


My Hero Academia: 4x06 An Unpleasant Talk

Shout by sp1ti

Damn, when I watched the movie I figured I'm still cool with the show but damn this season is bad and this expo dump especially.

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Cake: 1x05 Surprise Me!

Dang, "Two Pink Doors" had some really dark, dark humor.

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Family Guy: 18x04 Disney's The Reboot

Spot-on Netflix spoof right here (and other cancerous programming ;))!

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Room 104: 3x06 A New Song

Shout by sp1ti

Another dud... who would have thought? I guess this is what they imagine is an indie singer's thought process for writing a song while struggling with past emotions but not only was the transition to the "real" version misguided but it also lacked any nuance an actual song like this would have; nothing came from the "song" and all done by obscure visuals and a lengthy exposition (par excellence). Only upside is that they actually got Julianna Barwick to play the part but I still don't think that was authentic.

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Africa Salaryman: 1x02 Africa Diet / Africa Bathing Situation / Africa Remote Cohabitation / Africa Corporate Drones / Africa High-School Girls: Africa Friendship / Africa High-School Girls: Africa Bathing Situation (High-School Girls Edition)

Shout by sp1ti

Really disappointing so far! While it looks like it's helmed by a small studio and thereby might excuse some of the meh animation and 3D models in it, it does not help when the segments and gags are kind lame and are neither targeted at wildlife nor office spaces which I thought was the main scenario here...

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Kemono Michi: Rise Up: 1x01 Wrestler x Summoning

Shout by sp1ti

I mean I really liked Konosuba but if this goes any more furry (than petting muscular wolfmen and sniffing cerberus asses already is) I'll most likely drop it...

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Marianne: 1x05 You Left Her

Mhhh :thinking:... while this flashback was certainly coming I found it rather disappointing. It did little for the characterization of the friend group and just served as a convenient way to provide the backstory... It also doesn't really fit into the picture of how everyone behaves in the present.

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Two Sentence Horror Stories: 1x09 Trilogy

Shout by sp1ti

"[...] pulling three stories into one." - like into one episode but nothing is connected. Lame. The last one was OK-ish but the ending was questionable...

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Cop Craft: 1x10 COCK ROBIN, JOHN DOE

Shout by sp1ti

Worst looking and "animated" episode so far, and this even after a recap. It's really a bummer because it's more akin to listening to an audio book...

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Two Sentence Horror Stories: 1x08 Little Monsters

Shout by sp1ti

Oh wow... HAHA :laughing: - WTF really?? This is legit :100: one of the worst 20 minutes of television E V E R. They should show this in film school to be honest...

  • Cringe dialogue even for kids
  • Terrible editing and comical screen transitions (the mom showing up in the park or when they bike to the house)
  • Shitty CG
  • Random score that hardly fits the scenes
  • Nonsensical story
  • Hilarious conclusion
  • All packaged around stereotyped hamfisted "social commentary"
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Room 104: 3x01 The Plot

They got Luke WIlson for this..? If this was supposed to help the mythology of the Motel I think they kinda failed as this adds nothing to the show for me.

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Two Sentence Horror Stories: 1x07 Only Child

Shout by sp1ti

And another one straight into the trash :no_entry_sign:!

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Fruits Basket: 1x17 This Is for Uo-chan!

Shout by sp1ti

Maybe it's because I haven't been keeping up to date with the show but I really dug the extended Uotani side-thread.

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Two Sentence Horror Stories: 1x06 Tutorial

Shout by sp1ti

The intro was hard to get through but this was actually the first decent episode imho as they kept it very basic.

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Two Sentence Horror Stories: 1x02 Squirm

Shout by sp1ti

This was... a confused and amateurish waste of my time.

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Mindhunter: 2x05 Episode 5

Shout by sp1ti

I've been enjoying the season more or less but this one - as opposed to how others commented here - was a major dud for me. The whole Manson thing was really forced with Bill's behavior and frankly did not at all deliver on the importance they layed on this. Later scenes were also poorly done like Wendy getting hit on or how everyone instantly turned away from Holden as soon as he started talking (making the cringiest facial expressions ever).

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Astra Lost in Space: 1x04 Star of Hope

Shout by sp1ti

Needlessly padded episode with a mind-boggling stupid conclusion, tonal shifts and out of character behavior. Here is hoping there is better in store...

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Scream: The TV Series: 3x06 Endgame

Shout by sp1ti

The more limited format was certainly better as in less teen drama but it was still lackluster compared to any of the movies. It was the classic two killer setup with a quite dumb backstory and often misleading scenes making the guessing game a waste of time. Surprisingly I found to be only rooting for Kim as the rest of the cast was just lame. Since this is going to (maybe) be an anthology series in the future I certainly hope they manage to include the "horror movie buff" in a less obnoxious and more natural way the next time around.

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Dr. Stone: 1x02 King of the Stone World

Oh, didn't catch the Boichi in the intro so that's why the designs looked so looks familiar. Anyhow, was lukewarm after the first episode and this hasn't sold me anything different either. Can't say I like Dr. Stone as a character nor do I get the feeling this will really be about rebuilding society in a post-apocalyptic setting but just rushing past some initial world building to focus on one-dimensional characters somehow fighting it out (which can be expected since it's running in SJ weekly). I'm not the target audience but I tried :wink:.

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Scream: The TV Series: 3x04 Ports in the Storm

The elevator kill was great even if saws don't work like that... but the "story" is getting so messy I'm not even going to bother to make sense of it.

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Scream: The TV Series: 3x02 Devil's Night

Shout by sp1ti
BlockedParent2019-07-10T10:44:20Z— updated 2019-07-11T19:11:06Z

Wants to be smarter than all the white people folk horror characters, proceeds to be dumb af. Is this intentional? Even believing him only because he got the same message was dumb, but not further using their brains hurt even more. At least they split up at the end and went home to sleep...
The death scene at the end was just lazy...

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Scream: The TV Series: 3x01 The Deadfast Club

Mixing up the demographics was about the only change done here... I guess it was a nice touch to include Tony Todd with that but that's about it. "Glowing in the dark" white guy had to die because he was "a racist on the inside"... Oh boy! Now that is intelligent dialogue that makes sense... A very poor setup of the backstory so far and the party having everyone in Ghostface masks was the cringe on top. No one expects horror writing to be very grounded but they are not even trying.

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How Heavy Are the Dumbbells You Lift?: 1x01 Why Don’t You Try Strength Training?

Shout by sp1ti

While the idea of anime girls getting buff at the gym was curious enough for me to tune in, I don't think the long term prospects of it being entertaining to me are there (half of every episode will most likely end up being explanations of the workouts followed by fanservice). In all fairness this is miles above Ani*tore which I somehow made it through but that show was at least short...

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Hensuki: Are you willing to fall in love with a pervert, as long as she's a cutie?: 1x01 Cinderella Dropped Her Panties?!

Shout by sp1ti

Why did I even do this - this is terrible... dropped.

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O Maidens in Your Savage Season: 1x01 The Taste of Her Pork Miso Soup

Shout by sp1ti

The end of the episode was hilarious; from the kid watching a groper train "documentary" while listening to a song about them while showcasing his love for them in his room to the expression on her face as she ran away and seeing all the implied puns and imagery.
Not sure how this will turn out in long run however, seeing that Mari Okada is penning this ;)...

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Carole & Tuesday: 1x09 Dancing Queen

Why the fuck am I watching a talent show with fictional characters... the upcoming second cour will certainly have to provide a bit more than just decently animated song performances really. The two "comedy" performances were absolute offensive trash tier (the old guys in previous episodes and now the swearing drag queens). By this point Angela has more depth to her than the main duo... And all with Cybelle is just plain awkward.

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Swamp Thing: 1x02 Worlds Apart

You know, I thought I'd give this a shot given it's "horror" roots and provided that it is already canceled (and possibly cannot go too superheroish) but I cannot get into a story when I have to scratch my head every few minutes; this plays out too illogical. Be it terrible scene flow or the fact that no one reacts or handles this setting in a believable way. Dropped.

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Euphoria: 1x01 Pilot

Shout by sp1ti

I had enough at about the midway point. Looking at the press for this the target audience is teens so I guess that is alright. Just not very interested in a "we are getting it" teen show set to trap beats where the lead comes out of rehab determined to do drugs again and everyone being cool with that and not even "entry" level drugs (wouldn't opioids, lean or xanax be more zeitgeistey btw.?) or the struggle of a trans hooking up on grinder considering that "she" is passing I don't get the whole point of the hookup with the "dominant" daddy if he is only go fuck her in the ass - might as well keep up the family values and hook up with girls as that is probably the most removed he could be from being gay...

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Sword Art Online: 3x17 Truce

Aerobics master Kirito-sama VS physics...
...earth never stood a chance.

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Black Mirror: 5x03 Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too

Shout by sp1ti

While I fault many Black Mirror episodes for not properly looking at the implications of the technology presented this one probably takes the cake... Transferring the consciousness AND reading brainwaves just used in the entertainment field as mere plot-device for a Disney-story. Expectations subverted I guess?

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