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Germany NRW City Cologne


Review by aniforprez
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-03-22T05:44:39Z— updated 2021-09-07T17:41:31Z

Without spoilers, this is a very well constructed movie that I felt wasn't written as well as it thinks it is but it's still a good watch

Now spoilers:

I'm really not particularly a fan of "it was all a dream" endings and this movie seems to have been made in the height of that phenomenon following The Sixth Sense. Despite that, I suppose what elevates this movie significantly and makes the ending work is that the movie never really lies to you. It makes it very apparent very early on that it is a dream. The choices made by the director in the editing, the clever scene transitions and the easter eggs peppered throughout make it very obvious that all is not as it seems and it disorients you constantly

In that way, the movie is very well made. A lot of very clever choices were made and the movie tells a lot just by showing. For eg. for the most part, every scene set in a stairwell is always shown with the characters going down, the use of morph transitions occasionally makes you mistrust what you see and so on

I suppose my big problem is with the writing. Now I didn't really like that the primary POV, that of Doctor Sam was fake. It seemed quite disingenuous that we see Sam losing his mind more so than Henry who gets very little screen time yet is the one who is dreaming. The movie also gave itself away far too early. Maybe it's just me having watched so many movies but it was highly apparent from the first scene of the car crash and Henry walking away that that was what had happened. Any other attempts at trying to convince me, the viewer, that maybe Sam was losing his mind really made no sense and I was expecting Sam to be a figment of his imagination. This meant I was pretty severely disappointed that Sam was a bystander helping out the dying Henry. The ending of Sam asking Lila out was also a very contrived moment that I really disliked and would have worked better if they'd exchanged numbers as witnesses to an accident. The whole movie could have tried to be more subtle but I felt the writing was trying way too hard and going "YOU GET IT YET? YOU GET IT? IT'S A DREAM DO YOU GET IT?" at me without really earning it

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@aniforprez ... the biggest problem seems to be YOU !!! :-D :joy:

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Don't Look Up

Funny as shit. And then sad as hell when you realize it's basically just a documentary.

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@jshwlr ... My absolutely favorite scene was when the commander Darsk shot the comet with his machine gun! :-D

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Killers of the Flower Moon

a 3.5 hour movie that also somehow rushes through the ending

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@bizzort ... yes suddenly they ran to the end. I would have liked to see some more statements from the arrogant uncle in court. Last impressions of Ernest and who was the 2nd husband of Molly? ^_^

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I can't remember last time I saw a heroine act this stupid in a movie. Her choices just made me angry... So I can understand why Russell Crowe was so angry throughout the whole movie. Don't bother with this one, watch "Falling Down" again instead.

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@astronavigatrix ... maybe you're the stupid :-P
If you'd listened carefully, you'd know the news was telling him he'd been unfairly lost from his longtime job and his potential for aggression was already shown in the very first scene!

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Don't Look Up

I would laugh a lot more in this movie if the satire didn't hurt this much.

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@javatarz ... My absolutely favorite scene was when the commander Darsk shot the comet with his machine gun! :-D

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Jack Reacher

This is by all means a lame movie.

When a movie is named after its protagonist, you'd expect the character to be well formed. Jack Reacher wasn't. As an ex-army-cop anti-hero that doesn't play by the rules, Tom Cruise's character was a tame sheep who exerted his dominance using his mouth more than his fists. "You don't want to mess with me" was his catchphrase, but in a post-1980's-world, he certainly did not look more threatening than a teenager with mood problems. Cruise's performance did the character no service either, demonstrating a single stern line of emotion that felt copy and pasted for the film's duration.

The plot ran through tropes and was predictable in its twists (i.e. if you manage to stay one step ahead of the game, you'll be predicting the whole story dead-on). The camera emphasis on prop guns (and its PG-13 rating) suggests that this movie was geared towards a certain prepubescent demographic, and the complexity of the dialogue reflected such. Dollhouses have more personality than the cast and opting to have no soundtrack made the film dryer than a bad turkey sandwich.

While there's no serious complaint about the quality (yeah, it could've been worse), but there's really no positives that can be seen. 5.0/10

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@anisound ... what a stupid unnecessary comment!!! it's a pity that such Honks simply leave nothing there instead of attention deficit disorder ^_^ 0/100 please delete!!

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I Care a Lot

I so love a happy ending. That was a happy ending, right?

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@mliviua ... yes well ultimately, everyone in this life gets what they deserve ^_^

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A Cure for Wellness

Personally I don't quite understand the bad reviews this movie has. Yes, it's a very long movie, which they probably could shorten a lot to tell the same story, but still it's a good one. The scenery was great, the acting and music was good (imo) and I thought it was a good story too. Kept me seated the whole 2,5 hours.

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@broodjekipkorn ... i am absolutely agree with you, yes the movie kept me until the end on my Poppa ^^ some people wants discover and understand everything as quick as possible >x< stupid!! many movies like this need frames and facets to take me deeper in my feelings while watching yes and this one did it exactly :) 8/10

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Nine Dead

i wonder why this is so much worse than SAW or the likes. it's similar but it really doesn't get close. probably the sound atmosphere or the german dubbing. and what about the end?? suddenly it's just over. WTF?!

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@assbach ... yes the truth is that the only selfish bitch survived °!°

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Rated 1 just because John Malkovich was in it. Sad that Jessica Chastain had to do this kind of a movie. This movie should not have been's that bad.

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@ispyscifi ... sorry but your rating only 1 isn't fair at all !!!
we all like one actor more and an other less - but to rate a movie should be objectively!!!
btw John is one of the greatest actors but that isn't the current content ;)
be fair and thing about changing your voting ^_^

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This is good movie. The problem is that it would be better as a season of a TV show so they could drag it out more. The movie has to make it happen all so fast. The sons each get attracted to their moms' best friend, they start having relationships, then the consequences come.

If it were a tv show, they could have made the enjoyable part of the relationships last longer. They could have waited to get to the consequences until a later season. Maybe with all the streaming sites someone will do a reboot.

Yes, it's controversial topic, but other shows about sex on cable channels have been too.

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@tvjackson ... yes, of course you're right, it would be much better placed in a show. The topic is too complex for that. The facets of feelings, the revelation, the lightness of being, getting to know the daughters-in-law-to-be, the families with children, the constant temptations and finally the revealing of the truth - the showdown - all was squeezed into 100 min. °!°

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The Reef: Stalked

Wasted time, I watched it only because I liked the actress in the main role.

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@bulletproof2k ... haha;-)
i understand all girls were pretty sexy :grin:

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Just a Breath Away

A family of three is trapped in the upper floors of their building by a poisonous fog that has settled over Paris. Sadly, of all the stories that could be told from this situation, the one they've chosen is no doubt the least interesting. I'd be more interested in the masses atop Montmartre or the group stranded in the towers of Notre Dame, but that's not they tale we're told. Instead, we get a small budget story of a big budget idea.

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@saint-pauly ... I agree with you and would have liked to see other groups of survivors on Notre Dame or Eiffel Tower in between ^[^

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Making 1899

An interesting peek behind the scenes, the technology and amount of work behind this series is incredible. This is definitely worth watching, but beware, it contains spoilers for the first season.

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@rasms ... well, "the Volume" is the most exciting cinema technology ever!!

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No One Gets Out Alive

Before you watch this ask yourself if you value your time.

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@vinylpooch ... shot to say confused garbage ^_^

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Ask yourself: can Sly Stallone act? Now ask: how many movies, especially in the past 20 years, has he made that were even half decent with the notable exception of the first Expendables?

With those two you have the answer as to if this movie is worth a watch.

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@tvwatcherdenver ... Yes in one hand you're right, he was never such a great actor as the public medias praised him! but on the other hand, he does enjoy cult status "Sly"... he was often compared with Arnold Schwarzenegger but didn't reached his status! so interesting was the ESCAPE movies with both - Applause! and yes The Expendables was an exception!

I think his greatest time was more than 20yrs ago:
1997 Copland with Robert de Niro, Harvey Keitel, Ray Liotta [8/10]
1995 Assassins with Antonio Banderas, Julianne Moore [9/10]
1994 The Specialist with Sharon Stone, James Wood [8/10]
1993 Demolition Man with Wesley Snipes, Sandra Bullock [6/10]
1993 Cliffhanger with Janine Turner [7/10]
in the 80s ... Lock up, Over the top, Cobra and all Rocky 1-5 and Rambo 1-3

so, after the millennium, he was in his mid-50s and had become an old untrustworthy man regarding his movie acting :-D

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This movie self-screens for the type of person who is going to watch it. The first scene shows a man burning down someone's house with no explanation why. Then later we see the man get upset because someone honked a horn at him in traffic.

We are forced to draw the conclusion that this whole movie is the explanations of that first scene. I'm a rational person person so I turned the movie off very quickly.

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@ntvjackson ... If you'd listened carefully, you'd know the news was telling him he'd been unfairly lost from his longtime job and his potential for aggression was already shown in the very first scene! Bang!

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Really enjoyed it. Thought Crowe was brutal and really did look psychotic. Entertaining but would’ve liked a better backstory to why he reacted that way.

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@mjm9878 ... If you'd listened carefully, you'd know the news was telling him he'd been unfairly lost from his longtime job and his potential for aggression was already shown in the very first scene.

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Huge disappointment. Great atmosphere, but some idiot had to write the script for Rachel. My rating 5/10 (and that's a lot)

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@perossjr ... Your statement is not conclusive! Never underestimate a mother whose child you want to harm!!!

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Diane Lane was incredibly deserving of her Academy Award nomination. Outstanding!

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@the_glorious_sob ... Diane Lane & Richard Gere is a perfect Duo and this classic movie state of the art to this time! [+] :star_struck:

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Watch it for Diane Lane's performance, anyway, and then write your own ending -- because Director Adrian Lyne didn't give us one. Lane is terrific in her only Oscar-nominated role. She sets a high bar for her portrayal of a woman suddenly caught in a bind after giving in to her sexual urges. There are a lot of roles like this, but few actresses have given so much depth and humanity to the character.

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@mefisto_888 ... Diane Lane & Richard Gere is a perfect Duo and this classic movie state of the art to this time! [+] :star_struck:

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The Whole Ten Yards

What can I say about it other than its one of the most unnecessary sequels of all time ? Oh it also isn't very good.

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@jim222001 ... nope! it reached the first plot of 2000 not 10% kinda boring! ^_^

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Don't Look Up

The real question is why the hell did the guy charge money for snacks at the white house?

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@sagar_uchiha ... a trick of a tail :laughing:

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Terminator Salvation

no intensity. no atmosphere. nothing interesting to think about. nothing original. boring dialogue.

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@moonkodi ... Kodi Moon-Face yes indeed it was not Disney Channel and another plot of Cinderella :laughing: better write nothing... thxx

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Terminator Salvation

A Terminator movie with no Arnold is no good.

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@nmahoney416 ... indeed there was Arnold... in a short 3D cyber sequence with huge muscle and bustle :laughing::love_you_gesture_tone1:

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The Marksman

I'd almost rather watch paint dry, seriously.

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@ner0p ... nevertheless a typical Neeson movie... Fight for justice and in the end, almost lost everything, but won! ^_^ fair [6/10]

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Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw

Stupid movie...give it 3 stars for the entertainment for about 15 minutes...Beyond that it's a waste of 120 mins of you life you will never get back. A lot of people writing a thesis as a review on here about this & that but let me tell you it's a crap movie. Sure you will enjoy bits of it, which will amount to about 15 mins of total entertainment. Beyond that you're better off watching paint dry for 120 minutes.

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@whos_ur_buddha ... :smile:worthy answer Dude! #thumbsup

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Blue My Mind

Good coming of age movie with body horror element. I love mythical creatures. It's just too slow for my taste but worth checking out.

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@csrz ... i'm agree with you that the story-line is too slow... a bit a pity not to filled-up the wasted time with better content... yes but all in all pleasant to look - fairy tale of the youth :-) fair 7/10

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Mary Queen of Scots

Not quite sure where to put this. If you span a period of 25 years in a two hour movie there are supposed to be gaps in the story. But it is tough to put events into a timeframe if you don't know much about the history.
I like period dramas and I am a huge fan of Saoirse who played well. As did Margot. They both carry the movie a lot. The oscar nominations are also well earned. But that's just it. It looks pretty but it's lacking in storytelling. The material would have been better for a mini series. I am not dissapointed nor do I regret watching this. I think a "7" is an honest rating. It takes into consideration the effort made to produce this movie.

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@finfan ... yes i'm agree with you that this is the right stuff for a Mini-Serie, but still all in all the movie was fair and good 7/10

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Anna is one of the worst films I’ve ever seen. Far too much of the film is made up of explaining incredibly obvious “twists” through flashbacks. Moreover, Anna’s character development is too jumpy and clunky. Even Helen Mirren’s contributions are underwhelming.

More generally, one has to wonder how long it will be until we get a throughly enjoyable cinematic female led soviet oriented spy thriller. Between Anna, Red Sparrow and Atomic Blonde there have been too many failures. A return to Le Carrian style thrillers might be warranted, with the Little Drummer Girl offering a good example from the land of TV.

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@bondless ... and the biggest failure at all is your comment, Dude! simply goofy! ^_^

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