Speed Demon




Shout by Speed Demon
BlockedParent2024-05-12T13:52:17Z— updated 2024-05-15T20:59:54Z

Started off a little slow then got better and better - fully hooked by end of episode 3. A lot of the dark humour also started coming in at the same time.

I really enjoyed this... until the final episode where they spend so much time throwing just about anything they could at it to lead up to a typical Hollywood ending.
The second half of the last episode was full of Hollywood cliche scenes and then after the big finale we're left with questions like: What happened the the cop(s)/Interpol people? What happened to Seamus and the baddies? How was everything resolved?
Never mind, we've thought up a smart-ass ending for one of the main characters.. that'll do... just like Hollywood.

Last episode 3/10
Big Hollywood finale 0/10

Overall I have to drop it from 8.5/10 to 6... lazy writing has consequences.

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Operation Varsity Blues: The College Admissions Scandal

When you brainwash an entire country that the only thing in life is to get to college and then drop in some people with too much money and the desire of prestige - you get this. This is probably the tip of the iceberg.

This is a well-made docu-film about real-life people paying stupid amounts of money ($200,000 - $5 million) PLUS tuition just to get their kids into a certain university. You can get there by the front door, the back door (HUGE donations with no guarantee the kid gets in) or Rick singers "side door" with a guarantee and a whole lot less money.

I enjoyed every minute of this film - except for the sentences handed out by the court - complete joke, but nothing the maker of the film could do about that. 9/10

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Monsieur Spade

Started off OK, but just plodded along to the point we just gave up 1/2 way through episode 3.
Really hate these shows that force you to read in fast forward cause everyone talks so fast. I'm watching TV, not reading a book. If these production companies insist on having multiple languages at least dub them into the appropriate language!


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Outstanding story on David Beckham and his football career and family life.
Definetely worth watching whether you're a fan or not.

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Hijack: 1x06 Comply Slowly


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Harry & Meghan

I wasn't interested in watching this series, but walked in while my wife was watching the beginning of the second episode and got instantly hooked on it.

Growing up in the UK I knew how vile the newspaper were/are, but this was extreme even for them. I wasn't there when Diana was being vilified but can only imagine how bad it was after watching this.

The Royal Family are complicit in this and Harry should have known this was going to be bad. Maybe he thought it wouldn't have gotten this bad after the way they treated his mother - guess again!!

Based on this series they appear to be really likable people and genuinely happy together at the end. good luck to them, they'll need it!

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Resident Alien: 2x09 Autopsy

Hang on... is this getting better? Was about to completely give up on this show, but episode 9 had a number of funny bits.. going to keep watching for now!!

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True Detective: Season 4

This season is excruciatingly painful to watch. I just want to kill myself by the end of each episode. Three episodes and I'm done.

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Who Is Erin Carter?
Billions: Season 6

Loved season 1-5, but Season 6 is just a dud.
Without Axe, it's just Chuck with an axe to grind over anyone that's rich.. kinda priceless when you consider he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth thanks to his dad's ruthlessness. Black, kettle, glass house, stones etc.

There's no tension or what's gonna happen next - it's just an endless "let's block this guy cause he's rich and wants to bring the Olympics to NY."

When he was battling Axelrod - it was a game of cat and mouse, this is just ugh. Why the hell does Wendy Rhoades even have a job anymore? She brings NOTHING to the table now and just wanders off doing her own thing.

Gone downhill really fast. Best I can give it is 4.5/10

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Only Murders in the Building: Season 2

Season 1 wasn't exactly superb but was passable. Season 2 just sucks. Lame story dragged out over 10 episodes and nothing funny along the way.

Please... someone force Selena Gomez to take acting lessons!! She has the acting skills of a cardboard box. At the very least, teach her how to use a non monotone voice, its called inflection I believe.

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Loving this show!!
Binged the first 3 episodes, can't wait to see what coming next.
Got to the end and still loved it... however...

WHY do writers/producers/directors insist that straight people automatically become gay, 30-seconds after meeting a gay person? What kind of gay porn fantasy is this that they insist on perpetrating to everyone?
Life doesn't happen this way.. never has, never will.

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Heart of Stone

The previews made it look like a female 007... but after 35 mins I had switch it off. Dialogue and stupid scenarios ruined it from the get-go. Yes I was prepared to disengage logic within reason, but to completely disregard gravity and physics is pretty hard.

One example (not a spoiler) how the hell did she 'dispose' of 6 bodies in 30 seconds?


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Shout by Speed Demon
BlockedParent2022-01-11T02:34:24Z— updated 2023-03-29T00:10:54Z

Well they pulled every cliche available in TV/ movieland in episode 1. What's the rest of the season going to be like?

Juliette Lewis has ZERO acting abilities, never has, never will - why does she keep getting jobs?

Very slow start but hopefully that will move on and improve from now on...

Update: NOPE. Utter crap.

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Brad's Status

16 minutes of whining about other people being more successful than him was 16 minutes more depressing than I needed to be. I wanted to kill myself after 15 minutes...it took me 1 minute of depression trying to find the off button.

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For Life

Shout by Speed Demon
BlockedParent2020-03-07T16:13:58Z— updated 2020-12-01T22:25:22Z

(March 7, 2020) Really liking this show. Well written and good acting. 9/10
(Sept 2020) Season one dragged on for too long and became tedious - typical American Network TV. Losing interest and it's painful to keep being interested. 6/10
(Nov 2020) Season Two, episode one looks like it was filmed to be included in season one if the network pulled the plug -it wrapped everything up nicely. 9/10
At this point still undecided if I'll just leave it there and not bother to watch episode 2 onward.

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This move is soooo bad and such a waste of time. Bad plot, bad writing and everyone over-acting... it's not even good enough to be a bad 'B' movie. Al Pachino used to be a good actor, but about 20 years ago he just gave up and keeps phoning in his work. If you've seen any of his films you'll see it right away... same expressions, same attitude, same "acting" for 20 years now.
This movie is a dog - don't watch!!

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The Artful Dodger

Good show that we binged in a couple of days. A little bit of everything - comedy, crime, redemption and mystery all lighthearted and doesn't take itself too seriously - but not tacky and silly.

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Very enjoyable movie about the background and success of Wham with lots of input from George and Andrew.
Great to see Andrew getting the credit he deserved for the bands success and in-turn GM's solo career.

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Yellowstone: Season 5

The soap opera continues for another season. This used to be a really good show.

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La Brea

Shout by Speed Demon
BlockedParent2021-10-08T15:21:42Z— updated 2021-10-14T15:17:25Z

2 episodes in and I'm not really diggin' it.

It has a very Dome or Lost feel to it - but both are better than this.
It has a low-budget feel and something I can't put my finger on that just doesn't grab me or really want to continue watching..Maybe because it's filmed in Australia has something to do with it...nothing much comes out of there that's good - no disrespect.

My big issue with it is all that stuff that fell from the huge hole and only little bits of stuff are in the past - really?! We're talking 20+ square (round) blocks and there's not even enough stuff from an empty parking lot in the past.

Watched the first 3 shows... not enthralled about any of it.. goodbye

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Sugar: Season 1

Great show... episodes are only around 35 minutes long, but lots of stuffed jammed into each episode. Was a little confusing for the first couple of episodes and then it became clearer as it progressed till the end of episode 6 when it all made sense. Nicely done!

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James May: Our Man In…: Season 3

Another terrific travel show from James May

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The Crown: 6x10 Sleep, Dearie Sleep

Wow... what an ending. Just finished the story perfectly. Other than the episode dedicated to Tony Bair - which could have been skipped entirely, this season has been as good as it's ever been.


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A Murder at the End of the World: Season 1

Started off well enough, but by episode 4 I was bored and uninterested. Done.

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Painkiller: The Tylenol Murders

Good information.. I remember living through this and wondering if Tylenol were going to be able to come back from it - apparently so.

The 5-part show could easily have been shortened to 4 or even 3 episodes without the continual re-hash and repeating the same video clips multiple times. They only focus on 1 family of 3 that died, but 7 died overall.. what about them? They were only mentioned in passing. Why the need to interview a kid that wasn't even born until the 00's is beyond comprehension - what the hell could she have an opinion about other than listening to her drama-queen mum going on about it!

Why CBS waste 2 episodes tracking down and trying to interview the guy that was suspected of doing it makes no sense, but that pretty-much wraps up American TV and sensationalism. The guy wasn't convicted cause everything was a hunch and circumstantial at best, with ZERO evidence - get over it!!


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Really good movie. Keeps you engaged right up untill the last scene.

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White House Plumbers

This show is great - love the dead-pan comedy they've inserted - it just keeps the story moving along nicely. didn't expect it to be this funny.

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Dirty Water

Had really really low expectations.. and it didn't come close to rising to that level.

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The Law According to Lidia Poët

Surprisingly good. Would definitely recommend viewing.

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