The Mandalorian: 1x05 Chapter 5: The Gunslinger

I'm beginning to think the writing team only had three good episodes in them. Getting predictable and drawn out.

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Mr. Robot: 4x13 Hello, Elliot

Thank you everyone involved with Mr Robot, one of the few TV series that didn't treat the viewer like an idiot.

Welcome back Elliot, and goodbye my friend.

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The Mandalorian: 1x08 Chapter 8: Redemption

I'm dying, leave me here... [antiseptic spray on major head wound] ...two minutes later... no I'm fine.
This really is written for children.
Carl Weathers points to lava river right in front of him 'there is the lava river! '
Come on, this is not the dialogue we are looking for!

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Supernatural: 12x15 Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell

I wondered if the baseball bat that Dean had at the beginning was a nod to Jeffrey Dean Morgan's Lucille in The Walking Dead?

Edit: Noticed from a comment below what Dean said at the beginning of the show ... nice touch guys!

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Mr. Robot: 4x07 407 Proxy Authentication Required

The best episode of any show I've ever watched. Should be framed, worshiped and aspired to. Sam it was beautiful, thank you.

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Supernatural: 13x12 Various & Sundry Villains

I can't imagine a life without Supernatural now... is that weird? I remember watching episode 1 when it first aired and thought 'This is good, wonder when the stupid execs will cancelled it? ' Now into season 13 ... and still the best show on TV.

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Supernatural: 15x20 Carry On

I can't believe it has been 15 years! A truly heart fealt thank you to cast and crew, present and past. Supernatural has been a part of my life since season 1 when I thought 'this looks like fun' and has continued to entertain, tear at my heart and make me laugh out loud. You will be missed but better to burn out than fade away. Carry on my wayward friends ...............

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Really tried to like it, but it is so full of cliché. Some parts made me throw up a little in my mouth. More plot holes than a Swiss cheese and the parts without holes were very cheesy.

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The Expanse: 2x06 Paradigm Shift

@megaframe Know what you mean, it's the crack cocaine of SciFi! It has become a need to watch not a want. Absolutely the best space series in probably a decade.

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The Haunting of Hill House

Shout by ShrimpBoatSteve
BlockedParent2018-10-22T00:49:47Z— updated 2018-10-25T10:00:40Z

Fantastic series, for once we are given a show that doesn't hold our hand and lead us through the story. I don't know why people need shows that explain every moment, this is gripping stuff throwing up more questions than answers.

Hell, if Stephen King loves it you know there is some great interpretation of the original story.

Update on my previous comment:

I was a bit disappointed by the last episode, it felt as if they were stuck between finishing the story or making room for a new season. Even more disappointing was the obligatory ... 'and the moral of the story is ...' where I felt we were being told to love one another and be happy bunnies. We know that's what we should do, but I don't want to be forced fed this in a horror series that I was enjoying so much. We watch this stuff for our own psychological torture not moral advice!

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Schitt's Creek

All these comments and none mention the real star of the show Catherine O'Hara. There are so many two or three word pieces of genius in her script. And delivered brilliantly.

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The Expanse: Season 4
The Mandalorian

It started OK, it's going down hill .... but who cares The Expanse is back on today!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The Mist: 1x09 The Waking Dream

That wasn't too bad an episode, must be trying for renewal ... or maybe I've been sniffing mist again.

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Supernatural: 15x10 The Heroes' Journey

Starting to look like we are saying goodbye to our old friends. I will miss supernatural, but season 14 proved that it was time to wrap it up.

When it finishes I will go back and watch some of my favorites again.

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Mr. Robot: 4x01 401 Unauthorized

Can't wait! This season will have a distinct Freddie Mercury vibe to it.

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American Horror Story: 8x05 Boy Wonder

I'm a big fan of Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks ... but the musical interlude was a bit weird even for AHS! Great season though as I have no idea where it's going.

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Supernatural: 13x05 Advanced Thanatology

Damn! Even after 12+ season they know how to bang on those heart strings. Even a roughnecking thundercat would have a skooch tear in the freaking eye. Brilliant!

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The Mist: 1x08 The Law of Nature

No chance of a second season, just getting silly and ruining a great book.

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Mr. Robot: 4x07 407 Proxy Authentication Required

Some people have given this a 9/10 ... seriously how much better can it get for a 10?

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Mr. Robot: 4x04 404 Not Found

Very clever, lots of negative comments don't have a clue how this is setting up the coming episodes. When you are watching, engage brain.

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Fantastic, dark and beautiful. Even if I wasn't bias as a Jason Bateman fan, I would class this series as one of the best on Netflix.
OK, it is a bit of a Breaking Bad story line in some respects, but there is nothing wrong with that.

If the regular TV networks are still not scared of Netflix original output then they are the fools there shows show them to be.

More more more please!!

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Resident Alien: 2x01 Old Friends

Such a breath of fresh air to watch a comedy unconstrained from tick box 'don't offended anyone' camp. Absolutely love it and hope they keep this one going for a good few seasons.

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The Mandalorian: 1x04 Chapter 4: Sanctuary

I have to agree with other comments here, I enjoyed the first three episodes but this one was pretty bland.

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Supernatural: 14x03 The Scar

Big fan of Supernatural, but I'm just not getting this season. Just a bit all over the place and we don't seem to have a focus on the 'bad guy/girl' character. Supernatural has always been a 'This is our long term goal this season and this is the other stuff that goes on while we get there' kinda show. I'm sure it will all come together in the next few episodes, but this is the first time I've been disappointed with the start of a season, and by that I mean rating episodes about the 7/8 mark.

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American Horror Story: 8x06 Return to Murder House

I like it! We seem to be returning to the style of the first three seasons of AHS. I've enjoyed all seasons ... but miss Jessica Lange's characters .. that could just be a fan thing, but her acting is cut above everyone elses.

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Black Butterfly

It was all going so well and I loved it... then the ending. Damn, if they ended it 1 minute earlier it would have been perfect. sometimes trying too many twists spoils it.

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The Mist: 1x10 The Tenth Meal

I hope Stephen King never watches this or he would pluck out his eyes with spoons.

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The Mist: 1x05 The Waiting Room

The hospital is on backup power yet every light and unused computer stays on. They deserve what they get :) Trying to like the series, but it's a struggle. It seems to be missing a flow to the story line, almost a collection of random events thrown together in any order with a weak string trying to pull them together.

There seems to be no goal for the characters or any attempt to find out what is going on. The first thing I would have done is get to the highest point in the building to see how high the mist is. If it is still misty ... well at least I would know.

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The Expanse: 5x10 Nemesis Games

I loved the first 3 seasons and danced in the streets when Amazon picked it up. These two seasons ... won't bother with S6. Slow, disjointed, too much social comment for no reason. Amos and Drummer are the only consistent characters, the rest have massive personality changes that just don't happen.

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