse repeat. Find home, lose home, find people, lose people, find more people, fight them, become friends with people you fought, they die, move on and repeat. The main characters are a jinx, if I met them I'd shoot them straight away so they wouldn't make the same mistakes that would end up with me dead!

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Dark Matter: 3x13 Nowhere to Go

Well worth another season or two. A show I really look forward to.

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The Mist: 1x10 The Tenth Meal

I hope Stephen King never watches this or he would pluck out his eyes with spoons.

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The Mist: 1x09 The Waking Dream

That wasn't too bad an episode, must be trying for renewal ... or maybe I've been sniffing mist again.

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The Mist

Tom Jane should be sent in, but this time with an automatic rifle rather than a revolver.

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Dark Matter: 3x11 The Dwarf Star Conspiracy

Oh that was good! Such a good show, we really need a fourth season.

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The Mist: 1x08 The Law of Nature

No chance of a second season, just getting silly and ruining a great book.

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Fantastic, dark and beautiful. Even if I wasn't bias as a Jason Bateman fan, I would class this series as one of the best on Netflix.
OK, it is a bit of a Breaking Bad story line in some respects, but there is nothing wrong with that.

If the regular TV networks are still not scared of Netflix original output then they are the fools there shows show them to be.

More more more please!!

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The Mist: 1x05 The Waiting Room

The hospital is on backup power yet every light and unused computer stays on. They deserve what they get :) Trying to like the series, but it's a struggle. It seems to be missing a flow to the story line, almost a collection of random events thrown together in any order with a weak string trying to pull them together.

There seems to be no goal for the characters or any attempt to find out what is going on. The first thing I would have done is get to the highest point in the building to see how high the mist is. If it is still misty ... well at least I would know.

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Fear the Walking Dead

Season 3 has really pulled it's socks up. Much darker than TWD and the softness has abated. The characters that brought the series down are removed, leaving the interesting and strong players to evolve. The second half of the season has some fantastic writing and emotion. I'm finding it more interesting than the Rick centric slop being served up by TWD now.

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Really tried to like it, but it is so full of cliché. Some parts made me throw up a little in my mouth. More plot holes than a Swiss cheese and the parts without holes were very cheesy.

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Battlestar Galactica

The best space sci-fi ever made. So Say We All! Very sad that Richard 'Apollo' Hatch died this year, his last film is released this year ... Diminuendo, go see it!

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The Walking Dead: 7x16 The First Day of the Rest of Your Life

Dull, uneventful and pointless. Lose the fucking hat ... preferably with a swift swing from Lucille. Come on JDM, your a hunter, kill the little fucker.

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The Walking Dead: 7x14 The Other Side

News flash! OJ Simpson make a cameo in knife training scene on TWD slow dull episode. Also appears sanctuary has little or no security whatsoever, so what they hell are they waiting for ... way to string it out guys!

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