The Legend of Korra

Characters that didn't have any logic. Annoying rebellious acts for no apparent reasons. "Wise" elder characters who bicker and are useless. Story line was inexcusably weak, character development was pathetic, and it was altogether a bad show. Original Airbender was good, this was not. Teen drama crap.

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@kuzronk is that comment supposed to invalidate what I said about this show?

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The X-Files: 10x03 Mulder & Scully Meet the Were-Monster

This was the worst episode ever.

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You're the worst episode ever! no sense of humor ... AT ALL

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Squid Game

Don’t trust the good reviews. 80% of this show is the equivalent of watching paint dry. You. Will. Feel. Every. Minute. That. Passes. Unnecessarily long and boring.

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@khawlah I can't help but notice you didn't miss to rate the show. How about you rate it what you think it ought to be then?

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The Witcher: 3x04 The Invitation

So many commenters threatened by one kiss. We spend seasons watching hetero's going at it, and one brief gay kiss makes them so uncomfortable.:rolling_eyes:

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@darksilver no one is threatened dude. it's just overdone. it's disproportionate. It doesn't need to be in EVERY show. and it's not just one kiss, it's a dynamic.

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The Witcher: 3x04 The Invitation

another tv show gone to shit because it has to be maladapted because of current shitty woke times. Thanks for nothing.

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@dandydev the thing is while gay people exist, it's overrepresented. and at what point in the past decade have they been marginalized? it's to the point where I literally avoid watching recent TV because it's ridiculous. Do you think this helps any cause? I don't need Geralt to be a womanizer either. For all I care, we're better off leaving sex off the script altogether.

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Captain Fantastic

I found this movie to be well intended but filled with a bunch of conflicting views. Yes, homeschooling is awesome, however, it was also portrayed as letting the children end up with poor socialization skills, and they were left thinking that they don't know anything if it wasn't taught in a textbook. The characters were against fascist totalitarianism yet the oldest son (Bo) was a Maoist. How is Mao not the epitome of "the man" they so often talked about sticking it to throughout the movie?

That the grandfather didn't do anything about the children going missing? But they all made it fine to fly out of an airport?

There are way too many inconsistencies in the movie as far as political philosophy and ideologies. But I suppose if you are able to look past that (why they hell would you since it's core to the movie?) then I guess you will enjoy this.

Positive was acting, the idea of the plot, and execution otherwise, but I'd be lying if it didn't irk me to no end that these fundamentals were butchered.

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@erebos the general reception of the movie and the other comments I've read seem not to pick up on it as satire. I didn't, but after your comment I think you may be right. One problem with our political landscape is that it is so inconsistent and people appear to hold several opposing views with ease at any point in time. At least, that's why I didn't think it was satire.

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To Your Eternity

I have a feeling this will become a classic

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@martin_cobz it's crazy good.

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Kong: Skull Island

What Kong: Skull Island may lack in substance, it makes up for with sheer excitement.

Finally, a thrilling adventure movie, like in the olden days, but with the added creative possibilities offered by modern technology. Breathtaking scenery, a straightforward plot and jaw-dropping action sequences make this new Kong iteration a thoroughly entertaining movie, with Vogt-Roberts' dynamic direction not allowing for an instant of dullness. And the colors! In an era in which each movie has to be desaturated to feel epic, Kong really felt as a breath of fresh air.

The movie isn't without its faults though, mainly regarding some underdeveloped characters that are clearly cannon fodder, a bit of over-reliance on the tone contrast between comedic and tragic and some rapidly switching character motivations. It could really have used 15 minutes more.

These faults are, however, dwarfed by the pure experience. An incredible visual treat with no shortage of excitement. Solid 7.5.

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@r_lewis I don't think it makes up for it at all. The characters are so stupid. They could have done so much better with this idea

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Slam Dunk

I remember running my ass off from school so I can get home just in time to watch Slam Dunk. I didn't even want to miss the opening theme song. It was incredible, in Arabic. Ah, beautiful memories.

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@pato22 so why only 6/10 ? this show is hilarious

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The Wheel of Time: Season 1

Shout by Nezzhe17
BlockedParent2021-11-22T14:48:15Z— updated 2021-12-24T01:44:26Z

Rough start in relation the the book, a few things added that seem out of place, but if you can ignore that it’s a really good show. First episode frustrated me with the above issues but by the third it started to pull together. At first I was ready to give it up and now I can’t wait for the next episode. Wish Matt have his upbeat attitude like in the books but he seams more depressed and angry than a jokester.

Update: absolute shit. It’s not an adaption of the books, it’s a different story. Completely different.

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@tnesselbush-gmail-com good thing I forgot the books then. It's been almost a decade ;)

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Saga of Tanya the Evil

I wasn't expecting this to be any good, But it was highly recommended and i love it!!! i love the storyline

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@movieaddct thanks bro, appreciate it :grin:

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Saga of Tanya the Evil

I wasn't expecting this to be any good, But it was highly recommended and i love it!!! i love the storyline

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@movieaddct I didn't watch this show yet, and I'm reading reviews to see if I should. So I can't help but notice you say you love it, but you didn't rate the show. What rating will you give it?

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The Legend of Korra

Characters that didn't have any logic. Annoying rebellious acts for no apparent reasons. "Wise" elder characters who bicker and are useless. Story line was inexcusably weak, character development was pathetic, and it was altogether a bad show. Original Airbender was good, this was not. Teen drama crap.

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@clobby-clobsters my bad :sweat_smile:

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great series, vikings were look at before but never to this depth if you like or are curious for vikings watch it!

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@fernando-sanchez are you recommending this as some sort of historical accuracy on vikings ? sounds like it. Why do you think this is reality ?

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The Legend of Korra

Characters that didn't have any logic. Annoying rebellious acts for no apparent reasons. "Wise" elder characters who bicker and are useless. Story line was inexcusably weak, character development was pathetic, and it was altogether a bad show. Original Airbender was good, this was not. Teen drama crap.

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@clobsters I did see Avatar, it was awesome. I mention it in the review as I'll point out for you below. I have no idea what you're asking me about TLOK. I obviously comment on it's flaws in the review. I'm confused since you missed that I'd watched Avatar, and not sure what you're on about tbh.

... Original Airbender was good, this was not ...

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Black Lagoon

Shout by Adam

First two seasons are great, but the third feels like they've written new characters.

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@spark_ey Trakt says it's one season. What are you talking about?

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Motherland: Fort Salem

I want expecting much when it came up as a suggestion in my prime lists.

if you're a homophob, not for you.
if you're not into girl power, strong women, not for you.
if you're racist, not going to be for you.

if you like fantasy, crossed with "crime" solving, military-ish with superwomen? you're in luck.

it's surprisingly engaging. charmed with a while lot more kick-assery going on.

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@tgrbabydoll what a stupid review.

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The Fall Guy

Leading up to this movie, the first trailer made me want to see it. Every subsequent trailer made me want to see it less and less. Almost gave it a miss.

It's very much a movie where you need to switch off your mind before you go in, otherwise the flaws, plot, etc will ruin what is essentially a fun movie. It can be very enjoyable if you switch yourself off enough. But that's a big if. The fun aspects made me want to rate this movie an 8 out of 10, the flaws & plot made me want to rate it a 3 or 4 out of 10. I compromised on 6 out of 10.

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@morphinapg Wouldn't it have been even better with a better plot tho? you rated it 10/10 which suggests there's no room for improvement

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The Fall Guy

Leading up to this movie, the first trailer made me want to see it. Every subsequent trailer made me want to see it less and less. Almost gave it a miss.

It's very much a movie where you need to switch off your mind before you go in, otherwise the flaws, plot, etc will ruin what is essentially a fun movie. It can be very enjoyable if you switch yourself off enough. But that's a big if. The fun aspects made me want to rate this movie an 8 out of 10, the flaws & plot made me want to rate it a 3 or 4 out of 10. I compromised on 6 out of 10.

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@bastardsheep a coworker recommended this, but having read your review I will pass. Thanks for saving me the time. I find it difficult to "switch off", and I don't feel like I should have to

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Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

As a movie it's the most well crafted of the series. But as an adaptation of the book, it was by far the worst.

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@alexanderz I don't know how you can watch it independently. I thought it was far too jumpy and there were clues from the book but in the movie they didn't make sense because of omissions

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The movie feels absolutely soulless to me. I was not able to find compassion to any characters. And I didn't like how original scores were mixed with some random music tracks. I can't describe it, but I feel there are plot holes the size of a giant Swiss cheese.
It also painfully reminded me The Midnight Sky, I actually thought Hanks was there too.

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@karb0f0s same. I can't empathize with the characters. It's difficult to determine what their target audience was intended to be because it's kind of tacky too. Is it for kids? adults?

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Attack on Titan

Terrible show you want so badly to be good. The writing is so lazy and cheap. Cliffhanger tactics to keep people watching.

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@shinigami_peeps it's a subjective review dude. He's literally just sharing his opinion. Chill.

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I won't watch anymore of this. I couldn't even make it through the first episode. I didn't really follow the plot, characters were annoying and exaggerated and of course, the oppai display is just silly. It felt totally unoriginal with everything I guess is the main gripe I have.

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@beedellrokejulianlockhart you seem really focused on the boob comment only...

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Squid Game: 1x07 VIPS

Up to this episode the entire production has been stellar!
But let’s talk about the casting of those VIPS...
Damn, it made me cringe every time they spoke. Poor writing, dialogue and awful acting (by the English speaking VIPS) really let the show down. Asian cinema always seems to taint their own brilliant actors by casting some D-grade foreign extras based in country. If it’s some legal issue with hiring actors outside their region, then they should sort all that out beforehand. Did Netflix even consult with the Korean team on these matters? It literally feels like they found some caucasian men on the street and offered them roles.

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@hsaakairo agreed. that was my thought too. Glad to have found someone who had the same impression.

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Waking Life

There's no philosophical discussions going in here. This movie seems to be about sketches and super deep philosophical monologs. The animation is unlike anything I've seen though. From an animation perspective this makes for a really good movie.

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@jonny10 see? I guess not a filter, but shot as a movie to begin with and just animated over. nothing amazing IMO

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Waking Life

Shout by Ian

Excellent art and animation. But while I appreciate the ambition, this movie stinks of pretentiousness and is an absolute slog to get through. I've watched movies that were three or four hours that felt faster than this.

I see that this film has spoken to a lot of people, both online and people I know, so I would still recommend this to people who seem interested in it to see if it speaks to them the same way. At best, it seems like it will change your life and the way to think about everything, and at at worst you waste 90 minutes of your time. It's still a risk worth taking.

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@agentdrtran having a hard time watching it, and it's only been 20 minutes :sweat_smile:

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Waking Life

There's no philosophical discussions going in here. This movie seems to be about sketches and super deep philosophical monologs. The animation is unlike anything I've seen though. From an animation perspective this makes for a really good movie.

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@jonny10 looked to me like they shot with a real camera, and used a filter. I'm not done watching it, but so far I think the shakiness of the camera work is annoying. What did you rate it?

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I'm so in love with this series! I love viking history and mythology and this show was great in represent all this.
I really hope that gets more seasons!

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@redkoatz I think you should send me flowers

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I'm so in love with this series! I love viking history and mythology and this show was great in represent all this.
I really hope that gets more seasons!

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@b4rtowski what makes you think this is real history ? The first episode turned me off immediately. It seems unlikely that a small village would enjoy taking part on stoning their neighbors and putting one to death if it could happen to them next week

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Good anime overall, but some very bad choices.
A miserable finale though, with 23 episodes connecting the first and the last episodes is also laughable.
What about the immortal and his sword?
It was 1997, but this was just sloppy writing... episode 25 in particular was garbage for the way it ends the show because it actually doesn't do anything. It doesn't end, it doesn't keep a suspense, it just gives you the finger and says "That's all, folks!".

A lot of people have praised the manga, which is usually the case for any good anime; my guess is that its fine. But the movies are way better than the tv series. One can't be expected to invest 12 hours of their time into a show like Berserk and have that revolting ending (or lack thereof).

Although the movie trilogy skips some interesting backstories, muddles a few others, it also skip weak humorous attempts and other plot nonsense that was introduced in the show purely to fill time, and also disavow the entire show's tone in the process. The movies condense quite a lot to fit the format's length, but the superior serious tone, the polished graphics, and a proper ending, justify the trilogy over the 1997 show any time.

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@ner0p I feel the same way you did, but I think you're far too generous with the overall rating given what you've said. Garbage ending is a huge subtraction for me, because it's supposed to tie everything together.

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