Each season is way too formulaic.

  1. Someone/something poses a threat to the President/USA/World
  2. Only Jack Bauer’s unique skill set and no holds barred style can resolve the threat.
  3. Half way through the season the threat is neutralized
  4. Jack Bauer and the rest of the cast run around for the rest of the season tying off loose ends that could just as easily be left for another day, instead of going to bed like a normal person because this show is called “24”

I truly enjoy the first half of these seasons, but I often get bored of the pointless tasks that the characters perform during the second half of the season just because the need to fill 24 hours/episodes.

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Pushing Daisies

Great show with a lot of personality.

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Breaking In

Good. But a little like an extra campy version of Leverage

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The Lorax

Better than I expected, and closer to the story line of the book than I expected. Not mind blowing, but a fun time anyway.

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X-Men: First Class

Not just a great X-Men movie, but also a great movie period. Please go see this and support it. Hopefully they will make more.

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Green Lantern

Better than I was expecting. I would watch a sequel, but I probably wouldn't go back to see this one for a second time in theaters (like I would with X-Man First Class).

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Geri's Game

One of my favorite Pixar Shorts

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A.I. Artificial Intelligence

I didn’t like it until the second time I saw it. But now I love it

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Possibly one of the worst movies I've ever seen

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Great movie. Where other "Based on Real Events" movies fall flat, Moneyball does it right.

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The Adjustment Bureau

I had heard this movie was not as good as the trailer made it seem. The rumor mill was wrong. I really enjoyed The Adjustment Bureau.

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Be Kind Rewind

Watch the trailer. You’ll get the idea

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